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    dark souls offline.. but online still. ps3.


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    dark souls offline.. but online still. ps3. Empty dark souls offline.. but online still. ps3.

    Post by Rifter7 Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:25 am

    hey. i want to play dark souls offline by myself, but i still want to be online to talk to and message people.

    is there a way to disable online in dark souls but actually stay online? this is on the ps3, on xbox you just open your own party chat and sit there by yourself.

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    dark souls offline.. but online still. ps3. Empty Re: dark souls offline.. but online still. ps3.

    Post by Automancer Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:50 am

    I don't think there is a way to do that. If you want to play online but don't want to be disturbed by other players and be invaded, just don't turn human. Stay hollow as much as you can.
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    dark souls offline.. but online still. ps3. Empty Re: dark souls offline.. but online still. ps3.

    Post by Sentiel Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:32 am

    How about starting the game offline, activating offline mode in the title screen and then go online? The game won't automatically connect you to online features, or kick you back to title screen, will it?

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    dark souls offline.. but online still. ps3. Empty Re: dark souls offline.. but online still. ps3.

    Post by Rifter7 Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:46 am

    good idea.

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    dark souls offline.. but online still. ps3. Empty Re: dark souls offline.. but online still. ps3.

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