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    League of Legends

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    League of Legends Empty League of Legends

    Post by dancash1808 Mon Jul 01, 2013 7:34 am

    Nah. your job as a jungler is to (not ordered via priority)

    Try and keep up with laner experience via farming your jungle. your unlikely to be able to keep up with a solo lane but you want to at least be on a par with botlane barring good reasons why not.

    Help lanes who are behind via ganks, I say lanes who are behind because generally ahead will not be easy to do much in and I'm just trying to give a basic overview.

    Attempt to counterjungle the enemies jungler. speaks for itself really. 

    calls on objective control. your the guy with the smite! you decide if your team goes for  an early dragon. and making that call can be difficult at times. but if you have just killed their botlane or you just saw their jungler top you can steal drake straight out from under them.

    Map awareness  seeing as you dont have to constantly worry about an opponent you need to be keeping your team abreast of anything suspicious happening on the map and ward occasionally seeing as it is not as far out of your way to ward river ect.

    So. farming. counterjungling controlling objectives and vision. I'm sure I missed something but yeah.thats  the basics IMO
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:35 am

    What's your IGN btw Snuggles? You NA or EU servers too?
    Doctor Snuggles

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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Doctor Snuggles Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:53 am

    I'm on NA actually.

    And well... dancash basically just gave you a guide on jungling that isn't too bad. It's really a process of trial and error, you become much more comfortable when you get a nice pace set for yourself.
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:51 pm

    I read up a little last night too. So basically you're the eyes of the map? Anything that's not obviously happening in lane is your responsibility, unless you're near something bad that's happening in lane and you're near it?

    I can see where Nunu would be great at that. With his W, and maybe a good pair of movement focused boots he could get around very quickly, and his CC/damage/AoE ability would make him horrible to run into by surprise in a place with no help.

    Wow. The last 2 weeks of free champions have been awesome. A bunch of champs I've been wanting to try. There's 4 this week I've been looking at, and 3 last week. In fact I think there were a few the week before too.
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:28 am

    So I just hit 6300. Looking into some Sejuani things before I buy her. On the wiki her scaling for the AoE portion of Flail of the Northern Winds (W) says +15% AP and +2.5% Bonus Health. What exactly would the health portion be referring to? Part of her Q's damage is based on a percentage of the target's max health. Is this the same thing? Or something else? Anybody know?
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Reaperfan Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:47 am

    PlasticandRage wrote:So I just hit 6300. Looking into some Sejuani things before I buy her. On the wiki her scaling for the AoE portion of Flail of the Northern Winds (W) says +15% AP and +2.5% Bonus Health. What exactly would the health portion be referring to? Part of her Q's damage is based on a percentage of the target's max health. Is this the same thing? Or something else? Anybody know?

    First off, don't bother with AP, and the reason you shouldn't is because of the explanation behind the health issue. What the health means is that 2.5% of the health you get from items becomes extra damage. She's a tanky champion who's builds damage by building tanky. Outside of Abyssal Scepter (and even then it's very situational) you should never even bother with AP items. You should be building health and damage combo items like Sunfire Cape and Frozen Mallet.

    As for the Q, I'm not sure off the top of my head. I haven't really bothered to look into the details of her rework beyond basic kit changes, so details with numbers are still something I'm not sure of.
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:30 am

    Reaperfan wrote:
    PlasticandRage wrote:So I just hit 6300. Looking into some Sejuani things before I buy her. On the wiki her scaling for the AoE portion of Flail of the Northern Winds (W) says +15% AP and +2.5% Bonus Health. What exactly would the health portion be referring to? Part of her Q's damage is based on a percentage of the target's max health. Is this the same thing? Or something else? Anybody know?

    First off, don't bother with AP, and the reason you shouldn't is because of the explanation behind the health issue.  What the health means is that 2.5% of the health you get from items becomes extra damage.  She's a tanky champion who's builds damage by building tanky.  Outside of Abyssal Scepter (and even then it's very situational) you should never even bother with AP items.  You should be building health and damage combo items like Sunfire Cape and Frozen Mallet.

    As for the Q, I'm not sure off the top of my head.  I haven't really bothered to look into the details of her rework beyond basic kit changes, so details with numbers are still something I'm not sure of.

    Wow. That's awesome. Could be crazy OP damage. Guessing that's why she was nerfed recently? Going to have to buy some new runes to accommodate her I guess.

