When I see the following in pvp I want to ragequit. I want to throw my controller through my tv and forget about this game. The only thing keeping me together is knowing that there's a one it one thousand chance I'll invade someone who doesn't do at least one of these who will put up a good fight. I'm not sick of losing, i'm sick of the same tactics that it seems more and more people are using.
Heavy armor with mask of ******. I see this all the time! Get original! Is looking like that really worth the maxed out stats you get? Judging by today's experience. Yes, it is.
Secondly. The BKGA. This thing annoys the crap out of me. All issues of it being balanced or not aside I'm so sick of it. Its no fun fighting the exact same enemy. When this is combined with the mask wearing tank its just ridiculous.
Gangbangers, griefers, campers whatever. You know who these guys are. You're trying to get some good pvp in the kiln or anor londo and you invade a group of three guys. You know you're going to die. You maybe put up a fight but 3 great-weapons breaks your poise with little trouble. This is made worse by the offensive gestures done by the player. Maybe they get crafty and hide to get a backstab on you. Or maybe you try and run and black crystal out. This can't be fun. I know. I've tried it. I've camped in the kiln with two phantoms. It gets boring really fast. I'd rather earn my souls and humanity.
WoG/Combustion spammers. These spells have their place. If I'm trying to bs you and you make me eat a wog or combustion thats great. But if thats all you do? Seriously? I PvP'd a guy today who cast WoG at least 12 times. Thats a lot of casts. And combustion is no better! I've been hit in a nearly lag free match while at my opponents back! I'll admit, I use combustion sometimes. But when someone uses nothing but it whats the point in that? I'm not saying everyone has to be a melee build with no casting, you can be a caster. Just mix it up. Try using another spell or something. But I swear these are the two spells I see the most.
Pivot Backstabbers. I learned how to pivot, counter pivot, roll bs, ect. Once you learn the formula pvp becomes easy against people who arent experienced with pivot bs. Its not fun, and if you fight someone who is experienced then you just circle eachother waiting for someone to try and pivot so you can counter pivot them. Its ridiculously boring to do. And annoying when you go to legitimately backstab someone and they end up behind you backstabbing you!
As much as I try and encourage people to try and overcome things like this and not to get angry and rant on the forums I'm just at a point where I want to put the game down because this is all I encounter during pvp. Anyone nearing the same point with this game? Maybe its time I put down dark souls for a bit and go out and buy skyrim. Anyone feeling the same way about pvp?