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The Letter X
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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2...


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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by robokorean Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:22 pm

    An open world, perhaps?

    Personally, I reckon a more open setting would be immense. Imagine travelling from Lordran to Boletaria and then to Verdite (If you've ever been lucky enough to play the King's Field series, also by From) across a huge world, possibly riding on a dragon. Or, heck, an Iron Golem. Battling beasties on the road?

    Capcom's Dragon's Dogma sort of had that Dark Souls 'physicality' to it that reminded me greatly of From's masterpiece. It wasn't nearly as hard, but there was more of a similarity to Souls than there was to, say, Skyrim, IMO. Anyway, it worked well for Dogma - it was a great game - I truly believe that template could be well-implemented into a Dark Souls sequal.

    What else do you think would be a good addition?

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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by Razielthemanslayer Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:30 pm

    More classes, a bigger world (if it doesn't make it bad), and viable dual wield with blocking.

    Also more battles like King Allant, that guy make have been super frigging fast and use explosions, but that one and the penetrator boss fights were the only straight forward sword battles.

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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by WyrmHero Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:30 pm

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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by Peaceful Wollyhop Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:34 pm

    Seriously why does everyone compare Dragon's Dogma to Dark Souls?, and some people say its like dark souls when describing it. Kinda annoys me
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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by The Letter X Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:01 pm

    I'd actually want another game with the Dark Souls approach to level design. There's something telling me that an open world would take away from the difficulty of the game.

    The only things on my wishlist are more humanoid bosses (like Gwyn) and being able to Co-op through the whole game without interruption. Oh, and I'd like to keep all of the weapons from Dark Souls because I am just too attached to some of them.

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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by callipygias Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:59 pm

    The Letter X wrote:I'd actually want another game with the Dark Souls approach to level design. There's something telling me that an open world would take away from the difficulty of the game.
    Absolutely agree. Not sure about the 'difficulty' part, but the level design in Dark Souls is easily my favorite of any game I've played.

    The first thing that comes to my mind is kyped from other forum members who have mentioned it in the past: wandering enemies. I'd love to walk around a random corner in the Burg and be suddenly face-to-face with a Black Knight or something.

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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by GTP_Zodicus Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:09 pm

    yes keep the level layout like it is but make it larger. I love the interconectivity of all the areas. Roaming mobs would be sweet, though some should be stationary. Id like to see them make resistance i viable option for defense so you could really focus on def in a build if you want and not just a pile of hp. I hope mostly they work on all the gimicks of PVP, lag stabs, dead angel( i hate this, so stupid) stun locks ect. I hope they put a ton of time in to balance, like they did with DS only more so.

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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by Krasouski Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:23 pm

    I would really like wandering enemys
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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Wed Sep 26, 2012 12:04 am

    reincarnations of soulbrandt and demonbrandt from demons souls, one would scale with indictments
    the other with succsesful co-ops
    also a sword to make resistance worth while.... maybe a axe made of thorned wood that inflicts poison?
    also a mimic covenant.

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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by callipygias Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:33 pm

    More unique ripostes. I loooove the riposte actions from the Hornet Ring, but I want more! I'd like to see unique rip's for whips, especially. Something brutal. Maybe also give each high-crit weap its own unique riposte too, like Ricard's Rapier could be an overhand strike through the neck.

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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by robokorean Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:48 pm

    Wandering enemies would be brilliant! Or maybe an area where you find 2 or maybe even 3 dark knights guarding precious loot? Or just going for a stroll?

    More NPCs would be good, too. Perhaps maybe a loyalty system? Kinda like the covenants in DS but this time you can build your OWN covenant, name it whatever you want, etc, and as you progress through the world, recruit NPCs into it?

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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by callipygias Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:52 pm

    robokorean wrote:you can build your OWN covenant, name it whatever you want, etc, and as you progress through the world, recruit NPCs into it?
    That's a really interesting idea.

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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by deadagain Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:59 pm

    My only wish is that its not called dark souls 2.

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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by ikkiDcrow Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:09 pm

    really hoping for some backstab protection. am i the only one around here who doesnt backstab? :evil:

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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by callipygias Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:17 pm

    No, you're not. I still think it makes sense that if your shield's on your back it should protect you.

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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:44 pm

    16 bit graphics. :bas:

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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by StockpileThomas Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:20 pm

    Tip of the iceberg:

    1. Fix broken backstab mechanic (I've seen plenty of good ideas on here on how to approach it. Example: if you have a shield on your back, you are protected.)

