by callipygias Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:35 am
Home at last.
I got through +++ Kings at sl6 (10 vitality, same as you) without using the Red Tearstone Ring, so you don't have to use it if you aren't comfortable with it. I used the Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring and the Crown of Dusk, pretty much I did what you're doing.
Since damage is decided before the fight starts there are only two things I worry about in-fight: stamina and timing. I'm sure you're using Green Blossoms for Stamina. The big thing for me was to train myself to hit ONE R2 ATTACK per opportunity. Sometimes I'll still think I can squeeze in a 2nd, and sometimes it hits, but it will leave you with zero stamina, and that's Deadsville. As hard as it is sometimes you have to wait.
As for Timing I mean when the Kings spawn. The biggest gap is between Kings 2 and 3, so I found out that spending all my Great Combustion early was hurting me. Use melee as much as you can early. If you have a breather between Kings then you used too much GC. This way you'll have plenty of spells for the last half of the fight. It also helps for those runs when things are going well and one of the bastards starts spamming magic. Once he's done you can catch up with your pyro.
That methond wouldn't get me through ++++ Kings though, so I started using the Red Tearstone. Since we have basically the same stats this should work for you as well.
If you're as impatient as I am regarding the run back to the boss equip the mimic hat until you get to the shortcut drop down. The drop will help take off a little more health, then lock on to the DW and pivot around him (he'll hit your shield which will help take off a little health), then inside the fog you should only have to drop down one level to activate the ring. Nice and quick.
For the fight try the Grasscrest Shield first. If the first Kings shoots magic flask up; at ++++ it does just enough damage to activate the ring. If it doesn't work for you try another shield, I guess. Remember to flask up for each new King if they shoot.
To escape the grab you can roll to the side, but only if there's some distance already (which I'm sure there won't be). Roll back once and then to the side--not too early or he'll track. If you're anything like me you'll think it's the perfect time to sneak in TWO attacks as he recovers, just remember it'll leave you out of stamina. (Don't try rolling toward the King if you're locked on! Better yet, don't try rolling toward the King at all.)