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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...


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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by ErrJon6661 Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:54 pm

    And I'm sure some of you guys are curious.

    I've been smoking for a quite a while and I've been tired of the smell, the ashes and how much of a pain in the butt it is to smoke in my car. So recently I bought one of the disposable electronic cigarettes.

    I'm in love with them. So if anyone has been wondering about them I'd say its definitely worth a try. I'm not a heavy smoker, 4-6 a day and I've had the disposable for two days now and its still going strong. Its supposed to replace 1-2 packs of cigarettes. Reading the ingredients in the vapor juice and doing some research about these they seem to be a great healthy alternative, and they definitely give you the nicotine fix you get from real cigarettes.

    I'm debating going in on a kit with refillable cartridges. If anyone is interested on this I can keep you posted.

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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:58 pm

    I've always been reticent to try. Don't want E-cigs to turn into a crutch, y'know?

    I can usually quit for a while, but I always get pulled back in. It sucks... :x
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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by PlasticandRage Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:02 pm

    Be careful with what you buy. I'm in the process of trying to quit too, and I went through a bunch of different smoking aids. I was on chantix for awhile, did the patch, the lozenges, and the gum, and nothing really worked for me, so I've been forcing myself to smoke one less cigarette every 5 days until I'm down to under 5, and then I'm just going to quit. Anyway, I looked into E-cigarettes, and a lot of them have cancer causing agents in the liquid you put in them and smoke. Some are actually even worse for you than real cigarettes.
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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:04 pm

    I've heard that too, Plastic.
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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by PlasticandRage Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:11 pm

    I actually go see an addiction specialist each month, who helps me with my other problem. Been in that program for a few years now. He's an MD who deals with all kinds of addiction medicine, and he's been advising me on the best ways to stop smoking. He told me it's a good idea to stay away from them until the FDA gets a better handle on what they're doing. I guess some of those companies aren't really monitored at all yet, so they can put all kinds of crap in them.
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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by Serious_Much Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:53 am

    I think e-cigarettes have a lot of potential, obviously they're a fairly new thing and not as safe as pure nicotine from a patch etc, but the emulation of the smoking action means it's just one less mental vice to overcome, getting you off the worst stuff, which is obviously cigarettes.

    On the carcinogenic properties, it's a bit misleading when you hear things like that. Fact is genetic disposition plays a great part in whether you get cancer, then lifestyle. However it's impossible to totally avoid carcinogens. Breathing is carcinogenic, hell it's actually more healthy to take vitamin c tablets than eat oranges for vitamin c due to carcinogens, but obviously there is more to it than that.

    The same is true for e-***, maybe some can be more carcinogenic, but they aren't gonna lead to the other effects, which are shown to actually clear up within days and weeks of stopping smoking. I'd say it's worth a shot for anyone.
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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by PlasticandRage Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:31 am

    I think they definitely have potential. An enormous part of my personal smoking addiction is to the act of smoking itself. So many of my hobbies involve essentially just sitting around, like gaming for example, and that's when I find that I smoke the most, and if I try not to I'll start getting antsy. It's times like that when an E-cigarette would be amazing to help me to quit for good. But when a professional in the field tells me to not do something I generally listen. At the same time though, he said some of the companies that manufacture them are now being monitored by the FDA, and are relatively safe. At least in comparison to real cigarettes. I just can't remember which ones he said

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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by Emergence Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:36 am

    I quit smoking 2 years ago, but I tried a few alternatives before doing so.

    The one thing I will add is that even if carcinogen free, nicotine itself still has a detrimental effect on the body's system, affecting the vascular system and blood sugar.

    The healthiest option will always be nicotine and smoke free in the long run.
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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by Mr. Tart Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:48 am

    I don't smoke, never have.

    I did however try taking one blow when i was about... six i believe, as a way of forcing me away from it. It was something my grandmother did to my uncle, and it worked quite well on him, just as it did to me.

    My parents have always been smokers, and while i hate it, i've gotten used to it. I rarely even care anymore when someone smokes near me.

