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    Knight Lautrec's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.


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    Knight Lautrec's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty Knight Lautrec's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.

    Post by Gazman0169 Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:09 am

    Having enjoyed my Iron Knight Tarkus run immensely, I have now decided to take a journey through Lordran and Oolacile in the guise of Knight Lautrec, but before I do please allow me to pick your brains on one thing.

    In your opinion what convenant, if any, would Lautrec be most likely to join?

    Initially I was thinking the Darkwraiths, but having given it some thought I am now leaning more towards the Gravelords.

    My reason for this is that the Wraiths work alone invading the Host, whereas the Lords will do something in the Hosts world prompting the Host to invade them and effectively enlist the help of others (all be it Dark Phantoms in the Hosts world) to bring an end to the Hosts life. I believe this fits in nicely with Lautrec's storyline in the game, as the player is forced to invade him after he kills the Shrine Firekeeper, and when the player arrives in Lautrec's world he/she is confronted with two other adversaries enlisted to fight alongside the Host.

    As with my previous run, the run proper will begin as soon as I have obtained Lautrec's Armor and the RoFaP, which means that the last Boss fight will be O&S on NG+. twisted

    Oh, and even if I do not end up joining the Darkwraiths I will still be giving the Lord Vessel to Kaathe, as there is no way I can see Lautrec doing the 'right thing' by giving it to Frampt.

    Anyway, what d'ya all think? big grin

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    Knight Lautrec's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty Re: Knight Lautrec's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.

    Post by RevolverSnake Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:25 am

    Lautrec is a bad ***.

    I once tried to do some Lautrec cosplay but I suck without a shiel.
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    Knight Lautrec's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty Re: Knight Lautrec's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:30 am

    Princess Guard.

    His armor is found a stone's throw from the covenant, and Fina seems to be strongly connected to the Anor Londo royal family.

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    Knight Lautrec's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty Re: Knight Lautrec's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.

    Post by Rarayn Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:32 am

    I like what I hear! I also agree with you that the Gravelord Covenant suits Lautrec's methods better than the Darkwraith Covenant. Personally I don't think he'd join any covenant, but for the purposes of gameplay Gravelords fits well. (Can you Dark Hand invading phantoms? Would suit Lautrec more to lure people to his world to steal their humanity than to steal their eyes.)

    Also, I don't think Lautrec would help/work with either of the Serpents. Wouldn't he take the neutral path and just jump down by himself without either of the Serpents approving of his actions? (It's supposedly possible)

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    Knight Lautrec's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty Re: Knight Lautrec's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.

    Post by Gazman0169 Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:45 am

    @RevolverSnake- It's not as hard as it may first appear to be. Believe me if I can do it, anyone can. I've undertaken a Cestus only run before, and managed to reach and defeat O&S on my lonesome, before I was forced to give it all up on the count of my new DLC inclusive disc not recognising any of my old saves! 😢

    @WDTPD- I hear what you're saying, but for me the words- Lautrec, Neutral, and Good, simply do not sit well together! lol

    @Rarayn- Interesting idea when it comes to completely bypassing both serpents, and I can feel a leap of faith coming on. big grin

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    Knight Lautrec's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty Re: Knight Lautrec's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.

    Post by vatar5 Fri Nov 23, 2012 1:24 pm

    What about Darkmoon?


    Hence anybody who lusts on Lautrec's Love shall see his humanity fly.

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    Knight Lautrec's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty Re: Knight Lautrec's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.

    Post by Gazman0169 Fri Nov 23, 2012 1:53 pm

    Hmm, yes Lautrec does sit well with Chaotic, but I'm afraid I just can't get over the 'Good' that comes along with it, and so it's an 'X' from me. big grin

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