    Any of you guys play ARAM at all? I just tried a game with a friend and it seemed like it would have been super fun, but it was soooooo damn laggy that it was hard to enjoy it at all. Every time there was a confrontation it lagged so hard you pretty much lost all control. I'm just wondering if they're all like that because there's 10 players on screen at once most of the time or if it just was a laggy game?
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Doctor Snuggles Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:34 pm

    Lets say you have 2000 HP and the % max health damage is 10% (which is gigantic). You'll be doing 200 damage to them. Obviously if you have magic resist the damage will be lowered but the interesting part is what happens next. Say you now have 500 left out of 2000 HP. If the 10% damage hits again, you'll still do 200. It deals large damage to people with high health and low mres.

    This is why items like Liandry's Torment actually work on Sejuani. Liandry's deals Current HP % damage which is insane if you initiate a fight when they are all at full HP. You'll be dealing current + max health damage. I would recommend getting it after Sunfire because it is just so useful and it gives her everything you need.

    ARAM can be a bit choppy for me, but I would suggest lowering your settings as far as they can go. When 10 people are spamming skills with minions and towers in the way it gets pretty crazy. Graphics aren't my concern at that point so I just focus on smoothing out the FPS.
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Tue Jul 02, 2013 6:17 pm

    Right exactly. If I could actually play it and have control of my champ and see what's happening when it happens the whole time graphics are definitely secondary.

    There are a few different items that add passives related to damage based on health % aren't there? Might be cool to set up a couple of those? So I should just build straight tanky then and not worry about AP at all? Maybe for the time being I'll just keep the runes I've been using for Malphite, which are all magic pen marks, then a mix of flat/scaling armor, and a mix of flat/scaling magic res for seals and glyphs. That'd beef up her damage at least to some degree, then I can do sorcery, blast, and arcane knowledge, then all defense masteries, and tanky items that add health as a primary stat.
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:59 pm

    Aatrox is very fun.
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:31 pm

    Items that add permanent health through passives, as opposed to just adding flat health, like the RoA would still work towards Sej's damage scaling right? It's just all health that's not inherent or gained through levels isn't it?

    Also, I'm looking at some other people's builds on mobafire, and I'm surprised to see that none of them seem to use Warmog's. Doesn't that add the most flat health of any item you can buy? Why would that be ya think? Think I'm going to add it to my build.

    Just did my first game. I like her so far for a few different reasons. Only drawback I'm seeing so far is that she's such a slow starter. Acts more as a support than a fighter until later mid-game when she starts building up items. She could definitely benefit from some heavy movement speed too.
    Doctor Snuggles

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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Doctor Snuggles Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:37 pm

    PlasticandRage wrote:Items that add permanent health through passives, as opposed to just adding flat health, like the RoA would still work towards Sej's damage scaling right? It's just all health that's not inherent or gained through levels isn't it?

    Also, I'm looking at some other people's builds on mobafire, and I'm surprised to see that none of them seem to use Warmog's. Doesn't that add the most flat health of any item you can buy? Why would that be ya think? Think I'm going to add it to my build.

    Just did my first game. I like her so far for a few different reasons. Only drawback I'm seeing so far is that she's such a slow starter. Acts more as a support than a fighter until later mid-game when she starts building up items. She could definitely benefit from some heavy movement speed too.

     Yes, any health that isn't gained through levels increases the damage.

    Personally, I wouldn't use mobafire. I used it when I first started and while it helped me understand how to somewhat play a champion, they usually gave pretty poor strategies and very rarely would they put who they do well or don't do well against.

    Back on Sej, don't worry about getting Warmogs early on. It is very gold inefficient for the health it gives and you're better off going for combination pieces like Randuins Omen or Sunfire Cape. If anything, get Warmogs after you've completed about 3-4 items.

    She is like Lee Sin in the fact of once she gets to someone, she stays right on top of them until they die. Sadly, if you miss Q or R you're out of luck since those are her only initiation tools.
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:41 am

    Yeah I only use mobafire to get an idea of what kinds of items to use. Rarely read anything else. I usually will open like 3 or 4 of them and look at what each player is using for items for what role on the team they're fulfilling. I find it helpful in that regard.