    2. Create a magic system.

    3. Make bows a more viable weapon and speed up the arrows for god's sake!


    5. More and diverse upgrade paths.

    6. Attack animations reflect stats. (Example: someone with 40 str should swing a greatsword faster and more skillfully than someone at 16 str.)

    7. Nothing in the game can allow your character to do flips.

    8. Better Bottomless Box (more like Demon's Souls)

    9. I want a darker game, overall. The Saint Astraera boss fight in Demon's Souls is my favorite boss fight between the two games, and it's because it forces the player to murder a basically defenseless woman for her Demon Soul. The music, the atmosphere, the dialogue, and creepy dead babies left a lasting impression on me. Dark Souls is a dark game, but Demon's Souls is pitch black.

    10. No voice chat. Ever.


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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by ChizFreak Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:20 pm


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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:13 pm

    "3. Make bows a more viable weapon and speed up the arrows for god's sake!"

    Really? Bows are extremely viable, if they were much better they would be too powerful. For pvp the only bows that are really viable though are the short bow,composite,darkmoon bow,and Dragon Slayer Bow.

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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by StockpileThomas Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:27 pm

    FruitPunchNinja wrote:"3. Make bows a more viable weapon and speed up the arrows for god's sake!"

    Really? Bows are extremely viable, if they were much better they would be too powerful. For pvp the only bows that are really viable though are the short bow,composite,darkmoon bow,and Dragon Slayer Bow.

    I should've elaborated. I feel like an archer build in this game wouldn't have a chance in Hades of winning in most PVP fights, and it shouldn't be that way. I hate that you can't move while aiming and the aiming itself is rigged. The time between arrows is pretty slow too. With that said, I don't want it to be like Dragon's Dogma, either.

    Out of all the improvements made between Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, bows got the least attention and improvement... in my opinion, of course.

    I know bows are viable; I see players peck away at their opponents with them and they're effective, but they seem more like a taunting weapon to me. More often than not, if the other player pulls out a bow, they'll be kissing the dirt soon after. I'm using them more now too, but I just wish they were less rigged.


    11. The player should be able to aim magic... better.

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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by Siegfried. Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:35 pm

    StockpileThomas wrote:5. More and diverse upgrade paths.

    I think it could go further than that. Remember, weapons have more stats than just their damage -- what if you could choose to alter other parameters freely when you upgrade it? A divine weapon only needs the divine auxiliary effect, not magic damage. Or perhaps you want your divine weapon to just be stupidly mighty against enemies it's weak against, so you keep upgrading the divine auxiliary effect until it hits 150 and makes skellies quiver.

    Or other stuff. You could upgrade scaling, damage reduction on block and stability. This would remove the need for particular upgrade paths and allow players to create their own, truly unique weapons. I'd even like to see spells you've found able to be "bound" to a weapon, so its heavy attack unleashes the spell at the cost of durability. In Demon's Souls, this was restricted to the Storm Ruler, but Dark Souls has enough of these weapons that being able to upgrade standard weapons to have similar abilities just seems to make sense. Imagine rushing forward with a zweihander's heavy attack, only to unleash Wrath of the Gods when it lands.

    And to top it off, I'd love it if you could name your weapons, thereby making them your own completely.

    The way I imagine this working is that each weapon has a limited amount of upgrade slots, which can be filled with different kinds of titanite. There could be one type of titanite for each damage type, one type for auxiliary effects, one type for resistances/stability and one for binding spells. You simply use these and upgrade in whichever order you see fit.

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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by StockpileThomas Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:42 pm

    Siegfried. wrote:
    StockpileThomas wrote:5. More and diverse upgrade paths.

    I think it could go further than that. Remember, weapons have more stats than just their damage -- what if you could choose to alter other parameters freely when you upgrade it? A divine weapon only needs the divine auxiliary effect, not magic damage. Or perhaps you want your divine weapon to just be stupidly mighty against enemies it's weak against, so you keep upgrading the divine auxiliary effect until it hits 150 and makes skellies quiver.

