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Jester's Tears
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    New PC! Need Games!

    Jester's Tears
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    New PC! Need Games! - Page 2 Empty Re: New PC! Need Games!

    Post by Jester's Tears Sun Dec 30, 2012 8:44 pm

    I'm planning on getting Chivalry, I was gonna buy it today, but it went up in Price so i didn't have enough, ;_; Still Got the Orange Box silly TF2 Time!

    (You ask why i didn't get F2P Version? LIMITS...DEM BACKPACK LIMITS.)
    Mr. Tart
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    New PC! Need Games! - Page 2 Empty Re: New PC! Need Games!

    Post by Mr. Tart Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:11 pm

    PlasticandRage wrote:Like what kind of games are they I mean? Worms shooting each other could be all kinds of different things.

    I find it hard to explain, but i would say it's kind of like platform/3rd person strategy. That's the best explanation i could even come up with. I suggest you check it up on youtube instead.



    That's Worms Revolution and Worms 4 Mayhem. Both good games. There are several 3D and 2D worms games, however Worms 4 Mayhem is one of the latest 3D releases, although there was another one that i do not know too much about as well as Worms Revolution being (i believe) the latest 2D Worms game.
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    New PC! Need Games! - Page 2 Empty Re: New PC! Need Games!

    Post by Marino. Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:26 pm

    Jester's Tears wrote:I'm planning on getting Chivalry, I was gonna buy it today, but it went up in Price so i didn't have enough, ;_; Still Got the Orange Box silly TF2 Time!

    (You ask why i didn't get F2P Version? LIMITS...DEM BACKPACK LIMITS.)

    You'd have to buy something in TF2 to get a Premium account (Without limitations)the Cheapest thing is Bonk! Atomic Punch for 0,39 Dollar
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    New PC! Need Games! - Page 2 Empty Re: New PC! Need Games!

    Post by The Letter X Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:59 am

    You should also get Mugen. It's a very fun game once you get a lot of characters that you enjoy using.
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    New PC! Need Games! - Page 2 Empty Re: New PC! Need Games!

    Post by PlasticandRage Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:07 am

    Mr. Tart wrote:
    PlasticandRage wrote:Like what kind of games are they I mean? Worms shooting each other could be all kinds of different things.

    I find it hard to explain, but i would say it's kind of like platform/3rd person strategy. That's the best explanation i could even come up with. I suggest you check it up on youtube instead.



    That's Worms Revolution and Worms 4 Mayhem. Both good games. There are several 3D and 2D worms games, however Worms 4 Mayhem is one of the latest 3D releases, although there was another one that i do not know too much about as well as Worms Revolution being (i believe) the latest 2D Worms game.

    Oh, it's like Scorched Earth. I've played tons of games like that. Most of them are free games though. There's enough variation in it to be worth paying for?
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    New PC! Need Games! - Page 2 Empty Re: New PC! Need Games!

    Post by GrinTwist Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:16 am

    I'm not much of a PC gamer but there is one game that I put some time into every once and a while.

    It's Rise of Nations: Gold Edition. It's an RTS (if your into that sort of thing) and it's pretty old. I've seen some real low prices for the game that revolve around 10 dollars. That is if you can find it.
    Mr. Tart
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    New PC! Need Games! - Page 2 Empty Re: New PC! Need Games!

    Post by Mr. Tart Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:23 am

    PlasticandRage wrote:
    Oh, it's like Scorched Earth. I've played tons of games like that. Most of them are free games though. There's enough variation in it to be worth paying for?
    Depends on which game you get. If you're into the 3d games i know for sure both Worms 3D and Worms 4 Mayhem offer some variation. I'm not quite sure what exactly you mean by variation, but i'll give it a go. All worms games have a big variation in weaponry, Worms 3D offer map customization to some extent, although all 2D games have much better map makers. Worms 4 Mayhem allows for worm customization as well as a special weapon customization, although no matter what you do, the weapon will never be all that unique, but it will still be unique. As for maps, each game have unique and different maps, however the 3D ones offer a ''better'' variation, as you could probably imagine. Although the recently made 2D games have some better variation in map atmosphere and scenery. There are some game options you can add to Worms 3D and Worms 4 Mayhem like bigger explosions etc, though i'm not sure if that's available for any of the 2D games.