    So far my Sej build is Mercury/Ninja, Sunfire, Liandry's, Frozen Mallet, Warmog's, then Frozen Heart. In that order. Thinking about subbing out the mallet for Rylai's though. It's a little more cost effective and would still help with my slows.
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Doctor Snuggles Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:32 am

    Rylai's would be a better choice, plenty of health, big chunk of AP for damage and the Passive works SO well with Sej's kit. Much smarter option to go for Rylai's
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:34 am

    Taric looks like a solid tank.

    I love beefy characters that can tank well.

    I recently got Shen and I'm loving him.
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:10 am

    Taric can be brutal for AP based attackers. There have been a few times that I've been dominating a lane with Malphite and he's shown up to tank and just ate all the damage I had to throw at him. Has really good magic res. I played around with him a little when he was free though and I felt like that was pretty much all he had. Despite the fact that he takes a good hit, it's easy to out damage him with other tanks. At least that's what I've seen in the times I've gone up against him.

    As far as straight tanks, if I were going to recommend one I'd used I'd say Leona. She has a hell of a jaw and tons of cc. In other words she can take hits for her carry while also freezing their targets in place while they kill them.

    I was just looking through the list of champions, went there to buy Ryze and ended up getting distracted and counting the champions I've never seen in battle. There are only a few now. I think 8. Got me wondering: what's the deal with Poppy? I've never seen her. Never seen anyone use her. Never heard anyone talk about her. Never even seen anyone use her in videos of the game. I feel like most champs in the cheapest IP bracket get used a lot because they're so cheap and can be experimented with with no real IP hit. Is she horrible or something? Or just not liked? Or none of the above?
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by dancash1808 Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:28 pm

    sorry but I consider taric more of an anti AD tank than anything else. simply because he gains massive benefits from itemising armor. your one may have had a strange build plastic, but in general I do not consider him anti AP. he has surprisingly good burst if built to do it. 

    As for poppy shes an interesting case. she is a complete late game monster but she has such a bad early game she isnt played much (also shes considered bad. she infact isnt. i've played her with some success and seen others do  so too ) 
    How to put this. you know how nasus sacrifices his early game for a strong late? poppy is this magnified.
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:16 pm

    Some champions are totally worth it though. I'd argue Nasus is. I just bought Sejuani and she has a relatively weak early game too, but shes a beast mid to late. Last night I was playing my first PvP match with her and our mid lane Kog died twice to ganks and rage quit and they rushed mid real hard before any of us could do anything about it and started winning by a lot soon after. Fed Fiddlesticks, Tyrn, and Warwick working together were really tough to get away from. At any rate we were down by a lot towards the end. I know I was level 15 fighting 3 level 18s together, and dying almost immediately. Fiddlesticks was fearing me into the group then Warwick would hold me there while they all killed me. We did one final push and I led off with her ult and hit 4 of them together and we managed to ace them and push into their base before they respawned, killed us, and won. That's a lot of power in one ability though. Totally would have been game changing if we hadn't already been a few levels down and one player short of a full team. She has great abilities for charging into it too. Throw the ult, then blast in with her Q, then attack all of them at once with her W, then freeze them again with her E when they thaw and W again. Good stuff. Really liking Sej. The fact that on top of it all she can jump through barriers is just icing on the cake too. Combined with flash her Q gives her incredible range and distance covering ability.

    I've actually fought Taric more than a couple times where he's absorbed a lot of my Malphite damage. Usually my answer to it is to cc him then burst him with everything I've got. Either open with my ult, then E, Q, and W, then E and Q again for the kill, or do it the other way around and finish with my ult for the kill. I can't speak for the builds, but I can speak for his ability to nullify my higher damage Malphite builds on occasion.
    Doctor Snuggles

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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Doctor Snuggles Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:53 pm

    Nasus no longer has that bad of an early game. He used to be MUCH worse when itemization was poorer for him. Now Iceborn Gauntlet, Sunfire Cape, Randuins Omen all compliment his kit so well while he has free damage with Q.

    But Poppy... well. She is thought to have the strongest kit in the entire game.

    Her passive reduces damage by 50% if it deals more than 10% of her current HP. It's thought to be the best passive in the game by a long shot because of how useful it is. The rest of her kit is just, it's just insane. The problem is that she scales with items - not levels.

    Full build Poppy will destroy virtually anyone in a 1v1. 1v5 too due to her ult. She casts it on an enemy champion and for about 8 seconds, she cannot be hurt by anything other than the champion she marked. Towers, CC, minions, other champions - nothing. She also deals 40% increased damage to the marked champion.

