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Godless Servant
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    My PvP rant.


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    My PvP rant.  Empty My PvP rant.

    Post by ErrJon6661 Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:24 am

    IF you're not wanting to hear another rant about how people are unhappy with the game, please press the back button and don't read this. If you don't like what I have to say then don't comment. But I'm reaching a breaking point and am about ready to put this game down out of sheer frustration.

    When I see the following in pvp I want to ragequit. I want to throw my controller through my tv and forget about this game. The only thing keeping me together is knowing that there's a one it one thousand chance I'll invade someone who doesn't do at least one of these who will put up a good fight. I'm not sick of losing, i'm sick of the same tactics that it seems more and more people are using.

    Heavy armor with mask of ******. I see this all the time! Get original! Is looking like that really worth the maxed out stats you get? Judging by today's experience. Yes, it is.

    Secondly. The BKGA. This thing annoys the crap out of me. All issues of it being balanced or not aside I'm so sick of it. Its no fun fighting the exact same enemy. When this is combined with the mask wearing tank its just ridiculous.

    Gangbangers, griefers, campers whatever. You know who these guys are. You're trying to get some good pvp in the kiln or anor londo and you invade a group of three guys. You know you're going to die. You maybe put up a fight but 3 great-weapons breaks your poise with little trouble. This is made worse by the offensive gestures done by the player. Maybe they get crafty and hide to get a backstab on you. Or maybe you try and run and black crystal out. This can't be fun. I know. I've tried it. I've camped in the kiln with two phantoms. It gets boring really fast. I'd rather earn my souls and humanity.

    WoG/Combustion spammers. These spells have their place. If I'm trying to bs you and you make me eat a wog or combustion thats great. But if thats all you do? Seriously? I PvP'd a guy today who cast WoG at least 12 times. Thats a lot of casts. And combustion is no better! I've been hit in a nearly lag free match while at my opponents back! I'll admit, I use combustion sometimes. But when someone uses nothing but it whats the point in that? I'm not saying everyone has to be a melee build with no casting, you can be a caster. Just mix it up. Try using another spell or something. But I swear these are the two spells I see the most.

    Pivot Backstabbers. I learned how to pivot, counter pivot, roll bs, ect. Once you learn the formula pvp becomes easy against people who arent experienced with pivot bs. Its not fun, and if you fight someone who is experienced then you just circle eachother waiting for someone to try and pivot so you can counter pivot them. Its ridiculously boring to do. And annoying when you go to legitimately backstab someone and they end up behind you backstabbing you!

    As much as I try and encourage people to try and overcome things like this and not to get angry and rant on the forums I'm just at a point where I want to put the game down because this is all I encounter during pvp. Anyone nearing the same point with this game? Maybe its time I put down dark souls for a bit and go out and buy skyrim. Anyone feeling the same way about pvp?

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    My PvP rant.  Empty Re: My PvP rant.

    Post by SATLOS Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:35 am

    I got sick of that ***, too.

    You know what I did? Started a low level character and kept it that way. I find that SL 30 provides a good balance, and plenty of action.

    I usually hang around Queelag's or Sen's. Interesting places that make sense for that level. Hosts can often be noobs--which you can adjust for, and still get a decent fight--but more often their helpers are better players who have gathered some decent equipment and thought out their builds. But even then, there's not enough SLs for the ridiculous stuff like one-handed ultra-greatswords (stunlocking) or full Havel's/Mask of the Child shenanigans because they don't meet the endurance reqs. fully.

    I've had some of the best PvP matches with my SL 30 mage, invading in Blightown and ambushing parties of three as they run for Queelag's lair. I'll even take out the phantoms, walk toward the noob host and wave/crystal out. It's hilarious and provides great entertainment.

    Screw SL 120, screw Kiln or any other of the "known places"; that's where all this crap is!

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    My PvP rant.  Empty Re: My PvP rant.

    Post by ErrJon6661 Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:40 am

    I'm working on a sl 250 build currently. When I was invading in anor londo between sl 60 and 80 as a darkwraith I was getting great pvp. Then I went and jumped to sl 120ish and pvp went to crap for me.

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    My PvP rant.  Empty Re: My PvP rant.

    Post by bending_sinister Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:42 am

    Well, the first three points I agree with for the most part, but I think you see the BKGA more than I do. These choices are all up to the players - and most players don't care about originality or fair dueling. The campers who only pvp 3v1 are indeed pathetic. I made my own post about the heavy armor/mask cookie-cutters...

    The other things are annoying but can be countered.You don't have to get hit by WoG or combustion. I find hitting a really good player even once with combustion is nearly impossible and not worth the risk haha. WoG is harder to avoid, but unless you're cornered, you don't have to get hit with more after you take the first one. Just keep an eye on if he's switched to a talisman and roll away - he can use all 12 if he wants to, and if that's all he uses then he's hooped.

