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    Dark souls vs demons souls connection?


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    Dark souls vs demons souls connection? Empty Dark souls vs demons souls connection?

    Post by dantheman123 Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:25 am

    So I was thinking since both games share a couple characters and there spiritual successor to each other. Is there a lore conection between the 2. Like did one happen first, or are they on the same planet? An is the old one still around some ware in dark souls? And are lords the same thing as demons??

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    Dark souls vs demons souls connection? Empty Re: Dark souls vs demons souls connection?

    Post by Shkar Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:57 am

    It has been stated that the two are unrelated.

    You may be able to make a case that they are simply in two different realities which have no possible influence on each other, but you could say the same thing about Dark Souls, Skyrim, Legend of Zelda, and Angry Birds too.

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    Dark souls vs demons souls connection? Empty Re: Dark souls vs demons souls connection?

    Post by dantheman123 Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:12 am

    But how did patches go from demons souls too dark did he live a long time or just move from bolitaria to lordran? And how could they be alternate realitys they share almost nothing ones a demon scourge different area, ands different lore. And dark was about undead, lords, and fire that started with dragons? Only thing that make seance is that they are 2 kingdoms on the same planet with no conection besides sly patches that doesn't speak of it??

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    Dark souls vs demons souls connection? Empty Re: Dark souls vs demons souls connection?

    Post by dantheman123 Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:13 am

    What if patches is the only one who know how to cross between the 2 areas and tells no one??
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    Dark souls vs demons souls connection? Empty Re: Dark souls vs demons souls connection?

    Post by Tolvo Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:27 am

    Patches was brought over because the developers really liked him, notice he isn't exactly like his Demon's Souls Counterpart, they don't seem to have knowledge of the other worlds. They're definitively different worlds.

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    Dark souls vs demons souls connection? Empty Re: Dark souls vs demons souls connection?

    Post by Sloth9230 Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:36 am

    dantheman123 wrote:spiritual successor

    If they were related, we'd call them sequels/prequels. Demon's itself was a spiritual successor to the Kings Field series.

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    Dark souls vs demons souls connection? Empty Re: Dark souls vs demons souls connection?

    Post by Shkar Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:17 am

    dantheman123 wrote:But how did patches go from demons souls too dark did he live a long time or just move from bolitaria to lordran? And how could they be alternate realitys they share almost nothing ones a demon scourge different area, ands different lore. And dark was about undead, lords, and fire that started with dragons? Only thing that make seance is that they are 2 kingdoms on the same planet with no conection besides sly patches that doesn't speak of it??

    I'd actually been joking when I said that. What I meant was that it's got the same possibility that Star Wars and Star Trek are actually just two parallel universes that ended up different.

    What I mean is, it's like saying that Dark and Demon's Souls are completely different; the only way to try to prove they are the same is to make an impossible web of conspiracies.

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    Dark souls vs demons souls connection? Empty Re: Dark souls vs demons souls connection?

    Post by Major_kenny Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:16 am

    Just to end the discussion regarding Patches, the developers said he was a character that they liked and they decided to put him in every game. They said it themselves. Sorry I have no link but I thought it was well known since the developers themselves stated that Shrug

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    Dark souls vs demons souls connection? Empty Re: Dark souls vs demons souls connection?

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