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    Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro?


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    Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro? Empty Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro?

    Post by Foxhound3857 Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:57 pm

    Hey guys, I'm working on a purely PvE character for co-op. It will stop at SL60 and will be entirely for co-op to help other players with their worlds and bosses.

    I normally play Sunbro and that's what this character is going to be. But I need to know exactly what the general range is for summoning a player that's in the Sunbro covenant. I know the range for summoning normally is 10 + 15%, and I've heard that it's an extra 5% for summoning a Sunbro.

    Is there any truth to this, or any evidence to support it? Does that mean that if I'm a Lv60 sunbro, anyone in the SL range of 38-82, regardless of their covenant, can summon me for co-op?

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    Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro? Empty Re: Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro?

    Post by ICEFANG Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:21 pm

    Not true, you can be summoned by a player who is 10 levels above and 10% more, and 10 levels above (and 10% more to that number). At level 60 you can be summoned from SL 46 to 77.

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    Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro? Empty Re: Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro?

    Post by Foxhound3857 Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:28 pm

    ICEFANG wrote:Not true, you can be summoned by a player who is 10 levels above and 10% more, and 10 levels above (and 10% more to that number). At level 60 you can be summoned from SL 46 to 77.

    So if I'm SL50, then the range for summoning me is 36-66?

    50 - 10 = 40 - 10% = 36
    50 + 10 = 60 + 10% = 66

    And Sunbros don't get any bonus to the level range?

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    Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro? Empty Re: Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro?

    Post by ICEFANG Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:30 pm

    No sunbros are the same, it would be close to that

    50- 10%=45, -10=35
    50+10%=55, +10=65

    The 10% is from their level, and extra numbers are ignored (from 50-59, its still 5 levels)

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    Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro? Empty Re: Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro?

    Post by Foxhound3857 Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:33 pm

    ICEFANG wrote:No sunbros are the same, it would be close to that

    50- 10%=45, -10=35
    50+10%=55, +10=65

    The 10% is from their level, and extra numbers are ignored (from 50-59, its still 5 levels)

    Ah, I see, it's the percentage that's factored in first.

    So if I was SL40, it'd be...26-54?

    So what's a good level to be at where I can be easily summoned by just about anyone in both Sen's and Anor Londo, on the same character?

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    Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro? Empty Re: Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro?

    Post by ICEFANG Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:36 pm


    I dunno about the level for sure, but I would suggest around 50-60.

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    Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro? Empty Re: Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro?

    Post by Foxhound3857 Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:37 pm

    ICEFANG wrote:Yes

    I dunno about the level for sure, but I would suggest around 50-60.

    Alright, thanks.

    My goal is basically to make a co-op character that is available to help anyone in need with the mid-game. I'm kinda going for the Nightwatcher approach.

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    Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro? Empty Re: Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro?

    Post by ICEFANG Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:38 pm

    Good luck friend.

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    Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro? Empty Re: Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro?

    Post by Hellion7776 Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:49 am

    Lvl 60 is where I have the most fun. Can basically help with all bosses past Golem and Is easy to beat the game with a proper Solaire build.
    Also, Lvl 20 is a nice spot to make a small Sunbro build. Can help with all the small bosses before Quelaag.
    I keep at least 2 toons around those levels for some COOP goodness. (one melee/faith, one magic)

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    Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro? Empty Re: Does anyone know the exact SL range math for summoning a Sunbro?

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