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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game


    most annoying boss

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    Total Votes: 70
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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by Icegodzilla Sun Nov 18, 2012 1:16 am

    I kinda consider sif annoying because i find myself wanting to team with him again, I hate killing him. lets see smough and orenstien fight me when im teamed up with a giant sword wielding wolf HA. I also think they should have made the fight a little harder.

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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by Rarayn Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:31 am

    Icegodzilla wrote:i remember killing the bridge drake once, no idea how i did it lol
    Dunno how you did it, but I pretty much just took out about 40% of his HP from under the bridge with my bow, then shot him once more to make him land on top of the bridge, ran up to the top of the bridge and ten blasted him twice with Crystal Soul Spear boosted with Dusk Crown and Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring. Kudos to you if you managed to do it melee though.

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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by RedderAI Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:08 am

    Rarayn wrote:
    Icegodzilla wrote:i remember killing the bridge drake once, no idea how i did it lol
    Dunno how you did it, but I pretty much just took out about 40% of his HP from under the bridge with my bow, then shot him once more to make him land on top of the bridge, ran up to the top of the bridge and ten blasted him twice with Crystal Soul Spear boosted with Dusk Crown and Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring. Kudos to you if you managed to do it melee though.

    I managed to kill the beat with my +10 scimitar. I made him jump to the bridge and spammed r1 until he blasted me with flames and I chugge Estus and did the same thing over. It wasn't terribly hard and was my first time actually trying to kill it. Just ignored it on my other 1000's of playthroughs. Lol
    The Wandering Knight
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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by The Wandering Knight Sun Nov 18, 2012 11:26 am

    boc every damn playthrough sad

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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by Icegodzilla Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:59 pm

    lol looks like I shouldn't of put BoC on the list he is winning by a land slide

    side not i love how the finale boss in the game doesn't have one vote. Wish he was stronger

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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by moaiguy42 Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:50 am

    The Four Kings are just... 🇳🇴

    The fact that you're essentially on a time limit to kill each before others show up makes this entire fight incredibly stressful.

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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by SlakeMoth Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:55 am

    Just knew the good old Bed of Chaos would be out in front. It seems to really get to people, although I really don't mind it at all, maybe because you have to be quick on your feet and a bit crafty which suits my play style. I can imagine that the people who hate it most are those that like going toe to toe and duelling with an oponent, like they do in PvP which takes a lot of skill. (a skill, I sadly lack unfortunately).

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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by Rarayn Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:01 am

    SlakeMoth wrote:Just knew the good old Bed of Chaos would be out in front. It seems to really get to people, although I really don't mind it at all, maybe because you have to be quick on your feet and a bit crafty which suits my play style. I can imagine that the people who hate it most are those that like going toe to toe and duelling with an oponent, like they do in PvP which takes a lot of skill. (a skill, I sadly lack unfortunately).
    BoC is 70% luck, 15% reflexes and 15% craftiness. It killed me while I was under it trying to get to the bug. There was literally no way for me to stop it from doing so. Heck, it even killed me while it was dead once.

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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:59 am

    I would normally say the Four Kings, but I have finally mastered them and now I don't dread them so much. I used to not even bother with them on NG+ or beyond without a summon.

    That leaves the Big Ole Clappyhandbastard, which for me is hit or miss. Sometimes I run through without dying once, and I am saying to myself "Man, those guys on the forums are always whining about such an easy boss!" and then other times I die at each stage, and after the 15 minute travel each time I am saying "*** THIS CHEAP *** STUPID FIRE TREE! I'm gonna throw a bunch of blank paper in the trash every day for a week!"

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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by dalsio Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:49 am

    I haven't fought Priscilla, Kalameet, Manus, or Gwyn, and haven't played NG+, but so far these are my thoughts.

    As a pure Stamina-Strength build allowing me ease of movement with a solid shield, medium weighted armor, and strong sword, I had a some enemies I had to use unusual tactics to beat, and some enemies that were a joke. Of course, I may have overleveled/overgeared some of the content, and I had all the many resources of the internet with guides, videos, and strategies to help me along the way so that made things easier.

    Probably the hardest boss for me which isn't actually listed (I guess people forgot about it) was the first Asylum Demon encounter. If you remember, the first time you fought it you could technically kill it, but all you had was a broken straight sword: No levels, No gear, and above all no experience with the game to speak of. You couldn't even out-level it, since you couldn't level up at the bonfire at all, and at least for me the sheer lack of experience meant instant death. It was a great introduction to the game. It seemed to say, "You're gonna die in this game. Seriously. If you want, you can run away to out-gear this boss and find a nice trick to get some damage in, but anything and everything in this game can be killed at any level, at any time and with many different tactics. It's all up to you."

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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by Icegodzilla Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:20 am

    closing the poll today Bed of Chaos wins followed by four kings then carpa demon they win a big heaping pile of NOTHING!!!!!!!

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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by Eisen Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:42 am

    I have yet to fight Kalameet but these are my thoughts so far (all on regular NG):

    Ornstein and Smough - right now I'm doing a SL1 fight with those guys and it's pretty damn difficult. I tried doing it with Solaire, blew like 16 humanities on it and as I'm out of humanities, I'm trying solo. The best I got so far was half-dead Super Ornstein, then I messed up. Once one of them dies, the fight gets rather easy but as long as it's 2 on 1, I find it annoying as hell. Also, the way they can clip through each other and hit you...

