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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by Tolvo Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:45 pm

    EpicNameBro has done an analysis of Dark Souls discussing his ideas about the future of the game series and the community that makes up its player base. It is audio only but is still an interesting set of views that should be thought about.

    Last edited by Tolvo on Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:19 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by THEOGLUIGI Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:00 pm

    ENB is awesome and very knowledgeable.

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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by Seenblack Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:20 pm

    Listening to it now! I am always excited for a new ENB video and he is making a lot of good points.
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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:24 pm

    Looking forward to hearing what he has to say.
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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by Tolvo Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:37 pm

    Another thing which I feel goes hand in hand with some of the topics ENB brought up. On the TGS Podcast(Amazing Podcast by the way) they talked about the state of MMO games and began a discussion of how the games handled community at first compared to the current standpoint. While we don't realize it in the Dark Souls you are often connected with players and some people do wish for larger groupings with others and a more open world with interactivity.

    At about 50 minutes in is when they start the discussion and I find it pretty interesting and depressing since, I once played Ultima Online and it did make me miss some things. As well a lot of the talk about splitting of the community relates very much so to Dark Souls.

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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by THEOGLUIGI Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:37 pm

    Some of his points were very good and well thought out. He went into some depth about many aspects of the game and how From can change/modify them.
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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by Tolvo Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:41 pm

    Indeed he did and I'm really happy he did. One of the reasons I enjoy ENB is for the fact that he is very good at voicing his opinions. He didn't say "PvP sucks." He went in depth into an explanation of the good and bad aspects of Dark Souls PvP then gave his opinion on the matter.

    I think perhaps a good discussion would be our ideas of how to improve the game without losing its core demographic.

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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by Infighter Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:47 pm

    GGPO Isn't SO great it add's even more lag.Now imagine you want to play with friend few matches you are in Europe and he is in Australia (For example) there is already few frame losses but GGPO add's even more lag,and frame loss,so the game will skip frames and just take back inputs you do, ultimately it's horrible experience.

    Also his opinion on sets isn't so great.I mean he plays as Dex Build he uses roll and stamina for peek effectiveness,now you remove all bonuses from armors do dex build's suffer? No.But do Tank builds,and guys that love wearing heavy weapons,greatshields,and just generally heavy stuff? Yes. And you remove bonuses from armor like poise,high def,high magic def etc..Not all people like to play a light character

    Don't get me wrong I like ENB,he does great videos I am subbed to him but I sometimes disagree with him

    Last edited by Infighter on Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:56 pm; edited 2 times in total
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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by Tolvo Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:52 pm

    Nothing wrong with disagreeing with him, there are some minor ideas of his I disagree with as well. I just think he's pretty good at wording what he believes.

    I too would rather armors have benefits, but his idea of cosmetic armor downloads I do find interesting. Since if it is purely cosmetic it isn't pay to win while offering incentive to support the game/developer more.

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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by raecor14 Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:59 pm

    please tell me this will not become an MMO series. thats part of the games charm, the lack of visible players

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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by Infighter Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:00 pm

    Tolvo wrote:Nothing wrong with disagreeing with him, there are some minor ideas of his I disagree with as well. I just think he's pretty good at wording what he believes.

    I too would rather armors have benefits, but his idea of cosmetic armor downloads I do find interesting. Since if it is purely cosmetic it isn't pay to win while offering incentive to support the game/developer more.

    That's true,I always like to listen what he has to say even if I don't find it interesting. I really liked Idea of Duel and Challenge covenant. For Example You completed very hard challenge now it's not just your PSN ID or X-Live ID but added tittle to it like Knight Rengar (example) or Slayer of Guilty Souls (YOUR PSN ID OR X-Live ID) that would be cool,also add god damn BEARDS,tattoos,face paints,scars,etc.

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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by Infighter Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:03 pm

    raecor14 wrote:please tell me this will not become an MMO series. thats part of the games charm, the lack of visible players

    Dark Souls is almost MMO it has concepts of Lvling Raid bosses grinding for gear,parties.
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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by Tolvo Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:06 pm

    Dark Souls is already technically an MMO, but then again most games with Multiplayer these days are. I'm not sure how I feel about the idea of an MMO like, perhaps I would be alright with MMO like zones. But I do feel the game should be a single player experience with Multiplayer as an option.

