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Buggy Virus
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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!


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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by Mike5005005 Mon Dec 24, 2012 11:49 am

    Pretty mucht the same... EXCEPT! Instead of not being able to pick up an item that'd overburden you, just make it so you do the walking and no roll like DkS's past 100% Equip Burden.
    So it'll be less annoying, but still there and a factor. A bit more realism for me.

    Buggy Virus
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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by Buggy Virus Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:07 pm

    Buggy Virus wrote:I think item burden is an interesting concept, but
    doesn't fit with how dark souls inventory works now. Currently there is
    no urgency in what you are carrying, and item burden doesn't add an
    extra challenge to the game, but just a headache. IF you had items on
    hand that you had to continually use, like food, or lanterns that burned
    out, item burden would add an extra challenge by giving you a limited
    stock. But as it is now, item burden just forces you to go to a bonfire
    to switch out or items, or not allow to you pick up all the things you
    may want in a level.

    I'm all for item burden if it is added in a
    meaningful way that adds tension to the game, but right now that system
    doesn't exist in dark souls.

    I really think if there were areas
    where you were constantly being poisoned or were dark, and healing items
    or lanterns had meaningful weight and slowly diminished with use the
    idea of item burden would add another sense of urgency of not using
    these items to loosely and planning what to take with you, but as is,
    Dark souls is better off without it.

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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by Djem Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:17 pm

    I disliked it very much in Demon's Souls. It just doesn't work for the Souls games. Sure you can take what the Elder Scrolls has and make your character slow down when you pass the limit, but it wouldn't make the game harder, it would just make it more annoying.

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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by Mike5005005 Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:29 pm

    Ehh... I really like'd the quote. Add a food or maybe something you have to maintain control of, like a medicine for becomeing hollow(Y'know, but with w/e DkS II will have).
    Also, I just don't like having an infinate inventory. =/

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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by Acarnatia Mon Dec 24, 2012 1:11 pm

    I hope for a weight limit again, and I do think we shouldn't be able to walk at a certain point. And I say that as a person who repeatedly had to drop stuff in DeS.

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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by steveswede Mon Dec 24, 2012 2:07 pm

    Why on Earth do we have people that want to bring this system back that enhances absolutely nothing to Dark Souls. People have got to realize that DkS is not an open world RPG, in fact it has more in common with an old school Mario game.

    Think about it, you're in Bowser's castle (Sen's) and you're dodging all manner of traps, eating mushrooms (estus) and being very careful not to mess up platforming(alot of DkS areas have platform elements, that's the beauty of ruined buildings). You come to Bowser (Iron Golem) where he kicks your butt and sends you back to the start of the level (bonfires). You travel all the way through the castle and face Bowser again, only this time you activate the drawbridge and send Bowser to his doom (Iron Golem falling off boss arena).

    Now can you imagine a god damn item burden or a food mechanic being put into this. "Sorry Mario but while you've got those mushrooms you can't jump" or "Mario you can't go and run through this level because if you don't feed yourself every 30 seconds then you will starve to death". This system would just not work because the game DOESN'T NEED THEM TO ENHANCE THE GAME. Dark Souls is an action game at it's very core and to add an adventure mechanic to it would be like combining Marmite with Mayonnaise and making a sandwich out of it. Very unfcukingjoyable.

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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by Argetlam350 Mon Dec 24, 2012 2:09 pm

    Honestly they removed it for a reason for Dark Souls and I feel it would be taking a step backwards by adding it back in. I think it would hurt the game more then add to it. Sure it would add maybe realism so that it might make the player think on what to pick up or what not to but it would more then likely be like Demon's Souls where you'd be checking it ever few minutes and then have to return to where ever place that allows you to store stuff so you can go and collect more stuff. It's more of a pain then fun.

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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by Djem Mon Dec 24, 2012 4:14 pm

    steveswede wrote:Why on Earth do we have people that want to bring this system back that enhances absolutely nothing to Dark Souls. People have got to realize that DkS is not an open world RPG, in fact it has more in common with an old school Mario game.

