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Demon Slayer
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    My first rant.


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    My first rant. Empty My first rant.

    Post by XachAttack Tue Dec 25, 2012 11:39 am

    I am getting really tired of my hosts, in early areas, being invaded by people with fire/lightning weapons =_=. I understand with fire, since you can get it fairly early, but if you have lightning crap and use it against someone in, say the Depths, how the hell can someone fight against that?

    Every damn time, a combination of me and the host dying to this, not only makes me feel useless, but it drives me nuts that people with such powerful stuff are killing dudes with like..+3-5 armor and/or weapons!

    Here's an idea for Dark Souls II, put in some kinda rage outlet mode where you beat the piss out of everything. Not really, just >_> ugh..
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    My first rant. Empty Re: My first rant.

    Post by Marino. Tue Dec 25, 2012 11:51 am

    It's fair
    They earned the Weapons at a low level so they can use them to Invade other People .
    Unless they Cheated of course .

    And if they think its Fun to crush new Players like that then hey they are wasting time doing something that redundant .

    No need to get worked up like this happy

    Edit: Oi ! If you're disagreeing with me don't rep me down . Talk to me for :!: sake !

    Last edited by Marino. on Sun Dec 30, 2012 7:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    My first rant. Empty Re: My first rant.

    Post by XachAttack Tue Dec 25, 2012 11:53 am

    I know, I know. Just..bleh >_>. It happened several times in a row within the timeframe of about 30 minuets so I got my "jimmies rustled", if you will. It doesn't usually effect me this bad lol. I'm pretty much over it now.
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    My first rant. Empty Re: My first rant.

    Post by Marino. Tue Dec 25, 2012 11:56 am

    I know its frustrating man

    Sometimes it takes really long to get summoned (20 Minutes!) only to have the Host be one shoted by Darkwraith with Lightning Weapons while you can nothing about it .

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    My first rant. Empty Re: My first rant.

    Post by Glutebrah Tue Dec 25, 2012 12:04 pm

    i was invaded low level in the depth when i was getting my large ember by a guy in giants/MoM lightening raiper and hornet ring. i still managed to beat him with a +5 long sword, took about 3-4 counter back stabs i can't remember.

    i sent him a message saying "giants armor, check. Mask of Mother, Check. Lightening Rapier, Check, Hornet Ring, Check. Invading a level 17, check."

    he called me a hacker because he back stabbed me 3x and i took no damage (apparently he never seen a back stab get canceled before from me Back stabbing him at the same time (thats how i knew he had hornet ring).

    i just replied "shh no tears, only dreams now"

    So in reality i back stabbed him liek 6-7x with damage going through abut 3 times.

    i k
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    Post by RANT Tue Dec 25, 2012 4:13 pm

    good thing most griefers reallu suck and will do nothing but fish for a bs. i know it sucks but ust make sure you have a back up chaos weapon for griefers and a reg +5 for helping the host.
    Demon Slayer
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    My first rant. Empty Re: My first rant.

    Post by Demon Slayer Tue Dec 25, 2012 4:30 pm

    i feel bad some times i,m in a high lvl n then someone of low lvl vades n i just one shotted em without intention

    yea i know its frustrating one i make a toon for helping low lvl ppl n i always get a one shot with great combustion

    but don,t let this control your feelings n feeling are emotions
    so... yea

    u got to know dat if they buy their own game they should whatever the f#ck they want to do as long as they have fun (i,m not defending)

    Hope u don,t get one shotted anymore big grin
    Good Luck

    Last edited by Demon Slayer on Tue Dec 25, 2012 5:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    My first rant. Empty Re: My first rant.

    Post by Jansports Tue Dec 25, 2012 4:38 pm

    You know when I need souls to upgrade my pyrohand at lower levels I just turn human and stand around the church with like a +3 or whatever I could cobble together fire weapon. In fact just today I've got about a dozen kills all either demon spear or chaos rapier, in the parish!

    I feel bad for people legitimately trying to co-op
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    My first rant. Empty Re: My first rant.

    Post by Sentiel Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:07 pm

    I was trying to do a trade with Xach in Parish and got invaded like...8 times...maybe more. I was SL 75 Int caster, so the guys who spawned at the bridge got welcomed with Pursuers and DB spam. I seriously got no mercy for twinks and I'm there to trade, not PvP, so I ain't got time for them.

