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Sergeant Soy
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    How old is the Gaping Dragon?


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    How old is the Gaping Dragon? - Page 2 Empty Re: How old is the Gaping Dragon?

    Post by Icegodzilla Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:53 am

    yeah i've always wondered what it ate down there, if its mutated by hunger then shouldn't it be in an area with a larger food source. I don't think the sewers would have a huge amount of food for it, then again that rat is pretty big so there may be some kind of food source hidden there. Maybe the butchers feed it food, but i have no idea why they would.

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    How old is the Gaping Dragon? - Page 2 Empty Re: How old is the Gaping Dragon?

    Post by Rarayn Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:04 am

    I believe it was stated that the Gaping Dragon had started worrying because of the recent sparsity of food in the area. Maybe there used to be more to eat. Perhaps the Butchers used to kidnap more people off the streets of the Undead Burg to be fed to the Gaping Dragon? It was once an undead city, after all.

    As for why the Butchers would serve Gaping...They're some sort of dragon cultist sect?

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    How old is the Gaping Dragon? - Page 2 Empty Re: How old is the Gaping Dragon?

    Post by Icegodzilla Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:09 am

    interesting wonder if they would have anything to do with the dragon covenant if they are a dragon cultist sect
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    How old is the Gaping Dragon? - Page 2 Empty Re: How old is the Gaping Dragon?

    Post by DoughGuy Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:01 am

    Actually if there was a lot of food for it to eat it would be greed, not hunger. The scarcity of food made it hungry, ergo hunger mutated it.

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