    There is also Worms Forts: Under Siege, yet another 3D game. It is quite different from the others, however, but still quite fun. The multiplayer in Worms 4 Mayhem and Worms Forts is not all dead either, so if you wish to play that you could. I should however warn you if you buy Worms 4 Mayhem. I've had some recent problems with installing the game myself. Now, i don't know if it's all because i just suck or whatever, but it's worth noting. You should consider the games though, if you enjoy games like that. Playing solo story is not too bad either, however i preferred the Worms 3D challenges(not story) over Worms 4 Mayhem challenges.

    I do however, once again suggest you check up on the games, see if any of them interest you and do some research, especially Worms 4 Mayhem. Now, if you do get Worms 3D, Worms 4 Mayhem, Worms Forts or Worms World Party send me a message and we could play some online some time.

    I do apologize for the messy text, but it's quite late, 7.21 am to be exact, and i've had no sleep.

    Edit: None of the games should be too expensive though, they've been around for a couple of years now, and so they should most likely not cost too much, unless you're having some economical problems right now. So either way, it should be no big loss. If you're not against downloading, giving it a download to try it out is always a great way of, well, trying it out. And then if you like it, you can buy it to access multiplayer.
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    New PC! Need Games! - Page 2 Empty Re: New PC! Need Games!

    Post by PlasticandRage Mon Dec 31, 2012 4:37 am

    No, you got it. That's exactly what I meant. To use Scorched Earth as an example, the whole game is pretty much: Insert your tank, and 4-6 others in a randomly generated hilly area, insert random wind, buy weapons, kill tanks for money, buy more weapons, repeat. That's not to say it isn't fun, but it's repetitive enough that I probably wouldn't play it if it cost money.

    So Worms isn't just focused on multiplayer then? There're campaigns as well? Maybe I'll look into em on steam. I don't think I've ever heard a bad thing said about the series. That's a pretty good review in itself.
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    New PC! Need Games! - Page 2 Empty Re: New PC! Need Games!

    Post by dancash1808 Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:32 pm

    Mr. Tart wrote:Oh hell no! Worms 4 Mayhem rocks, just as much as Sonic Adventure 2 Battle is awesome, and you sure as hell can't deny that. Sonic is great both in 2D and 3D, although there have been few 3D Sonic games, worms however, both are just as good.

    I was going to get mad.... then I saw your profile picture and I understood silly worms 3d is okay I guess but I still dont like it but there have been wayyyy too many sonic games in 3d and nearly all of them sucked
    Mr. Tart
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    New PC! Need Games! - Page 2 Empty Re: New PC! Need Games!

    Post by Mr. Tart Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:18 pm

    dancash1808 wrote:
    Mr. Tart wrote:Oh hell no! Worms 4 Mayhem rocks, just as much as Sonic Adventure 2 Battle is awesome, and you sure as hell can't deny that. Sonic is great both in 2D and 3D, although there have been few 3D Sonic games, worms however, both are just as good.

    I was going to get mad.... then I saw your profile picture and I understood silly worms 3d is okay I guess but I still dont like it but there have been wayyyy too many sonic games in 3d and nearly all of them sucked

    I agree with you, a lot of 3D Sonic games have been... less good, but there are some good games, like the one mentioned; Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, its predecessor SAB. As for Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog, i don't believe those games were bad. While they didn't truly live up to the series, they weren't entirely bad.

    And don't forget Sonic Heroes, a game that surely is worth mentioning. I can agree that lately, the 3D games have only gone downhill thanks to games like; Sonic Unleashed and Sonic and the Black Knight, which weren't very good games. There's also Sonic Riders, which i myself had mixed feelings with, but it's really just a spin-off kinda game, and not a title killer, so it's no big deal. What i'm trying to say is, not all Sonic 3D games are bad, although the most recently released ones, i do agree with you, are really bad.

    IMHO, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle is one of the best Sonic games ever released.

    On another note, just because i have a Trololo photo doesn't mean i'm a troll, just sayin'. silly

    Last edited by Mr. Tart on Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    New PC! Need Games! - Page 2 Empty Re: New PC! Need Games!

    Post by Mr. Tart Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:27 pm

    PlasticandRage wrote:No, you got it. That's exactly what I meant. To use Scorched Earth as an example, the whole game is pretty much: Insert your tank, and 4-6 others in a randomly generated hilly area, insert random wind, buy weapons, kill tanks for money, buy more weapons, repeat. That's not to say it isn't fun, but it's repetitive enough that I probably wouldn't play it if it cost money.

