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    A question about poison

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    A question about poison Empty A question about poison

    Post by Reaperfan Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:41 am

    Specifically the Rotten Pine Resin buff. I'm considering a build that uses the Guardian Tail being buffed with it for some super poisoning action, but I'm kind of curious if anyone knows about the specifics of how poison damage works. So my question is, the Guardian Tail has 180 poison damage on it, and the Rotten Pine Resin adds 180 poison damage to it's weapon (according to the Wiki at least). Does this mean the poison damage will be doubled at 360 poison damage so they take more damage per tick? Are the buff and natural poison treated separately so it only will have 180 still? Is the poison build-up increased?

    Just little details about how the poison effects stack is what I'm looking for, and any help would be nice happy

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    A question about poison Empty Re: A question about poison

    Post by LunarFog Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:25 am

    Poison and toxin damage caused by players stay the same no matter what. if you buff a weapon that already has poison, then it just inflicts poison twice as fast

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    A question about poison Empty Re: A question about poison

    Post by Uparkaam Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:09 pm

    The damage won't change but you'll inflict them with the poison much quicker.
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    A question about poison Empty Re: A question about poison

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:11 pm

    I'm pretty sure that when I inflicted poison with two different weapons (daggers and one other weapon) that the damage output increased. If you're looking to panic people with a greater return on poison damage I know I did it somehow.
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    A question about poison Empty Re: A question about poison

    Post by Tolvo Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:26 pm

    Skare did you stack toxin and poison on them? Because you can poison, and toxin a person at the same time. Just as in Btown, you can get toxined by a dark thrower then poisoned by the swamp. Making you die incredibly quickly.
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    A question about poison Empty Re: A question about poison

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:29 pm

    That could have been. I'm wondering what I would have used that had toxin instaed of poison though. I wanna say I used arrows and daggers because if I recall correctly I did the testing on the Boulder Giant at Sen's (the respawing one). I don't think I ever was able to hit him with cloud spells. It's been a long time since I tested poison stuff though so I could be off on what I used and on what enemy.
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    A question about poison Empty Re: A question about poison

    Post by Reaperfan Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:19 pm

    If you were using Daggers it was probably the Dark Silver Tracer. As far as I know it and the Gravelord Sword are the only two weapons to inflict Toxic, and it's the only Dagger with an special effect that isn't bleed. So with Dark Silver Tracer and Poison Arrows, it's entirely possible to Toxic and poison an enemy simultaneously.

    And thanks for all the help in the thread guys (or girls. It's the internet, you can never be sure winking)

    EDIT: I just remembered that Priscilla's Dagger has some Occult damage on it. So there's at least one more Dagger with a special effect, even if that effect means nothing in the context of the current topic :|
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    A question about poison Empty Re: A question about poison

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:04 pm

    Poison throwing knives I meant. Maybe the gravelord sword was in the mix but that would mean a different enemy. Disregard me big grin

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    A question about poison Empty Re: A question about poison

    Post by Hue Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:11 pm

    Tolvo wrote:Just as in Btown, you can get toxined by a dark thrower then poisoned by the swamp. Making you die incredibly quickly.

    About that, what if you toxic yourself with dung pies? does that make them unable to toxin you for 32HP/tick?
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    A question about poison Empty Re: A question about poison

    Post by Reaperfan Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:14 pm

    Hachouma wrote:
    Tolvo wrote:Just as in Btown, you can get toxined by a dark thrower then poisoned by the swamp. Making you die incredibly quickly.

    About that, what if you toxic yourself with dung pies? does that make them unable to toxin you for 32HP/tick?

    There was a developer who actually recommended this as a method of getting through them. They can't reapply the Toxic status to you, but since the Toxic of the Dung Pies is weaker than their Toxic darts it's actually safer since you're taking less damage.
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    A question about poison Empty Re: A question about poison

    Post by Jester's Tears Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:57 pm

    Tolvo wrote:Skare did you stack toxin and poison on them? Because you can poison, and toxin a person at the same time. Just as in Btown, you can get toxined by a dark thrower then poisoned by the swamp. Making you die incredibly quickly.

    Every 15th Secon. ESTUS. I panicked so much the first time Both happend to me.
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    A question about poison Empty Re: A question about poison

    Post by Jester's Tears Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:59 pm

    Poison is actually good, even if it Does ''****'' damage (4HP a Second isen't THAT much when at Level 315 -.-), Since the fact that You constant take Damage makes you Panic, It works REALLY GOOD against Newbies.

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    A question about poison Empty Re: A question about poison

    Post by Jansports Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:27 am

    The best part of poison is the stamina regen debuffing it does. The damage is so lame, even I am often at a loss to turtle for long enough for it to kill someone

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    A question about poison Empty Re: A question about poison

    Post by AzureCrow Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:56 am

    Jansports wrote:The best part of poison is the stamina regen debuffing it does. The damage is so lame, even I am often at a loss to turtle for long enough for it to kill someone

    Poison is incredibly effective at pressuring opponents, the damage won't get you anywhere but it prevents your enemy from ever taking a breather, every second becomes their enemy and your ally. If you can become confident at pacing a fight and patiently chipping your opponent while avoiding heavy damage few players will outlast you.

    The biggest thing to remember when using rotten resin and poison is that it isn't the hits your opponent takes that turn the tides but the damage they take without you connecting a blow. When they dodge when you miss, they think they've created space but they're still taking damage and every purple moss brings you closer to their throat.
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    A question about poison Empty Re: A question about poison

    Post by Tolvo Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:05 am

    Another thing, if you have someone that likes to run away and hide a lot. Poison gives you more of a trail of where they are going, especially if they are dumb enough to never eat a moss.
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    A question about poison Empty Re: A question about poison

    Post by ublug Sat Jan 05, 2013 12:11 pm

    Jansports wrote:The best part of poison is the stamina regen debuffing it does. The damage is so lame, even I am often at a loss to turtle for long enough for it to kill someone
    Doesn't the debuff only apply to Toxic?

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