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2 posters

    Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL


    Please pick the weapons you would like to see included

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    Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_lcap10%Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_rcap [10%] 
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    Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_lcap0%Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_rcap [0%] 
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    Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_lcap3%Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_rcap [3%] 
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    Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_lcap17%Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_rcap [17%] 
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    Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_lcap10%Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_rcap [10%] 
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    Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_lcap3%Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_rcap [3%] 
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    Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_lcap7%Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_rcap [7%] 
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    Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_lcap13%Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_rcap [13%] 
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    Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_lcap7%Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_rcap [7%] 
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    Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_lcap10%Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_rcap [10%] 
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    Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_lcap10%Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_rcap [10%] 
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    Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_lcap0%Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_rcap [0%] 
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    Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_lcap10%Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL I_vote_rcap [10%] 

    Total Votes: 30

    Posts : 297
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    Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL Empty Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL

    Post by ChaosMoogle Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:21 am

    Good day fellow Forum Goers!

    Last weapon poll (honestly silly ) I'm posting to clear up some of the contested weapons. if you want or think a weapon should be included please vote for it. You may vote for more than one weapon.

    I decided to include the two new greatswords in this as a few people have mentioned them. Please use your judgement as to whether you think they belong within the Covenant.

    Thanks! Proper Bow

    Posts : 498
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    Location : Myth

    Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL Empty Re: Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL

    Post by Rarayn Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:44 am

    Before I vote; what role *does* Kalameet play in this Covenant? Judging by the name it kind of sounds as if the Covenant is going to be allied to/worshipping Kalameet. If that's the case, I'd say the Obsidian Greatsword is inappropriate and should probably be excluded.

    Last edited by Rarayn on Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL Empty Re: Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL

    Post by ChaosMoogle Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:51 am

    You are almost correct, Rarayn. I don't want to give away the lore just yet, because I'm still putting the final touches to it, but the Knights will be allied to Kalameet (sort of) and I agree with your viewpoint.

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    Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL Empty Re: Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL

    Post by Rarayn Sat Oct 20, 2012 3:13 am

    I see. With that in mind, I vote for the inclusion of the following:
    Golem Axe
    Large Club
    Great Club
    Gravelord Sword
    Iron Round Shield

    Posts : 297
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    Join date : 2012-10-05

    Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL Empty Re: Alternative Build Covenant - FINAL WEAPON POLL

    Post by ChaosMoogle Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:14 pm

    Bumping. Leaving this for 1 more day happy

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