    Regarding backstabs - they can also be countered. I rarely use backstabs and even when I run into people who rely completely on it I do fine. Back-pedal, make them run into pokes and roll away. Depending on what they go for, you can also counter-BS. From my experience, they give up on trying to get me with one (at least focusing on it) after they see how I play.

    Lame gamers (which every game has in abundance) are something we have to live with - lame techniques are something we can usually counter.

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    My PvP rant.  Empty Re: My PvP rant.

    Post by bending_sinister Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:43 am

    ErrJon6661 wrote:I'm working on a sl 250 build currently. When I was invading in anor londo between sl 60 and 80 as a darkwraith I was getting great pvp. Then I went and jumped to sl 120ish and pvp went to crap for me.

    Also, try relocating to Painted World - much less garbage (for now) than Anor Londo or Kiln...

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    My PvP rant.  Empty Re: My PvP rant.

    Post by ErrJon6661 Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:47 am

    I agree, wog and combustion are both easy to dodge in the ideal environment. But in close quarters like the hallways of anor londo, or the depths its nearly impossible especially if you're getting gangbanged.

    As far as bsing goes, I learned to do counter pivots and all the basic stabs to defend against them. Of course I tried them out on a couple unlucky people, but my point there was its boring to fight someone who only goes for the bs. It turns into first player goes to pivot, second player counter pivots, first player rolls, teleport, first player backstabbing second player.

    I did the painting world for a while on this game.

    I just remembered the kiln being better than this. I actually had the best time invading in the burg on ng + at sl 80. But I'm to overleveled for that now.
    Godless Servant
    Godless Servant

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    My PvP rant.  Empty Re: My PvP rant.

    Post by Godless Servant Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:49 am

    SATLOS wrote:I got sick of that ***, too.

    You know what I did? Started a low level character and kept it that way. I find that SL 30 provides a good balance, and plenty of action.

    I usually hang around Queelag's or Sen's. Interesting places that make sense for that level. Hosts can often be noobs--which you can adjust for, and still get a decent fight--but more often their helpers are better players who have gathered some decent equipment and thought out their builds. But even then, there's not enough SLs for the ridiculous stuff like one-handed ultra-greatswords (stunlocking) or full Havel's/Mask of the Child shenanigans because they don't meet the endurance reqs. fully.

    I've had some of the best PvP matches with my SL 30 mage, invading in Blightown and ambushing parties of three as they run for Queelag's lair. I'll even take out the phantoms, walk toward the noob host and wave/crystal out. It's hilarious and provides great entertainment.

    Screw SL 120, screw Kiln or any other of the "known places"; that's where all this crap is!
    I'm SL 35 and agree, I invade The Depths and Blightown, everything you just said is true, I'd like to add that if I happen to invade the same person and see the person has improved then I'll message them encouragement or if they haven't, I'll give them tips and either move or help them with the boss.

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    My PvP rant.  Empty Re: My PvP rant.

    Post by Toastfacekillah Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:31 am

    I can handled being backstabbed - even the pivot. Its the chain bs'ers that get me. One mistake and its over. So.....fucking.... lame.

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    My PvP rant.  Empty Re: My PvP rant.

    Post by Glutebrah Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:31 am

    Lol combustion spammers equal free win if you have an avelyn.

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    My PvP rant.  Empty Re: My PvP rant.

    Post by MinedSafe Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:39 am

    ErrJon6661@ Have we met today in the Kilin 7:30-8:30 am ? xbl ? I was using BKGA happy havels helmet and paladin armor happy ?

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    My PvP rant.  Empty Re: My PvP rant.

    Post by Halicarnassis Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:54 am

    Dude I have a thief at SL15 sunlight covenant - Have done to Anor Londo and 4 kings and now she just helps out in the burg and the depths. I get so much co-op it's rediculous!!

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    My PvP rant.  Empty Re: My PvP rant.

    Post by PPG-3- Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:10 am

    just to throw some positives out.

    i regularly pvp in the kilin. and aside from a few camper groups i've been getting very decent 1v1. Or a host who will stand back and summon me phantoms until I die. Usually, I drop a red stone and he brings me back right away. Sometimes 2v2 comes along as well with a DW or DM invasion too. All legitimate fights. With no constant back stabbing tactics. So I can say I've been having good luck.

    Some advice, if you are looking for a fair fight. Just stay human in the kilin and wait for a DW or DM. At least you'll know its 1 on 1 for the most part. Drop down some prism stones at the four corners so it looks legit. Bow first. Don't wait for him to bow. You bow first. Set the tone. Who cares if he takes a cheap shot. At least you kept your dignity.

