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    Arena ideas for Dark Souls 2


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    Arena ideas for Dark Souls 2 Empty Arena ideas for Dark Souls 2

    Post by wolfboy Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:26 pm

    What are everybody's ideas for how they might implement an improved "Arena" area in the sequel?

    I'm imagining some kind of item that allows you to "Invade a Battle of Stoicism"- maybe a purple orb- and you would spawn into a continuous deathmatch situation- with an unknown number of other phantoms and everyone can harm each other. You would get the usual amount of souls for any phantom that you kill but only if you land the killing blow. If you get killed, you re-spawn back at whatever bonfire you rested at last- and you don't lose any souls or humanity. There would be no incentive to gank, or duel or have any kind of honor whatsoever- just raw, free-for-all battling- every toon for themselves...
    It would have to be a huge space- with all sorts of terrain and all kinds of hiding spots and obstacles and environmental hazards so that every build would have the opportunity to utilize tactics and creativity to survive...

    Either way- just thought I'd share an idea I had... anyone else have any ideas for an Arena system in the next game?
    Forum Pirate
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    Arena ideas for Dark Souls 2 Empty Re: Arena ideas for Dark Souls 2

    Post by Forum Pirate Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:40 pm

    Remove it. The rss works fine.

    Duelists will duel anyways.

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    Arena ideas for Dark Souls 2 Empty Re: Arena ideas for Dark Souls 2

    Post by mr_no_face Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:02 am

    PLUS i already made a thread about this >.> lol

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    Arena ideas for Dark Souls 2 Empty Re: Arena ideas for Dark Souls 2

    Post by WandererReece Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:18 pm

    reim0027 wrote:On another thought, it would be freakin' awesome to have an insane Black Phantom in the arena.

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    Arena ideas for Dark Souls 2 Empty Re: Arena ideas for Dark Souls 2

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