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Knight Alundil
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    2,000+ Hours, Finally Invaded Someone

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    2,000+ Hours, Finally Invaded Someone - Page 2 Empty Re: 2,000+ Hours, Finally Invaded Someone

    Post by Forum Pirate Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:53 am

    I setup parry kats, though I may have been using a target shield when I spent that while parrying everything, can't remember.

    Almost everyone I invade knows what they are doing, not usually stellar duelists (np matter where I invade) but almost never complete idiots or newbies.

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    Post by callipygias Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:38 pm

    lordgodofhell wrote:The Washing Pole is slightly slower than the Iato,Uchi, and C Blade as it should be since it is longer and heavier. You CAN parry it by blocking the first hit but I would recommend using a fast parry shield as opposed to a normal speed parry one. This is ONLY concerning the washing pole.

    For all other kats you will either need to take a hit (risky) and pray they swing again as you parry nano seconds after the first hit depending on your parry speed.
    Some great info here, thanks. Since I'm getting into the PvP thing finally I think I'll keep a Target Shield at the ready for the next wp user.

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    Post by FruitPunchNinja Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:30 pm

    When i first started to learn to parry i did it ALL THE TIME, it made me lose quite a lot. Now i am very reserved with my parries, and only do them if i feel it is worth it. For katanas if you aren't great with timing a set up parry, the taking a hit then parrying is a great method. It is easy to time, and katana users are very prone to spam attacks.

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    Post by DamageCK Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:56 pm

    To me, someone who is "good" at parries isn't the type of player who throws out twenty attempts in a match and catches one. One out of twenty is a pretty sh*tty success rate. A good parrier watches their opponent, reads their patterns, and attempts to parry maybe once or twice during times when the information they've gathered about their opponent indicates an opportunity with the highest probability that the opponent will attack. That is smart gameplay, and skillful parrying.

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    Post by callipygias Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:02 pm

    That's kind of related to why I'm only parrying R1 spams to start. Missed 'blind' parries (not sure of the proper term) look pretty ridiculous, I think.

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    Post by DamageCK Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:10 pm

    It can also be as simple as knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your opponent's weapon. For example, if they're using an UGS, I'm on the lookout for roll R1's. Probably the best example I can think of is the Scythe. Playing against the Scythe, I'm expecting dash attack spam. If at the very beginning of a fight my opponent sprints in a circle and then starts charging me, I know I've got a pretty solid opportunity for a parry. Because of this, I'd say probably a third of my fights with Scythe players open with a parry. Another good example is buff users. They tend to be aggressive because the buff gives them a deadline. Get it done in the next sixty seconds, or bye-bye 700AR. So knowing they're going to be swinging constantly opens them up to punishment.

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    Post by callipygias Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:13 pm

    I have a feeling the Great Scythe will be the toughest parry for me to learn... except maybe the washing pole.

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    Post by ssss_2_is_pwnage Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:40 pm

    callipygias wrote:I have a feeling the Great Scythe will be the toughest parry for me to learn... except maybe the washing pole.

    Really? It has the easiest timing over any weapon in the game imo. I rarely ever miss a running attack parry or an r2 parry.

    I think the club is the most annoying to learn, I still mistt 60-70% of my club parry attempts. I get killed if I try and parry havel to death sad

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    Post by callipygias Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:44 pm

    That's good to hear. It was just an assumption, as I've only faced one so far and I didn't attempt a parry.

    I won't try parrying the super hard-hitters like Great Clubs till I'm more comfortable, as the punishment is too great for missing.

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    Post by ssss_2_is_pwnage Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:13 pm

    callipygias wrote:That's good to hear. It was just an assumption, as I've only faced one so far and I didn't attempt a parry.

    I won't try parrying the super hard-hitters like Great Clubs till I'm more comfortable, as the punishment is too great for missing.

    If you're on PC I could help you out some time with parry timings. I've got a 40/40 build that has a great scythe +15 I could use on you and i've got a duel smough's hammer fat roll build that could help with the clubs/hammer weapons. I'm on quite a bit (I have more builds but those are my only ones at my fathers and I don't play DkS unless i'm there).

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    Post by reim0027 Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:32 pm

    DamageCK wrote:To me, someone who is "good" at parries isn't the type of player who throws out twenty attempts in a match and catches one. One out of twenty is a pretty sh*tty success rate. A good parrier watches their opponent, reads their patterns, and attempts to parry maybe once or twice during times when the information they've gathered about their opponent indicates an opportunity with the highest probability that the opponent will attack. That is smart gameplay, and skillful parrying.
    Don't forget "lag testing". Like boxers throwing out a few punches. Sometimes, I'll do some parry testing on combos I know well. Then, I guage if I was too late or too soon. That way, I can adjust my parry timing. Granted, I'm not a "good" parrier, so there may be a lack of skill involved.

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    Post by Ghadis_God Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:05 pm

    Parry timing for the BKGA is as soon as you see them go into an attack animation, whether 1h or 2h. 1h gives you a bit of leniency though. For Greatswords, 1h parry is as soon as the attack animation starts, 2h is slightly before the attack animation starts so it has to be blind or setup. Spears, katanas, and rapiers have similar parry timings for 1h attacks, in that it has to be a blind parry. You can setup parry a spear though, parry right as the first poke hits your shield and it should work.

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    Post by DamageCK Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:37 pm

    You can actually sight parry UGS and the Clubs, but youve gotta be pretty damn quick about it. I lose fights all the time just trying to see if I'm fast enough. A lot of weapons have R2's with long warm ups that you can sight parry also, like any BK weapon. Haha. (Wait, did they get buffed?) Ultimately, no amount of advice is as good as just trying it in fights. Eventually you'll pick up on it. If you've gotta go into every fight with a Target shield and parry every ten seconds then do it.

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