    Lastly, try not to hate on the casters too much. I use great combustion/WoG to counter act back stabbers. Melee is the way for me. But if someone wants to go nuts with spells let them. They are usually very easy to dodge and counter anyways. Not everyone enjoys fighting melee. They can choose.

    As for the generic gear builds. Meh. Some people lack creativity. What can you do.

    I'm on PS3 if you want to set something by the way.

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    Post by mpaschke Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:18 am

    +1 to PPG-3's post, pretty much how I feel

    and SL 40 can be a lot of fun in PWoA, usually people have decent gear, but rarely find full Havels ninja-flippers!

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    My PvP rant.  Empty Re: My PvP rant.

    Post by JY4answer Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:32 am

    Refusing to use any mask or giants armor because there's 5000 clones everyday. And yeah, some people actually feel good winning by ganging and being cheap.
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    My PvP rant.  Empty Re: My PvP rant.

    Post by RANT Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:06 am

    i use the mask combo for pve sometimes, all my pvp guys(gals) are str based but i always go for looks rather than defence, sometimes i have no poise at all which gets me killed sometimes becasue once i get stunlocked im crewed but at least i look good while im dying. hopefully we get enough people in the fight club and not have to put up with stuff like that anymore.

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    My PvP rant.  Empty Re: My PvP rant.

    Post by Halicarnassis Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:11 am

    My gravelord was dressed like a roman legionaare; hard leather armour, steel helmet and greaves, eagle shield left hand and right hand a spear or the broad sword.

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    My PvP rant.  Empty Re: My PvP rant.

    Post by Pharaun Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:25 am

    The Kiln had become frustrating. The farmers should go back to the Forest. I hate when campers summon me on my red soapstone, how cheap is that?! Well actually I don't mind when they summon me as much as when I take out one phantom and start to get the best of the host or other phantom and the host runs away and starts healing. What a bitch move, you already have a numbers advantage but then you heal too, come on man. I guess to each their own and they are just doing what it takes for them to win, but they can't be proud of that. At least don't "Well! What's up!" when you win that way guys, it's rather ish.

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    Post by PPG-3- Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:30 am

    yeah. being summoned via red soapstone for a 3v1 its just poor.

    the only brightside i can see is that doing something like that is boring. and people doing it will get bored of this game and probably arent really into it either seeing as the builds are pretty mundane and unoriginal. i've been 3v1 with ppl wearing the exact same get up aside from weapons. but all weapons were great swords or BKGA. eventually those ppl will go back to playing CoD or something. what will be left are the serious Dark Souls ppl.

    We didn't have this problem with demons souls as the only ppl who bothered to pick it up were serious in the first place. give it time. these ppl will be weeded out.

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    My PvP rant.  Empty Re: My PvP rant.

    Post by strangejoy Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:36 am

    I summoned a guy twice last night for a dragon invasion, and each time he spent the entire fight hiding behind mobs. I killed him both times while he tried to spam CSS through the mobs. That's the sort of situation that demands a facepalm post-victory.

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    Post by Pharaun Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:42 am

    Dragon has usually given me good duels. Not very many cheap tactics and usually some variety in builds. I also like when the guy is In dragonoid form and let's me switch real quick into mine. Those fights are always fun.

    Last edited by Pharaun on Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:44 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post by PPG-3- Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:43 am

    that's very disappointing. most dragon fights have been the best ones imo. i always look for those signs. its usually staright up with no shenanigans. too bad that guy is ruining their reputation. i always keep scales on me for that purpose.

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    My PvP rant.  Empty Re: My PvP rant.

    Post by strangejoy Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:53 am



    Agreed. 95% of my dragon duels have been great, which is why it was so disappointing to face this guy. I even thought that he'd change his ways after losing the first match so dishonorably. Some people have no pride.
    Tyler Durden
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    My PvP rant.  Empty Re: My PvP rant.

    Post by RANT Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:11 pm

    i always summon the dragon dudes, theyre the ones that actually want a fair fight, that guy's an idiot, hes only ruining for the other guys, you should have just bs him as soon as he spwned after he was hiding the first time.

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    My PvP rant.  Empty Re: My PvP rant.

    Post by strangejoy Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:15 pm

    RantFromRant wrote:i always summon the dragon dudes, theyre the ones that actually want a fair fight, that guy's an idiot, hes only ruining for the other guys, you should have just bs him as soon as he spwned after he was hiding the first time.

    He spawned too far away. Besides, killing someone the hard way when they're being a douche is all the more humiliating for them.winking

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    Post by Halicarnassis Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:44 pm

    What you need is a special attack like spamming water bombs until the douche drowns !

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    My PvP rant.  Empty Re: My PvP rant.

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