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    I'm scared

    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    I'm scared Empty I'm scared

    Post by User1 Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:51 pm

    When I'm on these forums (I only ever have time at night) everyone in my house is asleep, it's pitch black and creaking noises are always made in my house. And, to make the matter worse, my mum said someone could try to break in, because it's christmas day (where I am) I am currently ******** myself, if someone actually breaks in. As random as this thread is, my question is: Has anyone else ever had this feeling? And not just on Christmas day.
    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer

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    I'm scared Empty Re: I'm scared

    Post by Demon Slayer Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:16 pm

    yea happens a lot to me
    same way
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    I'm scared Empty Re: I'm scared

    Post by User1 Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:38 pm

    Demon Slayer wrote:yea happens a lot to me
    same way
    Oh my god, I thought I was the only person to have this Irrational and Rational fear! (Irrational because you'd know if someone was breaking in, and rational because the guy doing the breaking in could be a psycho, and might kill you, or hold you ransom. God, I'm being too serious about this.)

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