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    League of Legends

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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Sat Sep 28, 2013 8:53 pm

    Oh well sad

    I have a prime example of my teammates

    I gank bot a lot to get Ezreal fed, I gank mid a lot to get Akali fed, I gank top a few times because that lane wasn't really moving much

    Well Renekton overextends, and Yi comes out of the jungle and ganks him

    "WTF JARVAN U R TERRIBL JUNGL Y DIDNT U SAEV ME" while I'm across the map ganking bot

    Later on the enemy red gets agro'd in a teamfight and I accidentally kill it, Ezreal has a fit despite all the ganks I did, and all the kills I nabbed him


    Why not go get our red if you need it so bad?

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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by CakeThiefPro Sun Sep 29, 2013 6:54 am

    Latitoast wrote:Oh well sad

    I have a prime example of my teammates

    I gank bot a lot to get Ezreal fed, I gank mid a lot to get Akali fed, I gank top a few times because that lane wasn't really moving much

    Well Renekton overextends, and Yi comes out of the jungle and ganks him

    "WTF JARVAN U R TERRIBL JUNGL Y DIDNT U SAEV ME" while I'm across the map ganking bot

    Later on the enemy red gets agro'd in a teamfight and I accidentally kill it, Ezreal has a fit despite all the ganks I did, and all the kills I nabbed him


    Why not go get our red if you need it so bad?
    Sorry I haven't read this whole thread but these guys sound like Paper V players xD
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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Carphil Sun Sep 29, 2013 11:00 am

    Thoughts on Vi? Started playing after a long break, and I'm lost tbh PvE 
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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Sun Sep 29, 2013 12:05 pm

    Vi is a strong jungle pick. Can either go bruiseresque or full tank. Both work well. Try her out
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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Carphil Sun Sep 29, 2013 2:26 pm

    TehInfamousAmos wrote:Vi is a strong jungle pick. Can either go bruiseresque or full tank. Both work well. Try her out
    thx amos, currently I'm building latern to start, then I pick randomly whatever item I have money for, in the suggestion build. Being working well, I'll play a few more matches and post my results
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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Sun Sep 29, 2013 3:35 pm

    League of Legends - Page 8 Y6e2j2j

    Tibbers so stronk

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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by shadowzninjaz Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:08 am

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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:23 pm

    Jungling Zac makes me happy

    So much fun

    bouncing everywhere
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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Sun Oct 06, 2013 8:34 pm

    I have learned what my purpose is

    I am not here to carry my team

    But to carry my carry

    League of Legends - Page 8 4eXGvYN
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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Fri Oct 11, 2013 8:11 pm

    Is there still something wrong with item sets? I just reinstalled and signed back on for the first time in 3 months, and found all my original sets gone. So I sat for an hour and remade item sets for all my favorite champs, and then put my computer to sleep to go eat something and when I signed back on they were all gone again. Can you just not save item sets anymore or something?
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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Fri Oct 11, 2013 10:27 pm

    They work for me
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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Sat Oct 12, 2013 6:47 am

    Playing Zed, finally could pay for Shockblade since it went on sale

    Zoning Karthus hard, he's missing a lot of CS

    Beating him in lane

    Irelia feeds a Mundo, he snowballs

    Our ADC Warwick

    Our ADC Warwick

    Let that sink in

    ADC Warwick

    Our ADC Warwick and his Alistar support feed Jinx

    Every lane has failed but mine

    Enemy Warwick can camp my lane

    Have to pull back a lot and Karthus starts to catch up again

    The ace us and win the game easily
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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Sat Oct 12, 2013 3:05 pm

    Latitoast wrote:They work for me

    Yeah, they're working for me now too. It must be because I let my computer go to sleep while I was AFK, and was disconnected from the game that way. Pretty irritating that it ditched all my saves because of it either way. I put a lot of time into my item builds.
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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Sat Oct 12, 2013 11:32 pm

    I love it when Free Sins don't counter jungles

    I was taking his buffs all game from under his noes in a mirror jungle silly

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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by shadowzninjaz Sun Oct 13, 2013 5:31 am

    I love playing zed and just triple shadow(3 shuriken or whatever his q is called) on the enemy does such burst damage, really overpowered XD

    I'm also learning Fiora atm :'p
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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Sun Oct 13, 2013 6:26 am

    I used to use Fiora all the time

    Try to bully your lane opponent since you have the highest amount of damage in the game at level 1 if you take W, it's like getting a longsword for free

    The biggest thing you have to learn with her is not to overextend because she has no escapes

    But she's definitely a strong duelist, she is a little bit too reliant on punishing your opponent's mistakes though.
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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Mon Oct 14, 2013 2:44 pm

    Time for a team rant

    League of Legends - Page 8 IMeyJH5

    Top Mordekaiser, I'm zoning Xin Zhao hard, he can't fight me at all without being murdered and turned into my ghost slave, and he can't leave or I'll take his towers in giant pushes

