by Latitoast Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:13 pm
I didn't deny his capabilities to carry, anyone who's great with a champion can carry, whether it's actually carrying a team, or carrying a carry with a support, I said he has low carrying capabilities when you compare him to several of the champions generally used for carrying(Master Yi, Fizz, pretty much anyone who can snowball)
Twisted Fate shouldn't be carrying a team, because a team should know how to counter him, his last W nerf makes it harder for him to go in with his ult, because he used to be able to ready his E, pick Gold Card and teleport in, which he can't do anymore because of the shorter time constraint on his W, so if you see cards appear around you all you have to do is walk in the opposite direction, so it's harder to get fed as him, he's also pretty squishy so it's not hard for an assassin to focus him in a teamfight, especially seeing as he has 0 escapes, just his W's slow/stun
But what can I say, I haven't bothered with ranked yet so anything I say is invalid regardless of how well thought out it is :l