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    Post by xVivaLaGrant Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:12 am

    Hello everyone,

    I'm new to the website and kinda new to dark souls..
    I have a knight character with a SL of 40....

    But what I want to know is, if I'm going to make a pvp character..
    What is the best to make a build on?

    I seen some speed runs on youtube that I'm debating on attempting but knowing my luck I will get destroyed running into the catacombs straight away!!

    Any advice/help would be grateful!!



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    Noob.. Sorry! Empty Re: Noob.. Sorry!

    Post by hageshisa Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:18 am

    I think you'll have to explain more about what you want to know : ) Also, welcome to the forum! ^^

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    Noob.. Sorry! Empty Hey

    Post by xVivaLaGrant Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:28 am


    What my plan of action is, I want to make a character for PVP.
    Since I'm newish.. I would like to know what are the best characters to develop into a PVP build.

    I saw someone go into the catacombs at the start on the game and got a +5 weapon after 10mins of work.. maybe I should attempt?

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    Post by lalliman Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:35 am

    You could, but that's only useful if you plan on doing low level pvp. On low level you'll prolly get less action than at around lvl 100, and also pvping at low level with a +5 fire weapon is considered cheap. silly

    Lemme ask you something, since your character is lvl 40, have you actually completed the game? You should really finish the game once before starting a pvp focused build.

    We can't tell you what exactly to do, the best way to find out what works and what doesn't is to try stuff out. Like what weapons and tactics did you like to use in pve? Just go try em out in pvp to see if they're viable.

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    Noob.. Sorry! Empty hey

    Post by xVivaLaGrant Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:52 am


    No I haven't completed the game yet.. I have a lot of bosses to beat but I'm just making sure I get good armors, weapons, rings etc.. Trying to get everything I can to be fair.
    I'm kinda confused, is it best to rank up weapon and armor quick as possible but making it even with leveling up the character?

    Sorry I'm a nub to be honest lol

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    Post by xVivaLaGrant Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:05 am

    If I list what I have in my inventory will it help to see what I need to do :?:
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    Post by Tolvo Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:37 am

    Alright, in Dark Souls there really is no best, anything. Anything leveled up can be viable for the most part, if you list what armor, weapons, spells, and stats you have currently people can make suggestions of course based upon your playstyle to help push you in the right direction.

    PvP is very difficult in the game without maxed out gear, since many players do that before trying to fight against others. It is still possible of course, but it will tend to be difficult.

    To get an understanding of whether you should focus on your gear or leveling up your character there is a simple way to think about it.

    Gear is extremely important, your character stats decide how you can use your gear.

    When you have the gear you want, but can't wield it. Focus on character stats. When you have the stats to wield something, focus on upgrading it.

    Another thing to be wary of is overleveling, who you play is based upon the level of your character. Most people tend to play in the 50-100 level zone, meaning if you go over level 100 you'll see less action if you wish to fight other players.

    I could explain further if I need to, but hopefully this'll help you for now.

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    Post by xVivaLaGrant Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:34 am

    Tolvo wrote:Alright, in Dark Souls there really is no best, anything. Anything leveled up can be viable for the most part, if you list what armor, weapons, spells, and stats you have currently people can make suggestions of course based upon your playstyle to help push you in the right direction.

    PvP is very difficult in the game without maxed out gear, since many players do that before trying to fight against others. It is still possible of course, but it will tend to be difficult.

    To get an understanding of whether you should focus on your gear or leveling up your character there is a simple way to think about it.

    Gear is extremely important, your character stats decide how you can use your gear.

    When you have the gear you want, but can't wield it. Focus on character stats. When you have the stats to wield something, focus on upgrading it.

    Another thing to be wary of is overleveling, who you play is based upon the level of your character. Most people tend to play in the 50-100 level zone, meaning if you go over level 100 you'll see less action if you wish to fight other players.

    I could explain further if I need to, but hopefully this'll help you for now.

    Character: Knight
    Soul Level: 40
    Vitality: 20
    Endurance: 20
    Strength: 22
    Dexterity: 19

    Just a few main stats.. Might have put some souls in wrong stats?

