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    Ring of Evil Eye and Kalameet

    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Ring of Evil Eye and Kalameet Empty Ring of Evil Eye and Kalameet

    Post by DoughGuy Sat Dec 08, 2012 5:56 am

    According to legend, this ring contains the spirit of the evil eye, a dark beast which assaulted Astora.
    Now I'm not saying that the creature in the ring is kalameet, but I think we can all agree Kalameet's eye is evil. So what if, as the new trailer implies, there were more black dragons. Some weaker than kalameet. Unlike the calamity ring this ring has the soul of the dragon, not just the eye.

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    Ring of Evil Eye and Kalameet Empty Re: Ring of Evil Eye and Kalameet

    Post by ThugsBunny Sat Dec 08, 2012 1:33 pm

    That's pretty interesting, never really given that ring too much thought. The evil eye is its own entity and possibly a deity if you ask me though. None the less it's a good theory.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Ring of Evil Eye and Kalameet Empty Re: Ring of Evil Eye and Kalameet

    Post by User Sat Dec 08, 2012 3:04 pm

    That wasn't a black dragon... Its flesh was clean of darkness, and his breat said otherwise.

    It also showed indications of eyes on forehead... And body was much thickervthan kalameet. No beak either.

    It had the eye indicator on the forehead. Usually, that eye is a religious symbol of... What was it, true sight? Don't remember much. It seems it and kalameet both have.

    The bones of the dragon looked off to me. Its tail was similar yo Kalameet though. The dragon was the last ancient dragon... Yet, not everlasting.


    Kalameet is unique, perhaps. The other dragon in the trailer seemed more structured than the thin black dragon...

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    Ring of Evil Eye and Kalameet Empty Re: Ring of Evil Eye and Kalameet

    Post by Artoriasflagg Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:54 pm

    I thought Kalameet was missing one of his eyes prior to the fight. Whose to say someone didnt just slap it onto a ring, same as the Calamity Ring after you kill him.

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    Ring of Evil Eye and Kalameet Empty Re: Ring of Evil Eye and Kalameet

    Post by Djem Sun Dec 09, 2012 6:04 pm

    This would also make sense because the Arch-Dragons have the scales of immortality, if I remember correctly the Ring of Evil Eye regenerated health, yes?

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