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    League of Legends


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    League of Legends Empty League of Legends

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:16 pm

    sooooo...does anyone play it?

    if you do feel free to add me my id on the game is "ScudmanSentinel" im a DPS char user

    so if you're a tank you're very welcome

    but back on topic does anyone play the game? and want to share their opinions on champions,rage about how OP some champions are,make friends and have fun!
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Whknight Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:55 am

    I don't play, I've thought about it and I use to know a group of people that played it. Honestly the concept from what I understand seems pretty fun. I may poke at it if I get a new laptop. I assume it's still highly active?

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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:32 am

    it is indeed highly active yes a lot of people play it and the game is getting new things all the time
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Serious_Much Sat Feb 18, 2012 12:32 pm

    This game has more users than WOW, fact.

    my friend is obsessed with it, got a ranked team too (lol)

    think his names like Eddizzle or something like that if you wanna stalk/annoy him for fun, he enjoys random conversations.
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Reaperfan Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:30 pm

    Be glad Nautilus just came out, he has reawakened my inner tank player happy

    Just sent you an invite, so if you ever wanna duo queue to get a tank for those last few summoner levels lemme know winking

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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Uparkaam Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:33 pm

    Haven't played it. And I couldn't play it even if I wanted to 'cause my laptop is just pure ****.
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Serious_Much Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:52 pm

    Uparkaam wrote:Haven't played it. And I couldn't play it even if I wanted to 'cause my laptop is just pure ****.

    well that sums me up.

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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:00 pm

    Reaperfan wrote:Be glad Nautilus just came out, he has reawakened my inner tank player happy

    Just sent you an invite, so if you ever wanna duo queue to get a tank for those last few summoner levels lemme know winking

    whats you ID? i got a few invites but i don't remmeber which names were in it

    oh and i'd like a tank on my teams i just got lvl 20 and now i got a better rune page (10% starting crit chance for DPS)

    im a DPS char user so im good with Master yi,Xin zhao,Shaco and Gangplank

    so i guess if you use a tank we would make a good team winking
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Reaperfan Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:37 pm

    My summoner name is Reaperfan, same as here lol. And yes, every team could use a tank :]

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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Sun Feb 19, 2012 8:04 pm

    alright just got your invite added ya

    do you have skype? just so we don't need to write in-game
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Reaperfan Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:18 pm

    Yeah, I've got a skype. I'll send you the contact info in League when I get home from dinner/errands and am able to play some later tonight.

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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:07 pm

    Reaperfan wrote:Yeah, I've got a skype. I'll send you the contact info in League when I get home from dinner/errands and am able to play some later tonight.

    alright then winking

    i'll be waiting

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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Emergence Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:54 pm

    Forgive my derailing, but Reaper in case you missed this:
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Tolvo Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:02 am

    If my gaming Rig ever comes back from the dead I'd be up for some matches. I mostly play Tank/Support, but I'll also just randomly be whatever. I've been out of the game for quite some time though, so I'd probably be like a new player. Hopefully Galeo is still ridiculously overpowered...Hopefully...
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Reaperfan Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:05 am

    Sorry Tolvo, Galio's actually fallen out of grace. He's mostly considered a support or caster as opposed to a tank. Then again, if the last time you played was when Galio was tippity-top of the top tier then you're in for alot of surprises. Game has changed loads since then lol
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Tolvo Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:10 am


    Ca...Can I still destroy people as Urgot, or Malphite? Is my Mundo still capable of going 1v5 and coming out with full health? What of Gragas and his devastating alcohol? And Pantheon, most important of all! Can I still tank as him and go whole matches without dying? What has happened to my homeland, what has happened to League of Legends!

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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:15 am

    i don't think so but hey if i can get out of a group of 5 people with yi you can get out of with anyone i guess

    malphite is still quite powerful his slow attack is still cheap so yeah

    some champions are still overpowered

    shaco has been nerfed 7 times already (or so i read) and yet people still find ways to make him OP as hell

    ok ok here's my questions

    here's my full build i do with yi

    1 infinity edge

    1 berzerker's grieves

    2 phanton dancer

    2 bloodthirsters

    is that an OP build?

    some people say it is but i don't really think it is

    all you need is a thornmail and thats it i can't touch you at all
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Tolvo Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:17 am

    Or one just needs to be a Pantheon tank with high AS, as the block will cancel out most of your hits. I don't think it is too overpowered, especially considering the fact that Yi can be locked down by anyone that is paying attention. Usually when people say Yi is ridiculously over-powered its just because they aren't good at CC'ing.

