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    That little bit of magic...


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    That little bit of magic... Empty That little bit of magic...

    Post by SlakeMoth Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:53 am

    You know what I mean. You're playing a game and then something happens that you didn't expect and it's so cool that the memory stays with you forever. I'm not talking about glitches but stuff that's been included by the developers. Here are my favourites:

    In the first Deus Ex on PlayStation I wandered into the Women's Washroom by mistake (I play a lot of RPG's, so I obsessively open every door), this woman comes in and starts haranguing me and calling me a pervert (I am female in real life but I felt really embarassed and actually mumbled sorry at the screen-go figure). That wasn't the real magical bit though. That happened when I, as JC went in to see the bossman and he said 'Oh, and by the way Denton, keep out of the Womens' Washroom etc...' I was thunderstruck and remember thinking'she told on me, the b***h, I should have shot her!

    Another time that sticks in my mind was playing a Halo game. I'm almost sure it was ODST. Anyway I'm on a highway helping the guy played by Nathan Filian to get this tank to our destination and I leap off and shoot one of those little grunts and another one pops up and shouts 'he was my fwend'. Honestly, I felt really awful and hesitated...just long enough for the litttle sod to lob a plasma grenade at me and kill me.

    And last but not least, playing Gears of War 2, I was driving a tank through a cave. It was really dark and I was going dead slow because in Gears you're never sure of what's around the corner. After about a minute one of the guys with me shouted 'Mummy, Daddy, are we there yet!' It really cracked me up. Anyone else had moments like this?

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    That little bit of magic... Empty Re: That little bit of magic...

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:03 am

    Arrright well I have a few momments like that.

    The first was when I beat Kratos after he betrays you, who was sitting comfortably on 25,000 HP, the suddenly was out when Sheena wasted him with a Summon: Corrine! Damn that was a sweet momment. Another time in the same game was when I managed to hit a 100 chain combo....insanely hard but two player co op I me and my bud nailed it.

    Another great time was in Borderlands 2 where I had this awesomely accurate few minutes where I nailed all of my eight sniper shots, threw my turret over a wall, then came around and finished the enemies off.

    Those are the most recent ones.
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    That little bit of magic... Empty Re: That little bit of magic...

    Post by Forum Pirate Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:08 am

    The first one isn't actually from a game. Its from a yahtzee review. He ends a review by saying "in conclusion, people are s**t" at which point i thought

    "yeah people are s**t, I'm awesom though"

    and he continues with "and if you just thought 'yeah people are s**t, except me' then your double s**t on some chips"

    I was dumbstruck for a second, then I laughed for about 5 minites. I'd been outwitted by a script, it was hystarical. The people at the library gave me some really strange looks, which only made it worse.

    Playing halo reach with my room mate. Its free for all king of the hill so I'm dutifully not looking at his screen. I see a big firefight in the hill at my 2o'clock (the bottom of sword base by the blue grav lift at the time) and instead of jumping in I circle out and counter clockwise firing pistol shots into the crowd intending to eliminate the competition so I can take the hill for my self. Throw a grenade into the fray and see a second grenade bounce from right next to me into the fray as well, turn to see my room mate (also using the pistol) and we both punch out of instinct and both sprint for a second to dodge the follow up punch. He essentially counter bsd me to kill me, but I couldn't figure out how he killed me at the time so we bring up the video. Turns out he had entered the area at the same time as I had to the 2 o'clock of the hill and our movements were almost perfectly mirrored up untill he threw that last punch.

    We keep it as video proof that, however different we may be, we think very much alike.

    (learning to play the game with someone does that, we co-operate in team matches on instinct because thats how we learned to play so it comes naturally)

    morrigan from dragon age origins is in posession of a disposition and thought patterns errily similar to mine (though its exagerated, because everything is in most media) and listening to her talk is somewhat unnerving. Its not really a magic moment though, more of a collection of magically disturbing insights into exactly how close someone is to understanding how, what and why I think.

    Nothing sort of a miracle as far as I'm concerned (hence its inclusion here), frustrating that I can't get real people to understand me but random author is so close.
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    That little bit of magic... Empty Re: That little bit of magic...

    Post by DoughGuy Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:12 am

    Lavitz dying in The Legend of Dragoon. Made me realise I actually cared about the characters. And every character death afterwards keeping that realisation alive.

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    That little bit of magic... Empty Re: That little bit of magic...

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:16 am

    OH I totally forgot about Isara dying in Valkyria Chronicles....

    honestly have to say that is the saddest momment in video game history and after trying to protect my squad for five or so missions....saving Ted, and June, and all the rest....and then my tank driver is killed by some imperial sniper!

    Twas a sad momment, especially the funeral scene.
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    That little bit of magic... Empty Re: That little bit of magic...

    Post by skarekrow13 Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:00 am

    Chrono Trigger: Alright gang, let's kick around and get this wizard who's evil and awful and trying to destroy the world by summoning a giant demon.

    I would add Primal for the plot twist in which you have to kill your boyfriend but I saw that coming. Honorable mention because of the realistic (close than most anyway) female protagonist and overall greatness.

    Playing Skyrim as a Khajit like always while my daughter is napping. I often switch between camera angles. She washes up and can only see my hands in the game and immediately asks: Where's cat guy?

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    That little bit of magic... Empty Re: That little bit of magic...

    Post by IceIfrit666 Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:03 am

    Peppy's "death" in Star Fox Assault and Zelgius' death in Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn.
    I actually cried with both, not something easy to make me do. 😢
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    That little bit of magic... Empty Re: That little bit of magic...

    Post by skarekrow13 Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:34 am

    Oh yeah, Zack's death and last stand to save Cloud in Final Fantasy: Crisis Core.

    I knew it would happen but it was still sad.

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    That little bit of magic... Empty Re: That little bit of magic...

    Post by SlakeMoth Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:24 pm

    Why do you hate Rickert so much Skare?
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    That little bit of magic... Empty Re: That little bit of magic...

    Post by skarekrow13 Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:33 pm

    Because he didn't give me a hammer when I murdered him

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    That little bit of magic... Empty Re: That little bit of magic...

    Post by SlakeMoth Mon Oct 01, 2012 7:11 am

    Be careful what you wish for.

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