by befowler Mon Dec 17, 2012 4:31 pm
Yes, I do jolly coop through Anor Londo as my favorite area, and there are lots of ways to beat those guys. My favorite is just the classic bum rush; if you keep moving (and are in the lead, not following another player), both will miss you the entire way up. The only danger zone is right at the top of the final catwalk; if you hear the left side archer fire just as you make it up onto the horizontal walkway then you are going to get shot. I immediately head right and after about 2.5 seconds just roll forward; his arrow will go right over you from behind. As for the guy on the right, parrying him is pretty simple, and you can wedge yourself into that little corner near him and wait for him to switch to a sword. I often just kill him with an overhead R2 once I get there. One trick folks often forget is don't do any of this with a target lock on, as sometimes the knights seem to sense your plan and just suicide themselves, dragging you with them if you are locked on.