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    Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick?


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    Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick? Empty Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick?

    Post by Dj-B-Man-Jr Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:05 am

    I recently fought someone who had a Pickaxe in their main hand and an Estoc in their offhand. He kicked me then got a guaranteed poke with the Estoc while doing a decent amount of damage. (due to the counter, no doubt) It made me wonder, what else is guaranteed after a kick?

    To my knowledge, these are the attacks that a kick can combo into:

    • Offhand Estoc's and Ricard's light attack (Possibly Velka's, needs confirmation)

    • Any Katana's (except the Washing Pole) light attack (both hands)

    • All 3 Combustions (at 45 dex)

    • Any Dagger's light attack (both hands)

    • Any Offhand Fist's light attack (except Claws and Dark Hand)

    • Offhand Falchion's light attack (Other curved swords need confirmation)

    • Any 2 handed spear's light attack

    • Offhand Balder Side Sword's light attack (Other straight swords need confirmation)

    I'll edit the list if anything else is confirmed.

    For those who don't understand the kick mechanic or are new to Dark Souls... A kick is a move that almost all weapons, including your fists, have. To perform it, simply move forward and press the "light attack" button at the same time. It's a literal kick that does no damage, but briefly stuns your opponent and does high stamina damage when blocked. When your opponent is stunned by a kick they are unable to do anything, and some weapons are fast enough to attack your opponent while they are still stunned. This makes certain attacks unblock-able and therefore, guaranteed.

    Last edited by Dj-B-Man-Jr on Tue May 07, 2013 10:08 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : More Combos! =D)

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    Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick? Empty Re: Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick?

    Post by ChizFreak Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:35 am

    Katana doesn't combo in my personal experience at least, I mean I haven't tested but many people tried against me and I always dodge it. And the Rapier... most rapiers' range it's too short, so is it really possible to land a hit after a kick? Wouldn't they be pushed too far? Maybe the guys you fought were too bad or something.

    Though I can confirm that these combos do exist, but I only know 1 for sure, it's unavoidable, Kick + offhand attack of Falchion. I don't know about other curved swords, but kick + offhand falchion attack is a 100% sure hit. I tried it, and very good players tried it against me, and I wasn't able to dodge it.

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    Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick? Empty Re: Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick?

    Post by Rifter7 Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:44 am

    gc, kat swings and locked bs attempts both stopped and cancelled, hitting parries and stopping slow attacks/casts/heals are the most important.

    maybe a high dex dark bead. could be worth testing.
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    Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick? Empty Re: Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick?

    Post by Sentiel Mon Jan 07, 2013 11:16 am

    I usually to ge t a hit from a katana after a kick, but sometimes, the hit is ignored (long live latency and lag), while it clearly hit the target.
    If my opponent doesn't lag even a bit, it always hits, if he does, even a little it usually misses.

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    Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick? Empty Re: Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick?

    Post by EeAyEss Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:47 pm

    Spear attacks also hit after kicks. Well, the 2h r1 attacks, anyway.

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    Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick? Empty Re: Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick?

    Post by reim0027 Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:52 pm

    I can vouch for the spears. It can be deadly too, since they can get a couple hits in quick and stunlock.

    Umm, probably shouldn't have mentioned that last one. Look Skyward

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    Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick? Empty Re: Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick?

    Post by EeAyEss Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:53 pm

    Shhhhhh you didn't mention anything....


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    Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick? Empty Re: Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick?

    Post by TheMeInTeam Tue May 07, 2013 3:43 pm

    It's hard to believe that a thread this old is one of the most recent involving kicks. I've been having a field day spamming them on invasions lately (I'm ~mid 50's in level). I have 23 attunement, ~23 in vit/end, 13 str, 15 dex, 15 int.

    I am basically just buffing a winged spear +15 with great magic weapon and kick-spamming people while I have high poise. If they're near the end of my range I'll poke, but anybody trying to fish, close the distance, block spear with shield up, parry, etc all just get kicked, and the 2h spear follow up is definitely obnoxious. I will raise my dex eventually (turning this into a late-bloom dexterity with pyro build), but even at current levels a buffed GMW with oolacile +15 winged spear HURTS.

    This feels even cheesier than just using the pyros (though walking up to someone with a traditional r1 spam weapon and fast-swapping into a glove for a great combustion is pretty lulzy too), I love it big grin. Biggest weakness so far is WoG spam (high poise = less mobility). Firestorm/tempest for the 2v1; bait them in with your back to something = haha! However, kick-follow up with even this comparatively weak buff can easily kill someone out of position before the other can help.

    Having access to trash tactics with the extra attunement slots is what makes invading with this build fun. A competitive build would not have invested that much into attunement, but the ability to heal with T talisman, hit for 200-300+ with great soul arrows, buff a weapon to hit pretty hard, or do swap-pyro tactics makes it a fun/versatile build for invasions. Great soul arrow tracks really well in the lag and chips HARD against a lot of shields, a perfect thing for killing people who are low and run to flask. On rare occasions I've killed people with it outright, but more commonly it is effective to chip and pressure people at medium range. Hidden body and camo are both situationally trolly too.

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    Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick? Empty Re: Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick?

    Post by Seignar Tue May 07, 2013 6:00 pm

    The only ones I can confirm from personal experiences are:

    1. Combustion (At 45 DEX)
    2. The 1H (or offhand) light attack of the Uchigatana [Fact, it swings faster than any other katana]

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    Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick? Empty Re: Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick?

    Post by Dj-B-Man-Jr Tue May 07, 2013 10:12 pm

    Seignar wrote:The only ones I can confirm from personal experiences are:

    1. Combustion (At 45 DEX)
    2. The 1H (or offhand) light attack of the Uchigatana [Fact, it swings faster than any other katana]

    All Katanas except the Washing Pole's light attack are guaranteed after a kick, even the Chaos Blade. That I know from personal experience.

    Are you sure the Uchi has the fastest swing speed? How do you know this?

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    Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick? Empty Re: Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick?

    Post by Seignar Wed May 08, 2013 6:52 pm

    Personal use?
    Anyways, to me, only the Uchi's attacks could combo, everything else would get dodged.

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    Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick? Empty Re: Kick combos, what attacks are guaranteed after a kick?

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