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    The Nostalgia Critic is back .

    Town Crier
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    The Nostalgia Critic is back .  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nostalgia Critic is back .

    Post by Tolvo Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:14 pm

    Ah yeah, that's a whole different story. I love the idea of Let's Play, but I don't think it's for everyone. It just seemed like you wished they didn't exist.

    And as I said, they just try to be informative. Hell, you might enjoy Retsupurae. It's a series with some SA members who basically watch and make fun of bad let's players since they hate exactly what you are talking about. They got a lot of flack for their video making fun of Pewdiepie, pointing out those exact same issues you have with Let's Play.

    Youtube has sort of ruined the image of Let's Play, since they kind of just took the word and applied it to anyone playing a game with commentary.

    If I was playing a game and wanted to show to someone, I wouldn't just sit there silently as they watch me. I'd interact with them, maybe joke about something or point out bits about the game. I'd want to be informative, and not just a silent stone playing be himself as someone else watches.
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    The Nostalgia Critic is back .  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nostalgia Critic is back .

    Post by Marino. Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:25 pm

    Nah, i see the appeal of Lets Plays and i enjoyed them once too . But i cannot watch any Lets Plays without the mindset that i'm just being fooled, its weird i know but thats just how it is .

    Yeah, those Retsupurae are pretty cool thanks Tolvo .
    Who is Pewdiepie ? I can only find parody Videos of this guy but never found his Channel .

    Are you a lets player ? I mean you're an Actor and all so it would fit i guess happy
    Town Crier
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    The Nostalgia Critic is back .  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nostalgia Critic is back .

    Post by Tolvo Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:31 pm

    No I'm not, I don't have the tech for it. If I did, I'd probably do just one of Dark Souls. Demon's while I enjoy, I'm just not enough into the game to do one of it. But I'd love to talk about some of the behinds the scenes, interviews while playing, pointing out interesting art designs and similarities people might not notice. Talk about mechanics as I play, the community, etc. Being an actor would help because I'm used to being on camera, but being a public speaker is more so a thing that would prepare you for it.

    Pewdiepie is a Let's Player, seen here.

    He's the king of overreaction.
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    The Nostalgia Critic is back .  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nostalgia Critic is back .

    Post by Marino. Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:40 pm

    Thats also an issue i have with Lets Plays .
    Sometimes there are interesting things pointed out. You just have to watch the whole Video to see it .
    But thats not the LPers fault but more my own . After all they are the ones putting effort in it .

    So thats Pewdiepie...
    I think i'm going to vomit . And that Comment section...
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    Town Crier
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    The Nostalgia Critic is back .  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nostalgia Critic is back .

    Post by Tolvo Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:49 pm

    Maybe this will make him more tolerable.

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    The Nostalgia Critic is back .  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nostalgia Critic is back .

    Post by Marino. Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:54 pm

    The Nostalgia Critic is back .  - Page 2 Angry-desk-flip

    Thats how Pewdiepie makes me feel
    Town Crier
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    The Nostalgia Critic is back .  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nostalgia Critic is back .

    Post by Tolvo Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:59 pm

    I should mention he lives very well from the money he gets making those videos. That's a classic Slowbeef joke.

    "I could have dropped out of college and just screamed into a mic playing games badly, and I would make more money than I do now."
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    The Nostalgia Critic is back .  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nostalgia Critic is back .

    Post by Marino. Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:02 pm

    Well, its not Pewdiepies fault .
    He is actually pretty fricken smart to do this sh!t.

    You need an audience to get Views and earn Money .
    The Fans are retarded not Pdp
    Town Crier
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    The Nostalgia Critic is back .  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nostalgia Critic is back .

    Post by Tolvo Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:05 pm

    He is smart business wise, but he's also incredibly lazy since I'm pretty sure he doesn't even really edit most of his videos, just records and posts. He does need to work on public relations though, he's had a few fiascoes in the past.

    In general, blind fans are just flat out retarded.
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    The Nostalgia Critic is back .  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nostalgia Critic is back .

    Post by Marino. Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:12 pm

    Well, as long as his Fans eat out of his hand then theres no reason for him to change anything .

    He's just doing this for the Money, not because he enjoys playing Games .
    Thats not what Youtube is for imo .

    I'm cool with him .
    But i wont ever watch a Video of him . I could barely make it through that reaction Video you posted :|

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