    Elite Knight Full Set +1
    Eastern Full Set
    Knight Full Set

    You get the idea for that...

    Balder Side Sword +5
    Black Knight Sword
    Dragon King Greataxe

    Just the better of the few..

    Grass Crest Shield
    Knight Shield +1
    Balder Shield
    Hollow Soldier Shield

    7 titanite Shard
    5 Large titanite Shard
    1 titanite Chunk
    Blue titanite Chunk
    2 Twinkling titanite

    Ring of Sacrifice
    Wolf Ring
    Cat Covenant Ring (The Covenant I'm now in!!)
    Rings of The Evil Eye
    Havels Ring

    I haven't written down everything but you must get the idea?!

    big grin

    Hope you can help :!:

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    Post by Tolvo Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:05 am

    The Black Knight sword, you won't get much out of scaling. So at +5, that'll be a decent weapon. The Balder Side Sword scales mainly with Dexterity, but with your splits stats you'll probably want to find yourself a weapon that scales equally with both Dexterity and Strength.

    The Dragon King Axe is a big stat investment, but in PvP it is more of a gimmick weapon and isn't really practical.

    Lighter Greatswords, like the Bastard or Claymore, as well as most shortswords scale equally with a C in Dexterity and strength. 30/30 are good stat zones to reach for with equal scaling weapons.

    The Knight, and Elite Knight set are pretty good sets of armor when fully upgraded without too much weight. They provide good enough poise, and don't look so bad. The Eastern Set is a favorite of mine, but the legs and gloves of it are spectacularly bad, the Shadow Set, which is lighter, has better defensive attributes on the gloves and legs. Much better, like five times as much.

    As for your Shields, I'd stick with the Balder. You could also buy a Heater Shield from the Undead Hollow Merchant, that shield is very light while also providing 100% physical block. The Balder Shield has very high stability for a shield with 4 weight. For blocking certain damage types, you may want to try and get yourself a crest shield, and dragon crest shield.

    Andre the Blacksmith of course sells Small titanite, so you can try out upgrading weapons with those to see your damage values go up, your shield stability go up, and upgrade your armor for defense.

    For your rings, early play I would suggest using the Havel's Ring and Wolf Ring, so that you will be able to medium roll and have some extra poise. You'll probably be taking hits from people.

    Also just a heads up, Forest PvP will be incredibly difficult for you, you will often be fighting multiple players ganging up on you at once with maxed out gear, then taunting you after they get a kill. Invading in other areas as a Darkwraith, or with Cracked Eye Orbs is much more advisable. Or by being summoned into a host world and experiencing some PvP trying to protect your host, so you won't lose souls and humanity.

    When going into PvP, you'll usually want a near max weapon, so for the normal upgrade path at least +10. You should probably play some more solo and learn the game more before trying out PvP.

    I hope this helps man.


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    Post by WyrmHero Sat Jan 19, 2013 12:04 pm

    You'll probably end up with something like this:

    But you shouldn't worry about PvP if you haven't finished the game. Enjoy the PvE then try PvP.

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    Post by xVivaLaGrant Sat Jan 19, 2013 12:22 pm

    I don't have a clue if that's good or not for a knight?

    What I shall do is.. just complete the game and try to find what I can.

    After I will think about PVP

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    Post by User1 Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:20 pm

    ^^ Very good build, low weight, high damage and very practical. Yes, that will be good for a knight, since the main statistics are nearly equal, therefore balancing out the damage in the two sections. So yes, that build will be very good for a Knight. Also, as said numerous times above, you really should take your time on your character. Jumping in too early will get you smashed, and also stated above, the forest is for mostly sl120 and above, and it's full of sad people who wait ages for someone in your covenant at your level to invade, just so they can smash you in. I hope you enjoy the game, and good luck in PvP!

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    Post by xVivaLaGrant Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:17 pm

    Cheers for the help everyone.

    Shall stick with PVE till I complete the game once..

    Then move onto the PVP.

    Thanks all.


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