    Think about it, you're in Bowser's castle (Sen's) and you're dodging all manner of traps, eating mushrooms (estus) and being very careful not to mess up platforming(alot of DkS areas have platform elements, that's the beauty of ruined buildings). You come to Bowser (Iron Golem) where he kicks your butt and sends you back to the start of the level (bonfires). You travel all the way through the castle and face Bowser again, only this time you activate the drawbridge and send Bowser to his doom (Iron Golem falling off boss arena).

    I laughed. Also I completely agree.

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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by Mike5005005 Mon Dec 24, 2012 4:18 pm

    Then maybe limit weapons and armor you can hold at once?? Again, I don't like the infinite inventory aspect. Watching someone change armor in an instant is annoying... myabe they should go through an animation to change weapons or armor? Hmm...
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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by ublug Mon Dec 24, 2012 4:40 pm

    One of the reasons it was there in Demons Souls was to punish you for attacking Stockpile Thomas. During low level runs it could be hell, since you had to go back to the nexus to drop of items several times while going through a level. The only positive I can think of (past the first playthrough) was that it forced me to keep my inventory squeaky clean.

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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by Everynevers Mon Dec 24, 2012 4:57 pm

    Didn't like it in Demon's Souls. I didn't like spending time "cleaning my room" over playing in DeS. I'm glad they did away with it cuz I'm a ingame-hoarder as well.

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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by Sloth9230 Mon Dec 24, 2012 5:20 pm

    With inverntory all you'd really accomplish is forcing players to stick with light builds so as to not risk losing an important item.

    What if in the fight with Seth/Kalameet,Gaping/ or w/e, you finally cut off his tail only to realize the the weapon is too heavy for you to carry? Sure you can pick it up and promptly get owned cause you can no longer move, or you could die before you get the chance to and lose the weapon until your next playthrough.

    Last edited by Sloth9230 on Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:51 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by steveswede Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:42 pm

    Sloth9230 wrote:What if in the fight with Seth/Kalameet,Gaping/ or w/e, you finally cut off his tail only to realize the the MLGS is too heavy for you to carry. Sure you can pick it up and promptly get owned cause you can no longer move, or you could die before you get the chance to and lose the weapon until your next playthrough.

    That's a bloody good point and I forgot that actually happened to me one time with the dragon bone smasher. I restarted my playthrough because of that (dragon bone smasher was my favourite weapon in DeS so you can imagine the rage after that blunder).

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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by passivefamiliar Thu Dec 27, 2012 10:09 am

    I'm all for this. I wanted to stay away from this forum, but...addictions are hard to break.

    The item burden was a wonderful thing in demons. I hated not being able to carry or pick up a item but it was just a little bit of what added to making demons the game it was. And it did so much right, i still think dark strayed away from what it shouldn't have.

    I'm anxious for dark souls 2 for sure. Just so curious about what it will do with all these little details like this.
    Buggy Virus
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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by Buggy Virus Thu Dec 27, 2012 2:23 pm

    A smarter thing than item burden, in consideration as to how Dark Souls is set up right now, would be item caps on things. So that perhaps you can hold 7 weapons at once for instance, and individual items didn't have a max at 99, but some you could only hold one or two at a time, and others tens.

    This could make sense for an item like divine blessings, making them another healing item you actively have to spend souls on, while at the same time making them something you can't spam.

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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by Seignar Thu Dec 27, 2012 4:15 pm

    Funny, that is exactly what I suggested when I made the thread for Item burden to come back, but no one seemed to have read and supposed I wanted the exact same system back:

    Seignar wrote:Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Th?id=H.4668432733442136&pid=15 <---Get it?
    I think Item Burden should return, but not in the way it was in Demon's Souls:

    the bottomless box should stay so you don't have to depend on an NPC
    and then enter "hardcore" mode because you accidentally provoked him in
    the beginning of the game.