    Artorias - fought this guy with two characters, both around 70-ish. My weapon wouldn't even hit 100's on him. Not sure if I had crappy weapons (they were maxed out though) or he has a gigantic pDef. Also, the fact that he barely stands still make it quite hard to get away to heal/cast spells. I had the same problem with the Sanctuary Guardian.

    Four Kings - Another multiple enemies boss fight. I hate those. Unless I go all out offensive with a dodge roll here or there, another one spawns and it just gets worse from there. That's from a standpoint where I kill them right after I get the Lordvessel, so it might be possible to out-level them.

    Another enemies I'd like to mention are:
    Stray Demon(possibly also Firesage)- man, until I read that you need to be BEHIND them to avoid the AOEs, this was extremely annoying guy. However, with Lifehunt Scythe this guys goes down super quick. He barely gets to do anything and he bleeds out.
    Capra - I don't really get the votes. It might be hard on NG+ and beyond, don't know. However, on NG he's not that hard to dodge IMO and you can always lure him to the stairs and keep doing falling attacks. The only annoying thing here are the dogs..
    Bed of Chaos - Kind of annoying but the fact that it doesn't reset and it only takes 3 hits to kill makes it kind of a "OK" boss for me...

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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by Icegodzilla Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:47 pm

    interesting points, think the carpa did well because its close quarters and the dogs can be annoying. I agree with The Ornstein and Smough if u do them solo they a a huge pain. The four kings got my vote since as u said they attack u with multiple enemies.
    Kalameet isn't hard unless u are going for his tail then he can be the biggest a** in the world.

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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by Major_kenny Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:00 pm

    how about hellkite dragon?? lol I think he's the hardest, OHKO's you! and i'm 99 vitality, full giants armor, flash sweat, ring of favor and that ring that boosts flame DEF so.... yeah. And bed of chaos of course, I fall a lot :/

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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by Aznul Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:11 pm

    Absolutely hate the bride wyvern.

    Bed of chaos has sweeping attacks that push you into unexpected holes in the floor:shock:

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    Post by Icegodzilla Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:43 pm

    ha as soon as i say poll is closed 7 people vote guess that means its still open.

    Didn't add the bride wyvern because I didn't think he was considered a boss, I always thought of him as a mini boss.

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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by deadagain Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:52 pm

    Bed of Chaos!

    It should be called bed of annoying.

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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by cankeredlamentations Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:19 pm

    callipygias wrote:Currently my most hated is Seath. On my main guy I usually go for his tail to keep the fight intersesting/dangerous, but sometimes it's like the game just decides you aren't getting that sword no matter what. Feels like that, anyway.

    i on NG++ everytime i try getting to his tail "WHAM" wearing giants armour had quite a few 1 hit deaths, facing him head on is no problem.

    getting to him i hate the crystal cave, i actually managed to run through once when i was impatient past the oyster type enemies thinking id get to the fog cave and face seath one on one...ended up facing seath and 3 of those guys ram raiding me

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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by bladerunne2 Fri Dec 21, 2012 1:49 pm

    Heres my 2 cents.....

    On first playthrough Ornstein and Smough.

    Every NG after that would be either Four Kings or Stray Demon (return to asylum). BoC is just an annoyance. I must have spent days on the kings. Eventually did it without assistance by tanking because the summons kept eating my estus.

    Most fun boss is Gwyn. Nothing better than ganking / ploughing him around with a magic greatsword.

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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by raecor14 Fri Dec 21, 2012 1:51 pm

    it really depends of what you mean. annoying as in tedious well that goes to BOC. annoying as in *****, well that goes to O&S or 4kings.

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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by Icegodzilla Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:33 pm

    its just which ever u hated more. think i said 4 kings since i feel like they are harder but bed of chaos is far more annoying

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    Post by raecor14 Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:34 pm

    oh then O&S im sure i don't need to link the YouTube parody to express my clear hate, they are however compeltely awesome

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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by Sloth9230 Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:43 pm

    I've died more times against Bed of Chaos on my first playthrough, then I did against all the bosses in the DlC combined

    I had like 73 demon tianites by the time I beat him/her... I started with 11 -_- thank god for the wiki and youtube

    Last edited by Sloth9230 on Fri Dec 21, 2012 4:21 pm; edited 2 times in total
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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by PlasticandRage Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:58 pm

    I just went through this whole long ordeal in Anor Londo. I summoned a guy to help me with O&S, then we got invaded 3 times on the way there, and one of them was trying to fog ring ambush me, and it took forever to find him, so after all the nonsense we dealt with, killing 3 invaders, with both of us surviving, I opened the fog gate only to be 1HKO'd by Smough almost immediately in NG++. That was pretty annoying.

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    who is the most annoying boss to fight in game  - Page 2 Empty Re: who is the most annoying boss to fight in game

    Post by Icegodzilla Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:48 pm

    PlasticandRage wrote:I just went through this whole long ordeal in Anor Londo. I summoned a guy to help me with O&S, then we got invaded 3 times on the way there, and one of them was trying to fog ring ambush me, and it took forever to find him, so after all the nonsense we dealt with, killing 3 invaders, with both of us surviving, I opened the fog gate only to be 1HKO'd by Smough almost immediately in NG++. That was pretty annoying.
    that sounds like a bad day

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