    Most of them gave me few hundred to few thousand souls, so they were very low SL. Only one of them looked to be having starting gear, but since you can make anything elemental, it's hard to say if he was legit.

    They mostly had a Catalyst, or Pyro Flame, one had WoG, and they all used stuff like Demon's Spear etc.

    If I get invaded on low SL by such jerks, most of them suck at PvP so much, I can actually kill them with some +5 weapon.

    Dat feel when I killed them.
    Dat sweeeeet revenge after so many killed hosts by these pricks.
    F*ck yeah!

    Thanks Xach. winking

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    My first rant. Empty Re: My first rant.

    Post by Rifter7 Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:10 pm

    you can get demons spear and be in parrish.

    just fyi forest covenants eastern warrior farriv or whatever the hell his name is sells them for 15k at the blighttown shortcut.. can get it almost fully upgraded and not have the lordvessel yet too.
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    My first rant. Empty Re: My first rant.

    Post by Sentiel Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:41 pm

    Rifter7 wrote:you can get demons spear and be in parrish.

    just fyi forest covenants eastern warrior farriv or whatever the hell his name is sells them for 15k at the blighttown shortcut.. can get it almost fully upgraded and not have the lordvessel yet too.
    Yeah I know, but I don't give a damn.
    They can go and clear the whole game on SL1 and bring back all the sweet stuff if they want, but it doesn't belong to Parish.

    Being able to obtain something on low SL doesn't mean that one can use those itmes in PvP on players with gear, that actually belongs to that SL and place. They can, of course, there are no rules against that and they have all the right to use whatever they want. If they don't care that it's not fair, or even seek such unfairness, it's their problem, not mine. That is, unless they invade me.

    As soon as someone in Parish, or Burg on low SL uses ANYTHING that doesn't belong there (they can only use items obtainable in Firelink Shrine, New Londo, Burg, Parish, Lower Burg and Forest, upgraded to no more than +5) he's a twink to me and gets no mercy.

    Meaning chainstab, lag and if I get annoyed enough, they gets some nasty glitches in there as well.

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    My first rant. Empty Re: My first rant.

    Post by Emergence Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:01 pm

    I think it's fair to get annoyed at the low lvl invaders with high lvl gear. It dramatically alters the intended starter experience for newcomers, and yes there are still some out there. The bb glitch was patched at an opportune time as there will likely be a new wave of people jumping in to discover the game as the Dks2 hype train picks up.

    The notion that there are folks who grind the game at low lvls to invade is real, but an exceedingly small portion. The large majority are twinked out bb toons, and adding to this distention is the arms race to keep up with a rookie host summoning helpers who are equally twinked out. The entire first portion of the game, up to the first bell is a long tutorial of sorts, and individuals have been cheated out of it by both the invaders and helpers.

    Any rookie to this game enters the online world and is like an ant walking through the battlefield of gods. It forces them to either play offline which is a partial experience, or endure being the cargo in an escort mission.
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    My first rant. Empty Re: My first rant.

    Post by Sentiel Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:39 pm

    Emergence wrote:I think it's fair to get annoyed at the low lvl invaders with high lvl gear. It dramatically alters the intended starter experience for newcomers, and yes there are still some out there. The bb glitch was patched at an opportune time as there will likely be a new wave of people jumping in to discover the game as the Dks2 hype train picks up.

    The notion that there are folks who grind the game at low lvls to invade is real, but an exceedingly small portion. The large majority are twinked out bb toons, and adding to this distention is the arms race to keep up with a rookie host summoning helpers who are equally twinked out. The entire first portion of the game, up to the first bell is a long tutorial of sorts, and individuals have been cheated out of it by both the invaders and helpers.

    Any rookie to this game enters the online world and is like an ant walking through the battlefield of gods. It forces them to either play offline which is a partial experience, or endure being the cargo in an escort mission.
    Very well written.
    I would give it a +, but I already ran out.
    I seriosuly need more of those things. big grin

    Back to topic.

    I've had, and plan on having once again, a low level character with high level gear.

    However, I used only low level gear, all on +5 (Burg, Parish, Lower Burg), or +10/Raw (Depths, Blighttown) and not a bit more, spells included, if any at all.

