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    Will the DWGR still be used?


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    Will the DWGR still be used? Empty Will the DWGR still be used?

    Post by Seignar Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:15 pm

    It is true that while the DWGR can no longer give Medium Rollers they mobility the want, however the DWGR is still a VAST improvement on Fast Rolling. For starters, it gives 2 additional frames of invincibility (out of 30 frames/s), effectively giving you 15 frames (half a second of invulnerability). However, a little known fact is that it also sets the recovery speed in between rolls to the 0% burden roll, giving you a GREATLY improved roll if you play somewhere in the 20% burden. I think there has been some speculation that the additional frames + recovery speed actually lets the player be permanently invincible if they spam roll (and people have done that to my fire tempest).

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    Will the DWGR still be used? Empty Re: Will the DWGR still be used?

    Post by Glutebrah Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:07 pm

    i've meet a few players on the PC that still use it for the iFrames and roll BSing

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    Will the DWGR still be used? Empty Re: Will the DWGR still be used?

    Post by ChizFreak Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:30 pm

    I've yet to met another guy (just met 1) that uses that on PC. Also it was easy to counter bs him even though I was in 50%.

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    Will the DWGR still be used? Empty Re: Will the DWGR still be used?

    Post by callipygias Sat Oct 06, 2012 1:54 pm

    I've seen it 3 times on pc now, and I hate this ring almost as much as ever. To me flipping is like the Drake Sword, it was really cool AT FIRST. It looks so damned stupid now though.

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    Will the DWGR still be used? Empty Re: Will the DWGR still be used?

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