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    Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.


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    Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.

    Post by Gazman0169 Sat Nov 24, 2012 7:36 am

    'Dark Souls and the Arthurian Legend come together in the tale of an epic journey, as one of the Knights of the Round Table embarks on a final adventure as the Chosen Undead.'

    Bored at work, I got to thinking how cool it would be to build a low(ish)-level Arthurian Knight build, and here's what I finally came up with: -

    Even though I've posted a SL70 build, I am in fact looking to keep the character somewhere between the 50-70 mark, and so am intending to stop levelling up the Vitaility and the Endurance stats as soon as they feel comfortable with my style of play. I've also decided to stick with my favorite weapon of the moment for this run, a +15 Zweihander, as I am looking to see how far I can go with it, and you never know I may even finally make it passed NG+ all the way to +7 territory, but given my track record so far I wouldn't go holding my breath if I were you. big grin

    Being a Knight my character is only able to use low-level miracles, well with the stats I've given him two to be precise- Heal and Force, and for this reason the obvious choice for a convenant is in my mind the Way of the White. I've also decided not to invest the extra point needed to upgrade my Dexterity stat from an 11 to a 12, which would of allowed me to use either the Short bow or the Composite bow as a ranged weapon, as I feel that a Light Crossbow is more in keeping with the equipment of a Knight. Being a Knight I've decided to equip him with the Knight Shield for obvious reasons, and as the run progresses will look to upgrading this along the Fire path to counter any Pyro wielding Invaders that I may encounter along the way. Also as I discovered during my recent Iron Knight Tarkus run that I am comfortable with a first stage medium roll I've decided to equip both Havel's Ring and the Ring of Favor again with this build, as together both rings will keep my equipment load at a respectable 32.5, way below the dreaded 37.5 mark as me and fat rolling simply do not get along. lol

    Oh and I almost forgot, I will be choosing the Master Key as the starting gift this time around, as I need to get my gauntleted mitts on Havel's ring (Oo-er misses!!! :cyclops: ) along with everything else as soon as I arrive at the Shrine from the Asylum.

    Anyhoo, let us know what y'all think?

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    Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty Re: Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.

    Post by Rarayn Sat Nov 24, 2012 7:54 am

    The only thing I dislike about it is that it has the Zweihänder. It doesn't exactly strike me as the kind of weapon a knight of legend would wield. (They were typically given to Maximilian's Landsknecht soldiers in the 16th century. The guys wielding them were supposedly given extra pay because they were expected to hit hard and die fast.)

    Personally I'd recommend a straight sword. The Bastard Sword is also a good option. Those would fit best with the build thematically speaking, at least.

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    Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty Re: Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.

    Post by Gazman0169 Sat Nov 24, 2012 8:10 am

    In all honesty I did consider substituting the Zweihander with the Bastard Sword, but my current luv for the two-handed brute just wouldn't allow me to. I may still choose to do so, and will probably end up taking a quick trip to Andrei to pick one up to see how it feels (it's been a while since I've used one). Anyway, thanx for the suggestion... G

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    Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty Re: Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.

    Post by sekkate Sat Nov 24, 2012 8:36 am

    swap sir elyan with braveheart?

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    Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty Re: Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.

    Post by Gazman0169 Sat Nov 24, 2012 8:47 am

    Why? :suspect:

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    Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty Re: Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.

    Post by Gazman0169 Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:04 pm

    Man I am absolutely loving this run! big grin

    The Elite Armor set is so damn attractive that I keep finding myself striking poses in prominent positions, it's getting really embarrassing Elyan is such a Diva! lol

    Seriously, I've never given the set a second glance before, and it's always ended up collecting dust in my other character's bottomless boxes. What a crime! :roll: I'm yet to use my Light Crossbow, and have now unequiped it to help keep my equipment load down, which means that this will probably end up being consigned to my bottomless box. I'm also sticking with my +10 Zweihander for the time being, as the thrill of pancaking everything is just too glorious to let go! twisted I mean come on, the R2 attack even staggered mega-Smough, and in the end I used it to stun-lock the tub-o-lard to oblivion and back, all on my lonesome I might add! lol I have however now made a decision to allow Elyan the opportunity to use any Knight-related weapons that I may get my gauntleted mitts on, but not until NG+.

    To date Boss/Mini-Boss-wise the run has panned out like this- Asylum Demon, Havel, Taurus Demon, Bell Gargoyles, Quelaag, Capra Demon, Iron Golem, Giant Rat (OHK from up above), and O&S. I've just opened up lower-New Londo, and so will be hunting Wraiths for Chunks and Slabs when I get back on later on tonight (GMT), before moving on to the Catacombs to take on Pinwheel to get the Rite of Kindling. twisted
    Tyler Durden
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    Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty Re: Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.

    Post by RANT Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:24 pm

    eks is one of the best looking armor which EVERYONE was wearing before it got nerfed and now people are wearing it again since it went back to how it was on the last patch, its always been very good but they nerfed the poise and it wasnt that good anymore but now its back to normal.
    Duke's Archivist
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    Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty Re: Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:34 pm

    You don't need Havel's Ring.

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    Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty Re: Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.

    Post by Gazman0169 Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:59 pm

    @Rant- Not EVERYONE, as I've only just got into it, but I know what you mean! big grin Heck, I like the looks of it so much that I'd still wear it if it had no poise, as it is to my mind exactly how I would expect an Elite Knight to look. twisted

    @WDTPD- I do, as I hate fat rolling, preferring the faster of the medium rolls (below 37.5% equipment load), and so with the equipment that I am currently sporting I have to equip Havel's Ring and the RoFaP to achieve this. I will be looking to substitute Havel's with the Gold or Silver Serpent Rings when farming, or the Orange Charred Ring when going through Lost Izalith, but this will not last long as I'm not at all comfortable with the heavier of the medium rolls. You've got to remember that up until my Iron Knight Tarkus run (the one before this one), all of my characters have been fast rollers, and so I am still getting used to not being able to leap and roll around Lordran like a hollow Rudolph Nureyev! lol
    Tyler Durden
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    Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty Re: Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.

    Post by RANT Mon Nov 26, 2012 5:51 pm

    I meant everyone was wearing it when the game first came, same with the onion set.

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    Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty Re: Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.

    Post by Gazman0169 Mon Nov 26, 2012 5:58 pm

    @Rant- Again, I wasn't, and I've had the game on PS3 since release day in the EU. Oh, and I've never used the Onion set either. big grin
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty Re: Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.

    Post by RANT Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:07 pm

    onion set is one of the best sets in the game and im probably one of the few that actually like tha way it looks. its weird that you havent seen a lot of people use it, i saw it all the time in the begining along with the eks.

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    Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty Re: Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile.

    Post by Gazman0169 Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:15 pm

    I didn't say I never saw people using it, I just said that I've never used them myself, and to be totally honest with you I don't really pay that much attention to what other people wear, which means that only the most outlandish/unusual combinations tend to stick in my mind.

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    Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Empty And here is Sir Elyan in all his shining glory...

    Post by Gazman0169 Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:49 am

    Sir Elyan the White's journey through Lordran and Oolacile. Sir_el10

    (The photo doesn't do him justice as it was taken from my works BB.)

    Next stop Anor Londo to pick up the broken Pendant, before making my way back in time to Oolacile.

    Manus I'm a comin for ya baby! twisted

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