    Something that saddens me, is the fact that i've seen about 80% of the people of my age and YOUNGER smoking in my neighbourhood, and it bothers me to no end.

    While i said smoke doesn't bother me much anymore, i'm always grumpy on my way home while waiting at the bus station because some bastard decides to sit down right next to me(or even small kids!) and smoke right in our faces with no respect whatsoever.

    Edit: I realize now, that this may not necessarily be a topic made for discussion and rants about people smoking etc, but i hope you don't mind.
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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by PlasticandRage Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:15 am

    You've only taken one blow? You poor poor man.

    On a more serious note, that's really what big tobacco has always tried to do. Hook em when they're young, and they've got customers for life. That's how they got me. I started smoking when I was 15. Now, pretty much 15 years later, I'm working on a mean smoker's cough, spending over $100 a week on cigarettes, and struggling to quit.

    I am making good progress though. I've got myself down to 12 a day. Which may sound like a lot to a non-smoker, but I was smoking roughly 30 a couple months ago.

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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by ErrJon6661 Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:27 am

    A lot of the companies have actually responded to the whole carcinogenic chemical thing people were talking about. I know the company that does V2 and Blu posts their ingredients on their websites and/or on the packaging. The tobacco flavored ones will have carcinogenic chemicals in them because well... they have tobacco extracts in them.

    As far as quitting goes I've gone from nearly a pack a day to about four a day in two years, mostly because money. I don't really want to quit smoking, but I know its bad for me and this seems like a great alternative.

    @plastic. I feel you there. I've been smoking since I was 13.
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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by Mr. Tart Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:28 am

    You're right, that does sound like a lot. I do wish you luck though.

    Me and my classmates made a bet that if a guy didn't stop smoking until after christmas we'd each slap him 5 times whenever we want to. Reading your post just now makes me feel kinda bad, but oh well. twisted

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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by ChizFreak Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:13 am

    I'm in no position to give an opinion (never smoked, drugs, not even alcohol), but at least from personal experience (I mean from my friends and such), I have realized that most people started smoking by either too much stress on hard situations of their lives, or "just to try it" (sometimes because they saw friends doing it) and then couldn't leave it.

    Best solution I can think of is trying to be calm, seek ways to distract yourself and try to eliminate things in your life that you give too much stress. Seek a calmer life. Then the need for cigarettes will be reduced. If you can't do something without cigarettes, then you should start thinking if that thing is worth risking your health. Anyway the most healthful path is always smoke-free.

    Sadly I don't understand that POV as I tend to be close-minded to the fact everyone controls their own mind as I do and as such they can leave anything if they can bear the pain until they get used to be without it, but trying to think from your POV, there is no need to rush something already hard to do, do it at a slow pace and ask your friends' help. Simple things like reminding you how much cigarettes you have to take that day and giving you their support is helpful.

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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by ErrJon6661 Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:35 pm

    Smoke free is most definitely healthier than any form of smoking I don't think anyone can argue that.

    And I recommend that if you do decide to try them you do your own research as I have.

    Also if anyone is keeping tabs I'm on day three (~12 smokes) and its still going strong.
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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by PlasticandRage Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:19 pm

    Good job man. It's really hard to do. I wish us both luck

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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by Juutas Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:28 pm

    I smoked for 10 years (2 years without YAY!) roughly pack in a day.

    My advice for quitting smoking:

    Step 1: decide a exact day when you are going to quit it.

    Step 2: switch your cigarette brand into lighter version (with MUCH less nicotine) and smoke this lighter brand of cigarette until the day you decided to be your quitting day (this makes you get rid of the nicotine addiction, but you canstill smoke at the same time).

    Step3: quit smoking.


    Advice 1: (this may sound little odd but it works) ALWAYS carry a pack of cigarettes with you where ever you're going after you quit smoking. The feeling that you can smoke if you WANT to to smoke is very comforting in itself, usually the worst panic begins when you don't have any cigarettes with you when you want it, not actually smoking the cigarette (but you don't want to smoke that cigarette so you don't smoke it! you want to quit! not smoke!).