    Or other stuff. You could upgrade scaling, damage reduction on block and stability. This would remove the need for particular upgrade paths and allow players to create their own, truly unique weapons. I'd even like to see spells you've found able to be "bound" to a weapon, so its heavy attack unleashes the spell at the cost of durability. In Demon's Souls, this was restricted to the Storm Ruler, but Dark Souls has enough of these weapons that being able to upgrade standard weapons to have similar abilities just seems to make sense. Imagine rushing forward with a zweihander's heavy attack, only to unleash Wrath of the Gods when it lands.

    And to top it off, I'd love it if you could name your weapons, thereby making them your own completely.

    The way I imagine this working is that each weapon has a limited amount of upgrade slots, which can be filled with different kinds of titanite. There could be one type of titanite for each damage type, one type for auxiliary effects, one type for resistances/stability and one for binding spells. You simply use these and upgrade in whichever order you see fit.

    This is kind of what I had in mind, but you took it further. I like the idea a lot.


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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by IV_Mark_VI Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:42 pm

    Generally, with lots of options available, you get less options overall (like Magic the Gathering; a million options but only a handful of really viable options). Would have to be careful about this.

    1) Better coop, where you could choose to see your friend.
    2) Optional voice chat. By default, disabled, people can't talk to each other. But if you want to talk to a friend, go for it. It's annoying having to go around the system.

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    Wish list for Dark Souls 2... Empty Re: Wish list for Dark Souls 2...

    Post by ChizFreak Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:46 pm

    StockpileThomas wrote:
    Siegfried. wrote:
    StockpileThomas wrote:5. More and diverse upgrade paths.

    I think it could go further than that. Remember, weapons have more stats than just their damage -- what if you could choose to alter other parameters freely when you upgrade it? A divine weapon only needs the divine auxiliary effect, not magic damage. Or perhaps you want your divine weapon to just be stupidly mighty against enemies it's weak against, so you keep upgrading the divine auxiliary effect until it hits 150 and makes skellies quiver.

    Or other stuff. You could upgrade scaling, damage reduction on block and stability. This would remove the need for particular upgrade paths and allow players to create their own, truly unique weapons. I'd even like to see spells you've found able to be "bound" to a weapon, so its heavy attack unleashes the spell at the cost of durability. In Demon's Souls, this was restricted to the Storm Ruler, but Dark Souls has enough of these weapons that being able to upgrade standard weapons to have similar abilities just seems to make sense. Imagine rushing forward with a zweihander's heavy attack, only to unleash Wrath of the Gods when it lands.

    And to top it off, I'd love it if you could name your weapons, thereby making them your own completely.

    The way I imagine this working is that each weapon has a limited amount of upgrade slots, which can be filled with different kinds of titanite. There could be one type of titanite for each damage type, one type for auxiliary effects, one type for resistances/stability and one for binding spells. You simply use these and upgrade in whichever order you see fit.

    This is kind of what I had in mind, but you took it further. I like the idea a lot.

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    That remembers me of Demon's Souls. Divine Weapons gave a small health regeneration buff. When upgrading them, you didn't only upgrade their damage and scaling but you also upgraded their health regen buff, making it stronger.

    It would be cool if divine, magic, etc. upgrade paths all have a unique passive buff active to them. And upgrading the weapon would make stronger the buff besides the weapon itself.

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    Post by Siegfried. Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:49 pm

    Generally, with lots of options available, you get less options overall (like Magic the Gathering; a million options but only a handful of really viable options). Would have to be careful about this.

    The thing is that weapons that already have certain traits would be more efficient to upgrade with those traits in mind, providing a kind of inherent economic balance. If you want a two-handed weapon with 100% physical resistance, a zweihander starts with 70%, allowing you to upgrade it to 100% with slots to spare for damage and scaling. So you can look at a weapon and know the most efficient way to level it up, but perhaps your particular build and style works differently?

    If nothing else, I think it'd go a long way towards making a more diverse array of playstyles legitimately useful. Creative use of this system could make exclusive two-handing or dual-wielding viable, for instance.

    That remembers me of Demon's Souls. Divine Weapons gave a small health regeneration buff. When upgrading them, you didn't only upgrade their damage and scaling but you also upgraded their health regen buff, making it stronger.

    I miss that buff. It reminded me of Arthurian mythology; Excalibur was said to make Arthur immortal in combat, but the game design way to do that with balance is to give health regeneration. So I felt it was a reference to folklore, and it made the mechanic that much cooler. It's one of the things I'd most want to see return.

    As for new additions, I'd also like to see parrying while two-handing a weapon.

    Last edited by Siegfried. on Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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