    She may be the strongest champion in League of Legends, but the pay off for waiting 40 minutes just to be useful isn't what people like.
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:08 pm

    damnit, I shouldn't have come to this thread so early in the day. It's making me want to play and if I start now it's going to eat my whole day. I'll sit down now then get up and realize its 3 in the morning.


    Kayle is such a beast. It's just crazy. Not what I expected from her when I bought her at all. Was expecting squishy support. So not that at all.
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by dancash1808 Thu Jul 04, 2013 12:33 pm

    Nasus. carry and tank all in one. ... I may have artificially extended that game of ranked. does that make me a bad person? silly (in all seriousness it was hilarious. they struggled to kill me 3 on one had about +800 on the Q by the end)
    League of Legends Carrya10
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:42 pm

    Damn. That's quite a Q. Game I played last night we had 2 rage quitters in the end and still ended up winning. Three of us hit level 18 while the enemy team were still 15ish because we'd been doing all the work while our other two teammates were dying and crying about it before quitting. We were Kayle, Thresh, and Aatrox, and we kept engaging them in team fights and Thresh would lead off and pull one of them into us to be killed one after another. Towards the end I was chasing their jungler around the map, and every time I got near him he would run all the way back to base and curse me out in the chat. So much fun. I was like come back! I just want to be friends! First game I've ever completed a full 6 item build. First time I've ever completed a Trinity too. We were pretty unstoppable towards the end. Champs would be dead almost as soon as they got near us. Health would just disappear.

    I don't understand the whole rage quitting mentality. Maybe in a game where multiplayer isn't the focus, like in DkS when someone gets invaded and gets pissed and turns it off. I can understand that to some degree, but playing a game like LoL, where you know exactly what you're getting into and rage quitting when it doesn't go your way just blows me away. Everyone has to lose sometimes.
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Doctor Snuggles Thu Jul 04, 2013 5:49 pm

    People don't like to lose and they would rather blame the loss on someone else. If they leave, it's usually for the same reasons every time. "Teammate fed, we can't win this I'm out", "Enemy team too fed cause everyone sucks, bye" and the best one I've heard, "You don't deserve to win because you suck so much".

    This happens in Ranked games as well and it is VERY frustrating. All you have to do is keep trying to win. Like what happened to you, you had 2 quitters yet you still won. Granted, not every game will be winnable 3v5 but I bet you now understand that you can still pull it off if you try.

    I assume you hit full build with Kayle? Not bad.

    You should try out Jax. He has one of the most expensive builds in the entire game because he can utilize every single item that you can buy. I've hit full build with him maybe twice and it is crazy.

    250+ AD
    100+ AP
    3.3k+ HP
    130 Armor
    120 Mres
    2.1 Attack Speed

    He kills everyone that he touches. It's scary.
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Thu Jul 04, 2013 7:10 pm

    It certainly can be tough to stay positive with your teammate/s leaving. I've never left a game because of it though. Last night the 3 of us were already doing so well already though it wasn't like we were going to stop because our team's dead weight was leaving. I'm not sure exactly what happened in top or bottom lane, because I had my hands full, but I had a pretty great mid lane start against Lux. She kept trying to freeze me in place while I was farming, which might have been a good tactic, but she kept doing it from pretty close up, so I'd just nail her with a Q, then E and unload and throw down an ignite if I had it available. When our second teammate left we were behind in kills by probably 15, and had lost two lanes just about all the way, but it seemed like all those kills were coming from their Lee Sin, I think 22 all together at the end? So we just focused on him together, and then scattered the rest after he was gone. 

    Yup, first time I've completed a full build. Usually in longer games with Kayle I end up with 5 items and my Crystalline Flask, but with all my AS items completed I was just eating minions with my E and between that and their team throwing themselves at us as a group and dying a few times I made enough money to buy the Trinity without making anything in the recipe first without realizing it. Popped back to the shop to refill my health and had a pleasant surprise. Thing makes a crazy difference too. They literally didn't stand a chance.
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    League of Legends Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by dancash1808 Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:52 pm

    Dedicated to jason who decided to overtake me in the ladder yesterday.
    League of Legends Jason10

    100 lp in one night. I will reclaim my lead silly

    9 wins in a row. series won thumbs up

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