    Shaco is still that strong? Damn, well I think I do have him and the proper runes.
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Reaperfan Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:17 am

    Alright, here goes:

    Urgot: Still a boss in lane, and a very powerful champ in the right hands, if a bit underplayed.

    Malphite: No longer is he really tanky DPS, he's just become more of a tank. Still excellent with disruption, but doesn't really deal too much damage.

    Mundo: The going in 1v5 part is no longer applicable, but you will still be pulling off the "never dying" shenanigans.

    Gragas: Innervating Locket has been removed from the game, so tank Gragas is no longer viable. He is now played as an AP caster.

    Pantheon: I don't recall there ever being a time Tank Panth was viable, but he's become more of a burst AD caster where he jumps in, unloads his abilities, then runs away. Also his ultimate is no longer global and instead merely has an incredibly long range (the range is about half the map or one lane over, but no longer is it a full map teleport).
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Reaperfan Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:21 am

    @Scudman: I would say take out one Phantom Dancer and one Bloodthirster for a Youmoo's Ghostblade and a Black Cleaver/Last Whisper. Going Ghostblade will allow you to build an early Avarice Blade for the increased gold given, as well as extra AD and armor penetration without sacrificing too much of the movement speed or crit chance (as long as you use it's active ability). As for the Black Cleaver or Last Whisper, one Bloodthirster is usually good enough to last you on lifesteal, and getting the extra Armor Shred/Reduction from these items will allow you to not be as hard countered by Thornmail.

    EDIT: Also, you down for some duo queues? I just got back (been on my phone most of tonight lol) and saw you in a game, but you logged off before I could send you skype info.

    Last edited by Reaperfan on Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:23 am; edited 1 time in total
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Tolvo Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:22 am

    So Tank Pantheon hasn't been altered? Sweet, it wasn't exactly a great tank because if a caster was smart they could pretty much one shot you. Though usually you'd kill them before such instance anyway. Tank Pantheon was mostly just beast against Physical characters. I definitely wouldn't call it viable, but it sure was a lot of fun. I can't really think of the Ultimate change being too much of a difference to me, other than going from spawn to spawn as the match ends for that extra flair.

    I actually usually played Gragas as just a caster anyway, rarely tanking as him.

    Sweet on the Urgot.

    Malphite, I can't really say. It sounds like I'd just have to try that one myself.

    It sounds like Mundo isn't as extremely over-powered anymore, at least until someone finds a completely broken build.
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Reaperfan Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:27 am

    Mundo typically goes with what is called the Metagolem, or Atmogs nowadays. Here's how it looks:

    1: Boots of choice (usually Mercury's Treads)
    2: Warmog's Armor
    3: Atma's Impaler
    4: Frozen Mallet
    5: Sunfire Cape/Randuin's Omen/Spirit Visage
    6: Force of Nature

    Maxes out HP and Tankiness while using Atma's Impaler's conversion of HP > AD for damage.

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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:31 am

    i like that idea actually but i sometimes forget to use the active ability :oops:

    and besides i have 95% critical chance with my full build build and having 30% life steal is good

    25 form infinity edge

    60 form the two phanton dancers

    and an extra 10 from my rune page

    it could be more but they took out the mastery that increased critical chance and replaced it with an attack damage per level thing

    the last item i get which is sometimes a bloodthirster for me it varies depending on what im facing really

    if there's tanks i get last whisper if there is guys with a little bit of armor i use black cleaver

    oh and anyone ever tried to catch a yi that just used his ultimate and used ghost?


    well yes shaco is still that powerful

    did his first ability always gave him 100% crit chance while it was active? meaning he gets one free critical giving him the upper hand


    if you ask me teemo is a biiiit OP (or just annoying as hell to me) due to his blind

    and i hate hate hate HAAAAATE stun spammers like Sion users

    they added in some nice OP champs too like Ahri the nine tail fox


    Ziggs the hexplosives expert

    well hes AP (like all champs that have been comming out are) he has a lot of skill shot spells...however
    they got splash damage silly

    oh and anyone here thinks tryndamere is overpowered? damn immortal bastard
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Reaperfan Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:43 am

    @Scudman: Ahri wasn't the first lol, Xerath was the first to have the multi-cast ultimate ability. And yes, Trynd is a little broken right now :|

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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:43 am

    oh and i forgot to mention that Nidalee's spear throw is the most OP thing in the game in my opinion

    seriously the range is high as ***

    it hits you for 1000 Hp when it gets max range bonus or when she actually uses it on mid range if she has some nice AP

    dude wtf what is this? she powered by the Nyan cat?

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