    So Worms isn't just focused on multiplayer then? There're campaigns as well? Maybe I'll look into em on steam. I don't think I've ever heard a bad thing said about the series. That's a pretty good review in itself.

    Whenever i've played a Worms game, i've mainly been playing the campaign and challenges, rather than the multiplayer. I mean, they are all fun, but i prefer the campaign and challenges in the Worms series. Just keep in mind, it's not a very serious series, so don't expect the campaign to be all serious, because it's not. The game is mainly (i think anyway)just plain fun, nothing else but fun. Which is kinda unlike me, because i usually just like serious games. Example; I was gonna buy Saints Row: The Third, but when i saw how ''not serious'' it was, i just lost the interest. That doesn't really matter though, does it?

    I should also add that in case you're expecting it, based on your comment; You do not necessarily buy weapons, or atleast not in a battle, though some of the games have a shop you can buy maps, weapons and clothes.

    But yes, it's pretty much like that, move to a location to take out enemies with several weapons etc. Challenges and at times campaign, may remove some weapon options to give a challenge and make it more ''realistic'' and follow the campaign. Once in a fight, boxes may fall down too. There are usually 4 different ones; Medical box = health, Weapon box = random weapon, another blue box that gives none offensive items like parachutes, ninja ropes, jetpacks etc and a random box = random items and stuff. Some games(or atleast one) like the Worms 4 Mayhem game also has easter eggs that gives a lot of ingame money to use in the shop.

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    New PC! Need Games! - Page 2 Empty Re: New PC! Need Games!

    Post by ChizFreak Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:14 pm

    Jester's Tears wrote:I'm planning on getting Chivalry, I was gonna buy it today, but it went up in Price so i didn't have enough, ;_; Still Got the Orange Box silly TF2 Time!

    (You ask why i didn't get F2P Version? LIMITS...DEM BACKPACK LIMITS.)

    Do it RIGHT NAW. It's one of the GOTY for me, and Jester, add me on Steam! Search for my username ChizFreak, or just give me yours and I will add you.
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    New PC! Need Games! - Page 2 Empty Re: New PC! Need Games!

    Post by PlasticandRage Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:07 pm

    Mr. Tart wrote:
    PlasticandRage wrote:No, you got it. That's exactly what I meant. To use Scorched Earth as an example, the whole game is pretty much: Insert your tank, and 4-6 others in a randomly generated hilly area, insert random wind, buy weapons, kill tanks for money, buy more weapons, repeat. That's not to say it isn't fun, but it's repetitive enough that I probably wouldn't play it if it cost money.

    So Worms isn't just focused on multiplayer then? There're campaigns as well? Maybe I'll look into em on steam. I don't think I've ever heard a bad thing said about the series. That's a pretty good review in itself.

    Whenever i've played a Worms game, i've mainly been playing the campaign and challenges, rather than the multiplayer. I mean, they are all fun, but i prefer the campaign and challenges in the Worms series. Just keep in mind, it's not a very serious series, so don't expect the campaign to be all serious, because it's not. The game is mainly (i think anyway)just plain fun, nothing else but fun. Which is kinda unlike me, because i usually just like serious games. Example; I was gonna buy Saints Row: The Third, but when i saw how ''not serious'' it was, i just lost the interest. That doesn't really matter though, does it?

    I should also add that in case you're expecting it, based on your comment; You do not necessarily buy weapons, or atleast not in a battle, though some of the games have a shop you can buy maps, weapons and clothes.

    But yes, it's pretty much like that, move to a location to take out enemies with several weapons etc. Challenges and at times campaign, may remove some weapon options to give a challenge and make it more ''realistic'' and follow the campaign. Once in a fight, boxes may fall down too. There are usually 4 different ones; Medical box = health, Weapon box = random weapon, another blue box that gives none offensive items like parachutes, ninja ropes, jetpacks etc and a random box = random items and stuff. Some games(or atleast one) like the Worms 4 Mayhem game also has easter eggs that gives a lot of ingame money to use in the shop.

    I'm all about fun. Isn't that why we all do this?
    Mr. Tart
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    New PC! Need Games! - Page 2 Empty Re: New PC! Need Games!

