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    current state of pvp in dark souls


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    current state of pvp in dark souls Empty current state of pvp in dark souls

    Post by Rifter7 Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:23 am

    what's it like with the new dlc?

    i have an unupdated version with a bbg mule. how should i go about making builds? 120-100? 200? what..

    weapons that are good?

    spells that are good?

    the arena a dud or is it fun?

    ..should i even waste my time with no bbg?

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    current state of pvp in dark souls Empty Re: current state of pvp in dark souls

    Post by hageshisa Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:51 am

    Everything depends on how you see it. I want to believe both arena and new spells are gehy : P But the dlc overall is super awesoem! Thought you'd left us Rifty!

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    current state of pvp in dark souls Empty Re: current state of pvp in dark souls

    Post by Rifter7 Sat Nov 03, 2012 9:00 am

    yeah well no one told me every other game out there is shyte in comparison. only other game worth my time is eve online and thats not an option anymore.

    i've been pestering spurgun and im going to just make 4 pyros, 2 bandits and 2 clerics to have something of everything.. 2 extras for whatever.

    what does a proper faith build look like at 100?

    and should i have a sorc or wanderer?
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    current state of pvp in dark souls Empty Re: current state of pvp in dark souls

    Post by Spurgun Sat Nov 03, 2012 9:35 am

    Rifter7 wrote:yeah well no one told me every other game out there is shyte in comparison. only other game worth my time is eve online and thats not an option anymore.

    i've been pestering spurgun and im going to just make 4 pyros, 2 bandits and 2 clerics to have something of everything.. 2 extras for whatever.

    what does a proper faith build look like at 100?

    and should i have a sorc or wanderer?

    I wouldn't say that you pestered me silly

    This is what one of my (non dragon) fth builds could look like. You can change the armor any way you want, and you can also mid roll if you want. The weapons can be any weapons that you can use that's upgraded with occult/divine.

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    Location : Tama

    current state of pvp in dark souls Empty Re: current state of pvp in dark souls

    Post by Rifter7 Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:39 pm

    hah.. i don't think i can find any builds that basically aren't bandits or pyromancers.

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