    Advice 2: carry around small box of candy that you can chew when you feel the need to smoke.

    And lastly a motivational picture:

    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Normal_750831406

    You know all thoes weird feelings that you have that make you believe you are dying? those are all gone now when I quit smoking. YOU CAN DO IT! happy
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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by Serious_Much Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:18 pm

    I really like that idea, Juutas. The idea that instead of being enforced into not smoking by lack of availability, it's the sheer willpower of not wishing to smoke any longer.

    I imagine that would be extremely empowering.

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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by Juutas Fri Jan 04, 2013 7:25 pm

    Serious_Much wrote:I really like that idea, Juutas. The idea that instead of being enforced into not smoking by lack of availability, it's the sheer willpower of not wishing to smoke any longer.

    I imagine that would be extremely empowering.

    It's kinda odd, but it works happy
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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:34 pm

    Juutas wrote:Advice 1: (this may sound little odd but it works) ALWAYS carry a pack of cigarettes with you where ever you're going after you quit smoking. The feeling that you can smoke if you WANT to to smoke is very comforting in itself, usually the worst panic begins when you don't have any cigarettes with you when you want it, not actually smoking the cigarette (but you don't want to smoke that cigarette so you don't smoke it! you want to quit! not smoke!).

    I like this one. Definitely worth a try. Prayer

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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by Emergence Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:43 pm

    It is a pretty awesome feeling to kick it. I went from a pack a day for 10 years as Juutas did. Now I look at other challenges and think "pssh". And Juutas is dead on. It's not about deprivation. It helped for me to channel that twitchy, craving energy into other activities, even weird simple things like committing to drinking three cups of tea a day, which for me was a comforting thought that I looked forward to. I would carry around a cig or nicotine gum as a just in case and it was soothing to know I could turn to it, but I had the cup of tea to look forward to as well.
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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by Serious_Much Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:57 pm

    As a typical brit i can profess to the fact that tea is a much better vice to have than smoking winking

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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by Emergence Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:19 pm

    As a typical brit I wonder why I don't see you on the chatbox bantering the way you excel at.

    Don't give me that crap "I'm at uni" line either, if you've time for the forums then you've time to jaw. Screw your dreams and come be depraved.
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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by Serious_Much Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:46 pm

    hahaha, im on holiday right now, using the forum as a procrastination device is bad enough..

    plus until 2 days ago i didnt have a working laptop.. it was kinda broke silly
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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by Hatsune Miku Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:33 pm



    I don't smoke anything. I don't use drugs.
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    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Empty Re: I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers...

    Post by Hatsune Miku Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:35 pm

    Juutas wrote:I smoked for 10 years (2 years without YAY!) roughly pack in a day.

    My advice for quitting smoking:

    Step 1: decide a exact day when you are going to quit it.

    Step 2: switch your cigarette brand into lighter version (with MUCH less nicotine) and smoke this lighter brand of cigarette until the day you decided to be your quitting day (this makes you get rid of the nicotine addiction, but you canstill smoke at the same time).

    Step3: quit smoking.


    Advice 1: (this may sound little odd but it works) ALWAYS carry a pack of cigarettes with you where ever you're going after you quit smoking. The feeling that you can smoke if you WANT to to smoke is very comforting in itself, usually the worst panic begins when you don't have any cigarettes with you when you want it, not actually smoking the cigarette (but you don't want to smoke that cigarette so you don't smoke it! you want to quit! not smoke!).

    Advice 2: carry around small box of candy that you can chew when you feel the need to smoke.

    And lastly a motivational picture:

    I'm sure a small percentage of us are smokers... Normal_750831406

    You know all thoes weird feelings that you have that make you believe you are dying? those are all gone now when I quit smoking. YOU CAN DO IT! happy

    I don't smoke.

    But this seems legit, like it might actually work. And I'll take your word for it at that.

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