    I also had an elemental weapon as a backup.
    I would, under no circumstance, even hosts, or mine death use it, unless against a twink. I prefered a Fire Shotel. It takes care of most twinks in two attacks.

    That way I think I keep hosts enjoyment of the game and I can protect him from those douches at the same time.

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    My first rant. Empty Re: My first rant.

    Post by Nybbles Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:33 pm

    i was in the Parish when my generous host was invaded by a dark wraith. i and my fellow phantom in arms put in a valiant effort, but we were unable to inflict a mortal wound upon the unwanted invader, so outmatched were we that we were hard pressed to even lay a scratch upon the wraith who shrugged off both backstab and riposte alike.

    i'm sure that we both were expecting our imperilled host would flee for the boss, thereby banishing the wraith from whence they spawned. instead he engaged the wraith in folly and pressing their advantage, the wraith was then able to dispatch all three of us in a single blow from their lightning infused claymore.

    it got my hackles up that such a thing could even happen and that our deaths would be so ignoble. then i remembered that this is Dark Souls and i was resolved to soldier on, knowing than soon i would be dispensing wrathful vengeance upon the lowly wraiths that haunt the Parish.

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    My first rant. Empty Re: My first rant.

    Post by Nybbles Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:36 pm

    Sentiel wrote:
    Emergence wrote:I think it's fair to get annoyed at the low lvl invaders with high lvl gear. It dramatically alters the intended starter experience for newcomers, and yes there are still some out there. The bb glitch was patched at an opportune time as there will likely be a new wave of people jumping in to discover the game as the Dks2 hype train picks up.

    The notion that there are folks who grind the game at low lvls to invade is real, but an exceedingly small portion. The large majority are twinked out bb toons, and adding to this distention is the arms race to keep up with a rookie host summoning helpers who are equally twinked out. The entire first portion of the game, up to the first bell is a long tutorial of sorts, and individuals have been cheated out of it by both the invaders and helpers.

    Any rookie to this game enters the online world and is like an ant walking through the battlefield of gods. It forces them to either play offline which is a partial experience, or endure being the cargo in an escort mission.
    Very well written.
    I would give it a +, but I already ran out.
    I seriosuly need more of those things. big grin

    Back to topic.

    I've had, and plan on having once again, a low level character with high level gear.

    However, I used only low level gear, all on +5 (Burg, Parish, Lower Burg), or +10/Raw (Depths, Blighttown) and not a bit more, spells included, if any at all.

    I also had an elemental weapon as a backup.
    I would, under no circumstance, even hosts, or mine death use it, unless against a twink. I prefered a Fire Shotel. It takes care of most twinks in two attacks.

    That way I think I keep hosts enjoyment of the game and I can protect him from those douches at the same time.

    i agree and will offer a +1 on your behalf as well as mine.
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    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Wed Dec 26, 2012 12:42 am

    my dad has a lvl 10, uses normal gear for summons (+5falchion, oolacile cata and soul arrows etc) but invaders get a dark bead to the face, its satisfying, sadly he's have encountered invaders with pursuers in the parish so...
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    Post by Elite Knight Wed Dec 26, 2012 1:15 am

    I can understand the frustration. What baffles me though, is that these people will crush new/low level players and act like they did something impressive, giving the famous Well What is it
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    Post by Marino. Wed Dec 26, 2012 1:31 am

    Elite Knight wrote:I can understand the frustration. What baffles me though, is that these people will crush new/low level players and act like they did something impressive, giving the famous Well What is it

    No need to make them look better off man. They're just trolling Well What is it

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    My first rant. Empty Re: My first rant.

    Post by WandererReece Sun Dec 30, 2012 1:43 pm

    Emergence wrote:Any rookie to this game enters the online world and is like an ant walking through the battlefield of gods. It forces them to either play offline which is a partial experience, or endure being the cargo in an escort mission.

    I was talking to someone about games, and I told him about this game. I told him how great it was. Then I said, "You may want to play at least the first half offline. There are some griefers who use a cheat to put end game weapons on a starting level character just to one shot you." The bb glitch was still in effect when I said this.

    However, its like Emergence said. The problem still exist.

    I hope they change how elementals work in the second game.

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