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    Sunlight Blade, which weapon to buff


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    Sunlight Blade, which weapon to buff Empty Sunlight Blade, which weapon to buff

    Post by ChizFreak Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:26 pm

    Been thinking of buffing a Barbed Straight Sword +15, and then when the effect goes off switch to my Occult Barbed Straight Sword +5 (yes, I have 2 of them). I just love the bleed effect but I'm not sure, maybe I should turn my Lighting Claymore +4 into a +15 and then buff it? But then I would have no high damage weapon for PvE. Also been thinking of using a estoc or a rapier.

    My build it's a High faith, high vit/end miracle caster. So I use buffs (a lot of them) and wrath of gods. It's a Paladin Leeroy-like build. That's why I use full paladin set, RH1: Occult Barbed Straight Sword +5. RH2: (The weapon I will buff), LH1: Talisman and LH2: Crest Shield +5.
    I only have 16 stret and 10 dex (could level up to 12) so I don't have many options.
    Currently SLvL 60 in Kiln of the first flame.

    Any help will be appreciated big grin.

    Last edited by ChizFreak on Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Sunlight Blade, which weapon to buff Empty Re: Sunlight Blade, which weapon to buff

    Post by Whknight Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:29 pm

    Personally I say use it on whatever you please. depending on talismen/FTH it can make a decent weapon awesome and an awesome weapon godly. If you are on 360 and we can somehow connect I wouldn't mind dropping a spare claymore I have. I perfer to buff mine with SLB anyhow :p
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    Sunlight Blade, which weapon to buff Empty Re: Sunlight Blade, which weapon to buff

    Post by Carphil Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:29 pm

    Iato looks good, estoc, sunlight sword, depends on what you like
    Tyler Durden
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    Sunlight Blade, which weapon to buff Empty Re: Sunlight Blade, which weapon to buff

    Post by RANT Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:17 pm

    if you have a lot of end, id go with the claymore or you can two hand a man serpent gsword.
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    Sunlight Blade, which weapon to buff Empty Re: Sunlight Blade, which weapon to buff

    Post by Maneater_Mildred Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:11 pm

    My 2 cents.
    Stick with what you know and like to use, knowing your weapon and how it works is better than afew extra damage points.

    If your on psn i have a spare clamor you can have to make +15

    Other option would be uchi if your happy to put dex to 14(my sunlight uchi kicks butt)

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    Sunlight Blade, which weapon to buff Empty Re: Sunlight Blade, which weapon to buff

    Post by ChizFreak Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:19 pm

    Maneater_Mildred wrote:My 2 cents.
    Stick with what you know and like to use, knowing your weapon and how it works is better than afew extra damage points.

    If your on psn i have a spare clamor you can have to make +15

    Other option would be uchi if your happy to put dex to 14(my sunlight uchi kicks butt)

    Thanks for the tips! Sadly I can't lvl up dex more, I have a specific 120 build. I could really use that claymore! It would help me to decide between the Barbed or Claymore. And yes, I'm on PSN, add me. My id it's the same as my user id here: ChizFreak
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    Sunlight Blade, which weapon to buff Empty Re: Sunlight Blade, which weapon to buff

    Post by Maneater_Mildred Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:21 pm

    Ok i will be online soon.
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    Sunlight Blade, which weapon to buff Empty Re: Sunlight Blade, which weapon to buff

    Post by Maneater_Mildred Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:22 pm

    Ps. Get that crest shield upto +15 asap

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