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    Building a new character


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    Building a new character Empty Building a new character

    Post by Akatik Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:19 pm

    I'm sure I'm not the only one that goes through this process, but I think I've finally finished the blueprint for my new character.

    I first start with a concept name or title in which to build my guy around. My first guy was a "black paladin". He was basically built around my avatar picture. Big hulking tank, Black Iron armor, greatsword, gravelord, and miracles. He was an evil Greatsword of Artorias build, basically.

    Here's my new guy; the "Justicar". A dex/faith build with the Black Cleric chest piece, Ornstein's set, claws/daggers, straight swords, and miracles. Where as my black paladin used the miracles mostly in a defensive manner, this guy will use the miracles more offensively. Oh yeah, he's going to be a darkmoon blade.

    I think he's going to be fun as hell to play and I don't really see many people with the Black Cleric set running around. The only problem I can foresee is that the 4 Kings may be a problem. I have a Sl 120 build set up with the potential of taking him higher, but then again... my Black Paladin might be my higher level character.

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    Building a new character Empty Re: Building a new character

    Post by BARZOHD- Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:52 pm

    I wore all black cleric uniform with my Mage when I fought the 4 kings and did just fine mate. But I had it all at a plus 5 so I don't know how it would hold up just standard.

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    Building a new character Empty Re: Building a new character

    Post by Halicarnassis Wed Feb 22, 2012 6:56 pm

    you might get very poked without the upgrade against the 4 kings! havent tried the full black cleric set although the mask of velka is noe of my fav's

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    Building a new character Empty Re: Building a new character

    Post by Akatik Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:36 am

    I wasn't going to go full Black Cleric, just the robe. I was going supplement my poise by adding medium armor underneath the robe. With the paladin set (minus the chest) and the wolf ring, I'll have 72 poise. That's not too bad.

    Now, I just need to figure out which combination of armor would give the best poise at the least weight. Plus, which one would look the most bad ***.
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    Building a new character Empty Re: Building a new character

    Post by Serious_Much Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:40 am

    hey whats the build for the SL120 model?

    and what weapons you ending up with?

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    Building a new character Empty Re: Building a new character

    Post by Akatik Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:19 pm

    Serious_Much wrote:hey whats the build for the SL120 model?

    and what weapons you ending up with?

    Since you asked..

    Vit 38
    Att 19
    End 29
    Str 16
    Dex 40
    Res 10
    Int 12
    Fai 37

    I'm still tweaking the build, I might take some points out of Vit and put them into faith to get 40, but I'm not too sure about that.

    Divine Balder Side Sword for General Exploring (PvE) with Occult Claws as a backup. For PvP/Boss battles where I can prepare ahead of time, Silver Knight Straight Sword buffed with DMB (Or SLB) with Bandit's Dagger +15 (or Claws, it's not written in stone.. I need to test it out) as backup.

    My other guy is a greatsword wielding tank. I want to avoid all Greatswords on this guy. My only concern right now is that I lack a true "heavy hitter". I was planning on the Buffed Silver Knight Straight Sword to take that role, but I haven't seen how much damage it could do.
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    Building a new character Empty Re: Building a new character

    Post by Serious_Much Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:30 pm

    Akatik wrote:My other guy is a greatsword wielding tank. I want to avoid all Greatswords on this guy. My only concern right now is that I lack a true "heavy hitter". I was planning on the Buffed Silver Knight Straight Sword to take that role, but I haven't seen how much damage it could do.

    A buffed straight sword will do fine for that, my buffed +15 balder sword has something like 750 AR (40dex, 50faith SLB), That does a lot of damage and the quick swings mean you can hit more often and combo even when it's power will be something like 75% of a Demon machete. Don't worry about power if you got a weapon buffed, they can do serious damage.
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    Building a new character Empty Re: Building a new character

    Post by BLA1NE Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:16 pm

    Some time ago I had made myself a list of all the best poise/ weight ratio armor. Most of the good ones are around 2. The uncontested best, though, is Havel's. Slap on the legs and/ or gloves and you've got the best ratio. Both together give 56 poise for 23 weight. But with one of the two and any other piece of equip that gives you 8 (Dark (wraith) legs, Kirk's legs) and the wolf ring, you can get 76 poise for less than 18 weight.

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