    Post by Mr. Tart Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:16 pm

    PlasticandRage wrote:
    Mr. Tart wrote:
    PlasticandRage wrote:No, you got it. That's exactly what I meant. To use Scorched Earth as an example, the whole game is pretty much: Insert your tank, and 4-6 others in a randomly generated hilly area, insert random wind, buy weapons, kill tanks for money, buy more weapons, repeat. That's not to say it isn't fun, but it's repetitive enough that I probably wouldn't play it if it cost money.

    So Worms isn't just focused on multiplayer then? There're campaigns as well? Maybe I'll look into em on steam. I don't think I've ever heard a bad thing said about the series. That's a pretty good review in itself.

    Whenever i've played a Worms game, i've mainly been playing the campaign and challenges, rather than the multiplayer. I mean, they are all fun, but i prefer the campaign and challenges in the Worms series. Just keep in mind, it's not a very serious series, so don't expect the campaign to be all serious, because it's not. The game is mainly (i think anyway)just plain fun, nothing else but fun. Which is kinda unlike me, because i usually just like serious games. Example; I was gonna buy Saints Row: The Third, but when i saw how ''not serious'' it was, i just lost the interest. That doesn't really matter though, does it?

    I should also add that in case you're expecting it, based on your comment; You do not necessarily buy weapons, or atleast not in a battle, though some of the games have a shop you can buy maps, weapons and clothes.

    But yes, it's pretty much like that, move to a location to take out enemies with several weapons etc. Challenges and at times campaign, may remove some weapon options to give a challenge and make it more ''realistic'' and follow the campaign. Once in a fight, boxes may fall down too. There are usually 4 different ones; Medical box = health, Weapon box = random weapon, another blue box that gives none offensive items like parachutes, ninja ropes, jetpacks etc and a random box = random items and stuff. Some games(or atleast one) like the Worms 4 Mayhem game also has easter eggs that gives a lot of ingame money to use in the shop.

    I'm all about fun. Isn't that why we all do this?

    Yes. Maybe. No? Oh god, i don't know the answer! :affraid:

    Haha, then you have great reason to buy one of the Worms games. I hope that if you do, you'll enjoy them as much as you imagine, based on my description. happy

    Oh, and a happy new year!
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    New PC! Need Games! - Page 2 Empty Re: New PC! Need Games!

    Post by PlasticandRage Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:24 pm

    Mr. Tart wrote:

    Yes. Maybe. No? Oh god, i don't know the answer! :affraid:

    You fail. Guess you're just going to have to repeat the class next year.

    Happy New Year Tart

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    Post by KomradDakka Tue Jan 01, 2013 12:48 am

    This Fan made vid made me want to buy Farming Simulator (antisemitism aside, it made me chuckle)


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    Post by PlasticandRage Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:30 am

    Any of you guys ever hear of a game called Project Zomboid? I'm screwing around with the demo right now, and about 10 minutes of play was enough to have me considering the purchase. Apparently it's in the process of being released on steam, but can be bought directly from the programmers now for hardly anything. If you don't know about it, and you're into realistic survival horror, check it out.
    I just survived for a day and a half. My wife's leg was broken, so I bandaged it and boarded up the house, then went out for some supplies, killed some zombies, found some soup, cooked it, set the house on fire because I forgot to turn the stove off, dragged my injured wife outside and inadvertently into a waiting horde of zombies who had been watching me through the windows I forgot to cover, then tried to run away while they were busy eating her and was set on fire by a zombie that tried to come through the burning kitchen window. If any of that sounds good to you, give it a shot. I'm enjoying it.

    Edit: I ended up buying that last night. Totally worth every penny. It's a pretty simple game. You literally just try to survive for as long as possible, so if that's not appealing then probably stay away, but I'm really digging it. I survived for 8 days this afternoon.

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    Post by KomradDakka Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:57 pm

    PlasticandRage wrote:Any of you guys ever hear of a game called Project Zomboid?

    Absolutley! fantastic game even for a work in progress...its one of those few games that helps to rp in, it raises your chances of surviving 10 fold. i managed to survive for 2 months holed up in an apartment building. i only ever left the apartment i occupied to scavange more food from another floor. ended up dying to a stove fire ;_;7

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    Post by KomradDakka Wed Jan 02, 2013 6:02 pm

    OH! and while im here, Check out "Towns". Its got its own site, but you can also get it on Steam right now on sale.

    It plays like Dwarf Fortress does, but its actually rendered in 3D and playable in terms of people who cant read ASCII very well haha. if you like city building games with a little bit of strategy and management, id check this game out

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