    Titles and cosmetics would be loved. I know I've wanted beards, it might make helms a bit confusing as well as chest pieces. But it could be that when putting on certain chest pieces and helms that facial hair is just removed similar to how hair gets removed with helms.

    Titles might be nice in that you will definitely feel empowered. I think instead of just adding it onto the Id it should instead replace parts.

    "Spirit of Vengeance ______ has invaded." Could become "Slayer of the Guilty ______ has invaded."

    Or, Summoned Battlemaster ______. Maybe make them only apply when in the covenant and joining a session with another in the way that applies to the covenant.

    For Co-Op that might be nice even, "Summoned Guardian ______"
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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by Tolvo Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:09 pm

    Actually the idea that ENB mentioned with hubs like the Nexus for each covenant. What about if you are online when in it you can connect to other players and be in the hub together? You could get to see who the person who contributes most to the covenant is, add some features allowing people to trade at it and such. Create a community and a form of comradeship within each covenant.

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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by Infighter Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:13 pm

    They should also limit restrictions on covenants.For example Path of Dragon you can only summon Dragonbro having at least 1 dragon scale...but If you don't have any?

    I honestly think Path of Dragon covenant was made not for PvP purposes but for lore,that some Humans want to transcend their weak Human bodies and become immortal dragons.

    Gravelords one of my favorite covenant's.Person who made idea of spreading disease spawning empowered monsters across 2 or more player worlds is just plain evil. But once again damn restrictions....
    Chosen Undead
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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:15 pm

    Bare in mind Toggle escape was in DeS so was Dead Angling. Dead angling was in many fighting games. Toggle escapes surely actually balance the game - I don't see the fun that people could gain by continuously tapping the r1 button to simulate an inescapable stunlock. I dislike the idea of Region restrictions - possibly region selection could be alright... I disliked the region restriction in DeS I had so many friends in America who I couldn't play with Shrug Currently 16 mins in - will edit more in probably.
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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by Tolvo Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:17 pm

    I believe in regards to Toggle escape he was talking more about how it was needed. That he wishes you didn't have to toggle escape, in fact he mentioned how he hated that you have to know how to do that to PvP. I assume Dead Angling is the same way, not that just dead angling is the problem. But that in general the fact that dead angling is the best solution to certain problems such as when facing a turtle.

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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by Infighter Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:18 pm

    Tolvo,that's amazing idea.I would add this : From Central Hub you could meet with friends and do jolly-co op on added mode,like survival mode when Player,and his buddies challenge variety of bosses without any healing items and receive souls as prize or any cosmetic item,or even boss armor !
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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by Tolvo Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:20 pm

    I know a boss challenge/rush mode like that is something a lot of people would like. Perhaps that would go hand in hand with the challenge covenant idea. Especially if you could act as a spectator.

    That's not a bad idea if the connections were better, some sort of way to spectate duels/challenges/etc.
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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:21 pm

    PVE-wise... Interesting. These are interesting ideas - however I dislike them a bit. Seems a bit cheesy - no offence to Marcus. It gives me a... MMO feeling from what he is discussing. I agree that the effects of armor being removed should be nice. But yeah - I would rather it be purely cosmetic. Just like DeS was.
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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:23 pm

    Duelist covenant. Not enjoying this idea - it is forcing you into duels... Rather disappointing. Removes the invasion vibe - it means that the sort of random world pvp idea that From wanted were removed - fortunately he isn't committing to what he says.

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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by Infighter Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:27 pm

    But Joining Duel Covenant is your choice,You can join or you can just leave it

    Just saying
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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by Tolvo Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:29 pm

    In regards to a dueling cov, that's not really much different than the Dragon Cov really. I think he just means it as a more consistent version of that. Sort of like how the Burg is used commonly for dueling. For the people who want to play the game competitively. Already we have fight clubs and and arena. I think he just means going further with that idea.

    As he said he still wishes for there to be invasions and I know I do too. I have yet to experience the arena though so I can't weigh in on the idea from experience. I know though that I wish it was easier to set up duels.
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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by Mr. Tart Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:50 pm

    That guy, Andre sure knows what he's talking about.

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    Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series Empty Re: Epic Name Bro and Future of the Souls Series

    Post by Seenblack Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:03 pm

    Mr. Tart wrote:That guy, Andre sure knows what he's talking about.
    I got a genuine laugh out of that. +1 to you my friend.

    Edit: If you actually watch Andre talk, at some points it looks like his mouth movements match what Marcus is saying.

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