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    Soul farm dark Anor Londo. Anyone?


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    Join date : 2012-12-18

    Soul farm dark Anor Londo. Anyone? Empty Soul farm dark Anor Londo. Anyone?

    Post by Rogue_45 Wed Dec 19, 2012 12:08 am

    I want to be summoned to dark Anor Londo. SL 137, Warrior of Sunlight covenant, range of approx 40 levels on either side if you are in same covenant. PSN: ham_hands. Hit me up if you're game. Cheers!
    Also, new to this site. Hello fellow undead, would be great to friend other Dark Souls fanatics on PSN.
    Praise the Sun
    PSN: ham_hands


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    Age : 31
    Location : In the Forest, casting the spells that make the gankers fall down

    Soul farm dark Anor Londo. Anyone? Empty Re: Soul farm dark Anor Londo. Anyone?

    Post by Sloth9230 Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:33 am

    I'm not sure if you're aware of what you're asking or even if this is your intention but when you say "Soul Farm in Anor Londo" all I think is "ganker". A ganker is someone who likes to gang up on other players for easy souls. If that's what you want then I'm sorry to tell that you're going to have a hard time finding someone willing to help you. Most people in this community tend to look down on gankers.

    But maybe you just want to guard someone from other invaders while they fight, or maybe you want to take turns fighting invaders. If that's the case then you'll probably have better luck finding someone, but you'll have to clear up what you mean cause you probably won't find many people willing to help you gank.


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    Soul farm dark Anor Londo. Anyone? Empty Re: Soul farm dark Anor Londo. Anyone?

    Post by Rogue_45 Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:26 am

    I very much appreciate the knowledge, Sloth9230. I'm sure you recognized I'm a noob to this community, but in no doubt, in no way a noob to Dark Souls. My apologies if you speak for the community and/or if I've offended you personally. Noob mistake, I guess. I failed to vet the community as to your perspective before I posted. Ganking in no way in regards to my understanding speaks to players who choose to wear a ring to be summoned to a PvP area. Considering multiple invaders (blue) plus invaders (red) can storm dark Anor Londo, I fail to recognize how requesting to be summoned into this environment could be ganking. Cheers.
    Praise the Sun

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    Age : 31
    Location : In the Forest, casting the spells that make the gankers fall down

    Soul farm dark Anor Londo. Anyone? Empty Re: Soul farm dark Anor Londo. Anyone?

    Post by Sloth9230 Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:38 am

    I have not been offended, and players who wear the ring and invade there expect to be put in those situations and most like myself enjoy the challenge(I'm not a darkmoon I'm a forest hunter).

    I'm just letting you know that, ganking is generally considered cheap. And that there will be few people willing to help you do it.

    And no, I don't speak for the community, I'm new here too lol
    Anyway, welcome to the forum I hope you enjoy your stay.

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    Soul farm dark Anor Londo. Anyone? Empty Re: Soul farm dark Anor Londo. Anyone?

    Post by BoggedBox Wed Dec 19, 2012 7:35 pm

    Sorry but your Thread is a but confusing.. Do you want to assist in Pvp or just have fun and PvP with some buds`? If it is the Second one IM IN! but im sl 153 and its been a long time since i was in that toon so im not sure if i have killed smough and Ornstein happy

    The Protector of Gwyndolin

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    Soul farm dark Anor Londo. Anyone? Empty Re: Soul farm dark Anor Londo. Anyone?

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