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The Letter X
Jiub of Carim
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    Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers

    Jiub of Carim
    Jiub of Carim

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    Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers Empty Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers

    Post by Jiub of Carim Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:27 pm

    Lately I've had a lot of problems fighting against this weapon. I've also been unable to parry the attack that rapiers can do while blocking. Any tips?

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    Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers Empty Re: Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers

    Post by LunarFog Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:36 pm

    They have relatively low damage. They're easy to sidestep. Just get a big weapon and you can usually out damage them.
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    Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers Empty Re: Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers

    Post by Carphil Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:50 pm

    ^tanking the damage can be a efficient way to deal with them. when they turtle, kick the shield/black flame to break guard, since post patch you take a lot of stamina damage from it.

    If they're rolling/poking, spam R1, it will be hard, but if you hit, you will hit hard. Watch out for parries.
    The Letter X
    The Letter X

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    Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers Empty Re: Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers

    Post by The Letter X Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:53 pm

    Pivot-BS them. If my opponent is doing nothing but turtling I lose my hate for backstabs.

    If they are not turtling, try to outrange them.
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    Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers Empty Re: Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers

    Post by Rynn Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:53 pm

    Running attacks with Rapiers are 2 hits, not one, so always roll to the side, not backwards, during a rolling attack, as either the first or second hit will get you if you roll backwards.
    Jiub of Carim
    Jiub of Carim

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    Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers Empty Re: Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers

    Post by Jiub of Carim Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:29 pm

    Rynn wrote:Running attacks with Rapiers are 2 hits, not one, so always roll to the side, not backwards, during a rolling attack, as either the first or second hit will get you if you roll backwards.
    I never noticed that!
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    Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers Empty Re: Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:35 pm

    Jiub of Carim wrote:
    Rynn wrote:Running attacks with Rapiers are 2 hits, not one, so always roll to the side, not backwards, during a rolling attack, as either the first or second hit will get you if you roll backwards.
    I never noticed that!

    It's 100% true. You can get massive damage off of that.

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    Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers Empty Re: Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers

    Post by kazumoshi Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:23 am

    If they're turtle poking, hold your shield up and back against a wall. Don't play into their game.
    Jiub of Carim
    Jiub of Carim

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    Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers Empty Re: Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers

    Post by Jiub of Carim Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:25 am

    kazumoshi wrote:If they're turtle poking, hold your shield up and back against a wall. Don't play into their game.
    Really? That seems like a great way to get yourself into a tight situation.
    Chosen Undead
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    Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers Empty Re: Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers

    Post by Rynn Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:59 am

    kazumoshi wrote:If they're turtle poking, hold your shield up and back against a wall. Don't play into their game.
    Do you have 11 poise?
    If they are turtle poking grow a backbone and tank a bit to backstab them.
    They will never do it again.
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    Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers Empty Re: Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers

    Post by Sentiel Tue Mar 05, 2013 4:55 am

    Rapier does little Poise damage. Tank the hit and bs them. Pivot bs turtle pokers. If you can, I recomend Shotel againt turtles, it works splendid.

    However, there are Rapier users, like me, who will bait you into thinking you can bs them and then they counter bs you, or parry you.

    Dealing with their running R1 is easy. Either tank and bs them, which is very easy as they end the attack on your side, or behind you, or parry them. Parrying it may seem hard, but it's easy because the attack is telegraphed. If you see a Rapier user come at you in straight line, parry. Chances are that you will land the parry on one of those attacks, because both are parriable. That means that even if you do the parry late, you can still land it on the second attack.

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    Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers Empty Kick em in da face

    Post by Paragon Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:38 am

    Kicking works great against turtle pokers as well as more aggressive rapier wielders.
    Aside from that, stay mobile as rapiers have a tiny hit box.

    Warning: staying mobile is only good if you have very little poise. If you have enough poise its better to just tank their pokes and hit em hard.

    Last edited by luvz2fight on Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:39 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : adding a disclaimer)

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    Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers Empty Re: Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers

    Post by FullSpe3D Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:45 am

    As a rapier user who doesn't turtle (much silly), I lose when:
    1: I get outranged.
    2: I get parried. Now this is a given, but it's pretty easy to parry me when there's a low risk factor for it. I do little damage to health and poise.
    3: The enemy flips. Rapiers have an already tiny hitbox that is easily dodged to the side, but someone with a ninja flip really capitalises on the hitbox.

    I'll think of more later.
    Jiub of Carim
    Jiub of Carim

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    Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers Empty Re: Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers

    Post by Jiub of Carim Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:46 pm

    I've adapted all that was posted on this thread and its work in the most part. Thats only on my DEX build though. My STR build is still getting torn apart bro DMB and rapiers. Even with 1800 health and poising through their pokes, i still get poked to death.
    The Letter X
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    Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers Empty Re: Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers

    Post by The Letter X Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:47 pm

    Which weapons do you use on your STR build?
    Jiub of Carim
    Jiub of Carim

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    Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers Empty Re: Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers

    Post by Jiub of Carim Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:02 pm

    My STR build is as follows:

    A wasted a few points in INT for hidden weapon.

    Also I have my whole inventory organized through the Bottomless Box, so I change weapons on the fly. I also grinded all these weapons to max, here's what I have available to invade with or switch to mid-combat:

    Hand Axe +15
    Chaos Hand Axe +5 (idk why haha)
    Man-Serpent Greatsword +15
    Butcher Knife +15
    Great Club +15
    GreatAxe +15
    Golem Axe +15
    Stone Greataxe +5
    Demon's Greataxe +15
    Demon's Great Machete +15
    Demon's Great Hammer +15
    Dragon King Greataxe +5
    Dragon Greatsword +5
    Obsidian Greatsword +5
    Dragon Tooth +5

    That's all I have now and I have 3 slabs left. I know I need to max the Large Club, any other weapon that could help with rapiers or strategies for them with any of these?
    The Letter X
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    Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers Empty Re: Strategies for Fighting Against Rapiers

    Post by The Letter X Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:10 pm

    Are you specifically having problems with turtlers or rapiers in general on your DEX build?

    If it's turtling, dead angle with the ultra greatswords. If it's poking and rolling in between your attacks, play more patiently and let them come to you. Use those giant weapons to take out half their health anytime they approach you.

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