    It's simple, you have a fixed limited
    inventory space. This is not based on weight, but rather actual space.
    You can only carry 4 weapons, 10 pieces of armor, 4 rings, 999 arrows,
    20 items (not including souls) and 99999 pieces of ore. (Unlimited
    really). Not to be taken as values I want, but rather I suggest as an
    example. If you pick up an item that would exceed this limit, you can
    decide to either:

    1) Send it to the Bottomless Box
    2) Send an item you currently have to the Bottomless box

    my take on Item Burden returning. Cause right now, we are a breathing
    armory. We don't need to think much ahead because we have everything at
    our disposal all the time with the exception of magic.
    ^Exact same post.
    Can't grab the Moonlight Greatsword? Send it to the BB for future use or send another weapon to the box. Demon Souls item burden was horrible because you would lose items, especially some you would work hard for and even if you didn't lose them, it would be a pain to have to go back to fetch them.

    My suggestion was due to the fact that I noticed in my latest playthoughts that being able to have 1000 weapons made me capable of handling any kind of situation. This would be especially true for high SL who can use everything. There was no risk because unlike magic, you didn't need to plan ahead.

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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by Acarnatia Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:12 pm

    What about using the DeS item burden combined with a bottomless box that you can always put items into while you can only take items out while at a bonfire? This will eliminate the worry of losing items while still keeping an item burden and adding a sense of realism, and possibly adding a balancing factor for carrying around lots of gear.

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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by raecor14 Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:13 am

    i vote no, why? because realism sucks in games like these, if we do that then we should be able to die of infection from scratches, we should have random stumbles while climbing on ladders, when its dark we should not be able to see ANYTHING and if something is undead it should not be able to die, even with the help of a divine weapon.

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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by sinspaw Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:37 am

    That you may not like it, I can agree with that. But that it doesn't make sense or is pointless? That I cannot agree with.

    I think it adds another challenge and another factor to consider. I do think however, that it should be completely separate of equip burden. You equip what you want and that results in your roll and overall speed, and that's fine. But what's so wrong with a limit on the stuff you can carry? It forces you to keep your preferred items safe, and it does give you a slightly bigger sense of realism. All it needs is for you to be able to drop items off at check points, and heck, even that I think should have a limit. What's the sense in carrying all the weapons and armour that exist in the world at any one point?! None.

    Furthermore, it enhances the value we put on items themselves globally. If you think you might lose on something amazing, then it'll feel better when you can have it because you forethought its possible appearance. And also, I don't think the point is that you walk slower when you are 'full', the point is you have to sacrifice less interesting items for the ones that are more interesting and you keep on going.

    A balanced and well thought out item burden is definitely something I would welcome.

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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by Sloth9230 Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:43 am

    I like Arcanatia's Idea. Any Item that you can't currently carry should simply be placed into the bottomless box. If we can have bottomless boxes then I don't see whats wrong with bottomless pockets anyway.

    And for Gynn's sake! Bring back the sorting system from Demon's!
    Buggy Virus
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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by Buggy Virus Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:27 am

    raecor14 wrote:i vote no, why? because realism sucks in games like these, if we do that then we should be able to die of infection from scratches, we should have random stumbles while climbing on ladders, when its dark we should not be able to see ANYTHING and if something is undead it should not be able to die, even with the help of a divine weapon.

    That's called the slippery slope argument, a well known fallacious logical path.

    Things in games are bad because they are realistic. There are pros and cons to item burden, and it isn't as simple as, "it is more realistic, and this game shouldn't be super realistic."

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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by raecor14 Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:34 am

    ok i get i was being a bit extreme, i just saying, i oppose ahahaha

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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by Murkulanvippi Fri Dec 28, 2012 5:13 am

    We don't need item burden back. I think it was removed cause they (FROM SOFTWARE) found it to be a problem that had to be taken care of. Too much game time was spent thinking what u could carry with u. Otherwise they would have had item burden in dark souls also. I hope they don't take backsteps in evolving the game and bring it back.
    Just my opinion, everyones got their own. happy

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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by Juutas Fri Dec 28, 2012 7:22 am

    I don't see equip burden adding anything in the game really...

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    Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)! Empty Re: Bring back Item burden(a bit different though)!

    Post by Synalon Sat Dec 29, 2012 5:38 am

    Item burden was a tedious mechanic in Demon's Souls and I would be extremely surprised if it returns for Dark Souls II.

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