Hey guys! Great site. Just finished Dark Souls again (beat it twice, but not NG+, just a second character) and I love the game.
Interestingly, playing it through two times, I had different boss experiences. The hardest fight, I think, is probably Ornstein and Smough. Smough isn't bad, but Ornstein is kinda tough. I think I've used the Sun Bro and a helper anytime I get to that fight, just because it isn't fair if it's a 2v1 from the start, right?
Moonlight Butterfly is always easy, but I did stop paying attention on a low-vitality character and actually let it kill me. I felt pretty dumb on that one. Any high-vit character has zero issues with that boss.
Who else was tough for me... the last boss was tough first time around. This time, I had a phantom helper and he went down quickly. Solo though, he's pretty tough for me because his hits are strong, and also fast. I sucked down a stamina boost flower for him this time and that helped a lot!
To be honest, most of the game I felt like getting to the bosses was the hardest part. I had a lot of stupid deaths in boss fights that were totally my fault because of doing something stupid, so those don't count towards "boss difficulty".
Ceaseless Discharge, once I figured out I can get to the safe zone behind the rock, then lure him into hitting at me and whacking his arm, kinda trivialized that fight. He's not too hard to beat if you get in his face and do a quick double roll at the right times though. He's just difficult to beat because usually when I encounter him I'm around the 30's in level, if I remember right. I usually don't do a lot of dmg to him.
Anyway, what an awesome game. One of my favorites, if not my favorite. I love Demon's Souls too. Only beat it once though, so might have to revisit it. But now, to play Dark Souls with a Sorc, and then a Pyro!