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    Fast Cast and the SL 100 Arenas


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    Fast Cast and the SL 100 Arenas Empty Fast Cast and the SL 100 Arenas

    Post by felclef Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:31 pm

    Okay, long story short: I was reading some threads and bang! Dex:45 to fast casting.

    Is it somehow viable at SL100? And yes, arenas again...

    This is obvious and weird... And it's like paper, glass... I don't think someone could roll like this... or am I wrong?

    What you think guys?

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    Fast Cast and the SL 100 Arenas Empty Re: Fast Cast and the SL 100 Arenas

    Post by Fatneckwood Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:54 pm

    Yea I've seen people do great with builds like this. If you can manage base stamina you can dump 6 points into vit to give u a lil more survivability. Also you can drop an attunement slot so you can get rid of SB DmB b/c chances are you wont be able to use both often.

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    Fast Cast and the SL 100 Arenas Empty Re: Fast Cast and the SL 100 Arenas

    Post by felclef Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:36 pm

    Or maybe run on base vit and use the RBs Ring... (y)


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    Fast Cast and the SL 100 Arenas Empty Re: Fast Cast and the SL 100 Arenas

    Post by Fatneckwood Thu Oct 11, 2012 12:07 am

    Yea that would work but youd probably be one shotted a lot at first unless you are the dodging god lol. Only Thing i would do differently would be to take out a Gl Greatsword dance and put sl blade there. The dance takes a pretty long time to cast, not a lot of range and leaves you open for too long imo. And with that build you cant stay vulnerable for too long.

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    Fast Cast and the SL 100 Arenas Empty Re: Fast Cast and the SL 100 Arenas

    Post by felclef Thu Oct 11, 2012 12:05 pm

    Fatneckwood wrote:Yea that would work but youd probably be one shotted a lot at first unless you are the dodging god lol. Only Thing i would do differently would be to take out a Gl Greatsword dance and put sl blade there. The dance takes a pretty long time to cast, not a lot of range and leaves you open for too long imo. And with that build you cant stay vulnerable for too long.

    I need to test it someday: Dex:45 fast cast and GLGSD. Anyway, you have a good point. The thing is all about being fast and delivering a ton of damage.

    I'm considering the Symbol of Avarice to reach hyper mode before invading. :3

    Well... Good to know what you guys though about the build. Thanks!

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    Join date : 2012-06-28

    Fast Cast and the SL 100 Arenas Empty Re: Fast Cast and the SL 100 Arenas

    Post by kettpower Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:46 pm

    regarding the casting speed, 40/45 dex is mainly used for pyros as the increase in casting speed for miracles and spells is smaller according to the wiki. u still will have an increase but not that significant.
    but u see a lot of int/faith builds @sl120 that have high dex anyway, cause ppl like to buff their stuff.

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