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    Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab)


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    Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab) Empty Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab)

    Post by Techneeq Wed Jan 02, 2013 12:30 am

    I alt tab a lot as it is pretty much the only thing to do while I am waiting for an invasion. I try to alt tab back in constantly to check and also I hover over the button on the task bar with my mouse so it gives me a thumbnail I can see but I still sometimes miss it.

    Is there any sort of mod or some other program that will maybe make a sound or somehow notifies you when an invasion goes through?

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    Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab) Empty Re: Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab)

    Post by Infighter Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:08 am

    Nope, not that I know of

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    Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab) Empty Re: Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab)

    Post by Techneeq Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:23 am

    Infighter wrote:Nope, not that I know of

    Dang, would of been nice if you did.

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    Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab) Empty Re: Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab)

    Post by Veradox Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:45 am

    Why need a mod? Get a second display happy Works like a charm for me happy

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    Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab) Empty Re: Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab)

    Post by Hue Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:31 pm

    Veradox wrote:Why need a mod? Get a second display happy Works like a charm for me happy

    What? how? my games minimizes whenever i click in the second monitor(fullscreen)

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    Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab) Empty Re: Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab)

    Post by Techneeq Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:12 pm

    Hachouma wrote:
    Veradox wrote:Why need a mod? Get a second display happy Works like a charm for me happy

    What? how? my games minimizes whenever i click in the second monitor(fullscreen)

    Changing the game to Fullscreen Borderless will fix this. I am not sure if you can do this in the regular game files or inside the game, but if you use DSfix you are able to change it in there.

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    Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab) Empty Re: Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab)

    Post by SillentShadow Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:35 pm

    What i would really like even better was a text message as soon as the servers tried to sync, so i could go to the bathroom without spray pee everywhere runing back.

    My mother aproves this post!

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    Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab) Empty Re: Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab)

    Post by Kuragari Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:44 pm

    not sure how it works for pc but, on the xbox and probley ps3 too is we are unable to exit the game once we get invaded, unless we use the guide botton... but going to the menu and going to "quit game" is unavailable.

    someone will have to confirm if that's something to look at for the pc version

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    Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab) Empty Re: Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab)

    Post by Veradox Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:43 am

    When you see a fog gate blocking your path - someone is invading you (right about to invade happy). It is still not a problem to quit. But when you hear the sound of Phantom and see the message - you no longer can use the Quit button.
    That is for the PC.

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    Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab) Empty Re: Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab)

    Post by Xero Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:52 am

    You can always Alt+F4.

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    Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab) Empty Re: Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab)

    Post by Saturday-Saint Fri Jan 04, 2013 7:17 am

    Xero wrote:You can always Alt+F4.
    You can always chop off your balls and offer them to the Patron God of *******.

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    Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab) Empty Re: Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab)

    Post by Xero Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:12 am


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    Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab) Empty Re: Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab)

    Post by Rarayn Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:20 am

    There's a program called Game Companion. When it's active, and Dark Souls is set to windowed mode, you can press CTRL+Enter to make it full-screen instantly again. With the same program, you can also make Dark Souls cover your entire background so you can have other windows on top. You can then just click yourself back into Dark Souls and it will become dominant again.

    What I do when waiting to invade or to get summoned is to keep the game in full-screen in the background, and then keep whatever else I'm doing on top of that. My browser usually covers all parts of the screen except the part where the "Invading another world..." etc. messages show up, and it's worked like a charm so far.

    Here's the program in question:

    It's made for games like Oblivion etc. but it works fine for Dark Souls as well without changing anything. :3

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    Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab) Empty Re: Is there a Mod to Notify You When You are Invaded or Have Gotten Invaded? (for people that alt tab)

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