    I push hard, I'm at inhibs incredibly early, but I can't push anymore because they start 3-4 man ganking me a lot since I can 1v2 and turn it into a 2v1

    Fed Kaiser with a bunch of farm keeps pushing, I die a lot

    The entire time my team is defending while 4 people are top

    4 people are top

    They never attack the mid towers except for Jarvan and Malzahar, but they don't have enough damage to make up for it

    I'm pushing hard while they sit around

    "Morde come teamfight"

    I'll get focused because our Jinx adc isn't as strong as me, and is squishy so getting her after me isn't that big of a deal, our Volibear support fed like crazy, and our Jarvan isn't that strong either, I'm the strongest memeber of the team so they'll focus me before I become unkillable with a ghost and the teamfight is lost, it's better for me to push and then my team counter pushes
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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Tue Oct 15, 2013 3:01 pm

    I had a pretty ridiculous game last night. There was a guy on my team that wasn't communicating with us at all during champ select while we were coordinating where we were all going and what roles we were each going to fulfill. So he waited until the last possible second, and chose Nami to solo top with. So once we were out he started complaining that our jungler wasn't staying in lane with him, clearly not recognizing that he was jungling. So I helped get our adc situated in bot and ran up to top lane, during my first match trying out Cho btw, and he started thanking me in terms of bad mouthing our jungler more. So everything's fine for a few minutes, and I'm giving myself some room to really learn what Cho is all about and he starts complaining that we're losing the lane, and he's losing fights because I'm not staying right on top of him. So I started trying to play a bit more proactively with him, staying right with him during battles as much as I can. We had a little skirmish with their top/jungler and killed them both with a gank from our jungler and I left him to attack the turret on his own while I teleported back to base to heal and buy stuff. So he inexplicably kills himself against the unmanned turret almost immediately, and of course that's somehow my fault. I left him there and it was my job to protect him evidently. So I come back up and this time am sticking with him like we're attached to each other. I literally didn't step away from him at all for a good 15 minutes or so, and at the end of it he starts complaining that I'm kill stealing him. It was pretty ridiculous. I just couldn't win with him. So demanding about everything. So I pretty much just told him to relax, and was backed up by our jungler who'd been there for some of what was happening, and he got really quiet for the rest of the match. Then at our win screen started calling for the team to report me and disappeared. I forgot about some of the unique personalities you run into playing LoL.
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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Tue Oct 15, 2013 3:23 pm

    When someone stops communicating, or a team doesn't work then stop trying, that's basically when I start messing around.

    Last night my Teemo adc went top after we invaded red because he didn't want us to invade red, after he and Akali called us over to their red buff saying we were going to invade, so I started building items to make farming easily, asked the enemy team to not attack me, and I went around collecting souls as Thresh.

    Next game nobody wanted to adc so I did the same thing.

    Basically, when my team doesn't work I start having fun with the enemy team, I might get Nasus some time to ask if I can just farm Siphoning Strike stacks when my team acts like idiots, or I might lock GP and farm for gold with my Q.
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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Wed Oct 16, 2013 5:34 pm

    I'm thinking about trying Thresh, but I'm not sure how to build him. The mobafire builds are all over the place. His damage scaling on the wiki aren't helping much either. Should I just do an AP/AD hybrid? Or?

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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by shadowzninjaz Wed Oct 16, 2013 5:38 pm

    PlasticandRage wrote:I'm thinking about trying Thresh, but I'm not sure how to build him. The mobafire builds are all over the place. His damage scaling on the wiki aren't helping much either. Should I just do an AP/AD hybrid? Or?
    Thresh is a support u build him sort of like a Leona
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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:20 pm

    I generally build Leona almost all defense. I honestly didn't really like Leona either though, so if that's how Thresh plays maybe I'm just going to pass anyway.

    I really liked Nautilus though. In fact I wish I'd bought him instead of Sej when I saved up IP for an expensive champ. I was torn between the two and I ultimately went with Sej, but I don't really use her at all. Her abilities are great, but they all feel like they need more damage to be effective at all. She really feels like her last nerfing made her close to useless, unless you're just using her as straight support. Nautilus is a fricken beast though.

    And he does the robot and swims around in the air, for the triple win.
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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:40 pm

    PlasticandRage wrote:I'm thinking about trying Thresh, but I'm not sure how to build him. The mobafire builds are all over the place. His damage scaling on the wiki aren't helping much either. Should I just do an AP/AD hybrid? Or?
    Thresh is built as a tanky support

    Please do just that, and learn how to hook, it's a great skill to have
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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:48 pm

    I think I'm trying Annie first. I just set up a build, so I'm going to try it out now. I'll probably try Thresh this week at some point. I might as well while he's free, whether I end up liking him or not.

    Annie seems alright. I think I like Ryze better though, as far as mages go. His burst is just nuts.

    Last edited by PlasticandRage on Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    League of Legends - Page 8 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:50 pm

    Go in a bots game first

    He has the hardest skillshot to land in the game, you have to practice it first or your team will report you for missing hooks

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