If you ever find yourself running out of spells too easily than i have some really helpful tips. 1st you want to use the izalith catalyst, which has pretty high magic adjust and it doesnt half your spells like the crystal catalyst.
2nd you want to make sure you have medium - high attunement slots so you can add multiples of the same spell.
3rd you want to equip the Dusk Crown Ring which grants you more castings, but halves your HP, so you need to be a little more careful.
That will grant you the most castings. If you want extra power than just equip the magic boosting ring and the dusk crown helmet.
With this method and the spells and stats that I have I can use 45 crystal soul masses and 75 homing soul masses. There is no way i will run out.
I would not suggest using this for pvp, but it will really help in bos fights. I hope you enjoyed these tips.
PS: If this needs to be moved to a new topic than please move it........