My main guy, sl 200, has 50 Faith and the DM Talisman, so he'll be my Darkmoon. Last night I did something I said I'd never do: I invaded another player. I'm sticking to the forest so I don't mess with questers (and no, being ganked doesn't bother me in the slightest, in fact I enjoy the different feel of it, and it reminds me of Lautrec and his boys). I had a great time, but one big question is WHAT IS THE PARRY TIMING ON THE WASHING POLE? Faced a few and couldn't get a parry on it.
I started with the FaP and Leo Ring (no poise... or, like 7, I think, ha), but since almost every weapon I faced did bleed I switched to FaP/Bloodbite. I'd switch Bloodbite for Leo or Wolf if they didn't have a bleed weapon but they pretty much all did.
My next character will be my first ever Gravelord. Can't wait.