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    Why does the internet react wierdly to...


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    Why does the internet react wierdly to... - Page 2 Empty Re: Why does the internet react wierdly to...

    Post by densetsushun Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:00 am

    bunnywink wrote:
    Tolvo wrote:Plus I think we all know, Subway makes the best Sandwiches.

    So go on down to your local subway, and have a five dollar foot long everybody!

    I had to. Subway really does want to give you the whole 12 inches. happy
    Amazing! xD
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    Why does the internet react wierdly to... - Page 2 Empty Re: Why does the internet react wierdly to...

    Post by Serious_Much Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:19 am

    Female gamers are just a rare(r) occurrence than the average joe, so of course people will react to them.

    Plus on a sociological point of view, gamers typically will be more sexually repressed and/or frustrated than most people (or i should say it's more likely than in people you wouldn't consider a 'gamer'), so react more potently to female gamers, whether it be with hostility or an over the top show of friendliness.
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    Why does the internet react wierdly to... - Page 2 Empty Re: Why does the internet react wierdly to...

    Post by Ahhotep1 Fri Feb 01, 2013 12:40 pm

    HAHA!! I suppose this thread has just been neutralized. How ironic. lol!

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    Why does the internet react wierdly to... - Page 2 Empty Re: Why does the internet react wierdly to...

    Post by VaDoom Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:16 pm

    That's because when men think about
    BWhy does the internet react wierdly to... - Page 2 2232431563 Why does the internet react wierdly to... - Page 2 2232431563BS

    They are like

    Why does the internet react wierdly to... - Page 2 4181933949--------- Why does the internet react wierdly to... - Page 2 4181933949
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    (If you could see the brain, it would be Why does the internet react wierdly to... - Page 2 2324285107)
    It's not an internet/gamer problem realy, it's more a society problem. Their is always people considering women as objects. Video games are kinda considered male stuff, and some men don't like being disturbed in "their stuff". Some even feel superior to women and think they have all rights on them.

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    Why does the internet react wierdly to... - Page 2 Empty Re: Why does the internet react wierdly to...

    Post by XachAttack Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:33 pm

    Personally it doesn't really matter what the gender of the person I'm playing with is. Though, I have to admit, I am a tiny more lenient with girl gamers. No particular reason, I guess it's just instinct.

    If a girl kicks my butt, then ok, I got my butt kicked by a girl. Let's fight again so I can try to kick your butt this time!
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    Why does the internet react wierdly to... - Page 2 Empty Re: Why does the internet react wierdly to...

    Post by Tolvo Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:38 pm

    It's always amusing considering what, 40% of gamers are female? I think those were the stats a few years ago, maybe 30$. Still, seems like such a large number to still be facing prejudice like that.
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    Why does the internet react wierdly to... - Page 2 Empty Re: Why does the internet react wierdly to...

    Post by Carphil Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:47 pm

    So COD kids thinks like that?

    Thats just because they never saw Gwynevere...

    I mean who needs a real girl when you have Gwynevere?

    But Seriously, I found out that gamers girls are more harassed than admired.

    I'd even say that it takes baws, I mean, courage for a gamer girl to reveal her gender on the internet.

    Its truly a shame, I'm glad that we have communities that accept people without judging before knowing them.

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    Why does the internet react wierdly to... - Page 2 Empty Re: Why does the internet react wierdly to...

    Post by densetsushun Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:13 pm

    Tolvo wrote:It's always amusing considering what, 40% of gamers are female? I think those were the stats a few years ago, maybe 30$. Still, seems like such a large number to still be facing prejudice like that.
    If the percentage was 20 it would be amusing, but 40 makes it alarming that the mindset still exists. But I'm glad the topic is starting being discussed a lot more lately.

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    Why does the internet react wierdly to... - Page 2 Empty Re: Why does the internet react wierdly to...

    Post by Kyliax Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:42 pm

    I think the problem lies with the fact that the most visible gaming demographic are men. They are the target demographic and they're used to it being male-dominated. You add xenophobia to that and most men will be outright hateful and disregarding towards anyone treading on 'their territory'.

    That being said though, the Dark Souls community has been quite pleasant. I always play female when I can and I have not received one hateful/insulting remark, even though I've sunbro'd a lot. I really think it depends on the game.


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    Why does the internet react wierdly to... - Page 2 Empty Re: Why does the internet react wierdly to...

    Post by steveswede Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:10 am

    I really got to ask, do most of you really think that gaming culture hate women? I mean really hate women for who they are and not because they are protected by internet anonymity and can spout out any kind of abuse because there are no consequences for their awful attitude? And do you think there are people out there that treat themselves as victims because they actually like it?

    From my perspective, woman hating in the gaming world is coming from the same people that hate on everything that p!sses them of, it's nothing more than bullying. I'm sure most of you agree that the biggest demographic that get hated on are men by other men. How many times have you heard lads bullying other lads by calling them g@y, benefits scrounger, tramps, ginger, fat, ugly or told them to die. Everyone here has at least been insulted a handful of times because you at some point p!ssed someone off. This segregation also needs to stop, not just on women but on everything else like race. When you segregate, you emphasize it, make it more a target and give the professional victims something to latch on to. You are also being made to feel responsible for stuff you do not take part in and we also suffer censorship in our games and gaming culture because you allow this bigotry to escalate by accepting it instead of giving the bullies and the bigots a slap on the face. Look at the new Lara Croft with the so called r@pe scene, Resident Evil 5 so called race issue and the recent school shooting which is being blamed on gaming culture. Do you really think men are just trying to protect their dominated space or is it that they just want to protect the open nature of it, because to me, growing thinker skin and learning to deal with haters/bullies is better than censorship or accepting bigots accusations.

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    Why does the internet react wierdly to... - Page 2 Empty Re: Why does the internet react wierdly to...

    Post by vatar5 Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:25 am

    Personnaly,I often have trouble immersing myself into a female character,the game gives me the possibility to play a male character(I'm male),I jump on it.
    So this is why I first consider any male avatar as male and any female avatars as female.
    I often see male persons who plays with a female avatar(Angelic Buster in Maplestory is a preeeety good(creepy?) Exemple)) and vice-versa.
    Yet, I don't see any reasons why girl gamers should be considered as "weird" compared to male gamers.
    Some girl gamers I met on MMORPG are pretty stubborn but are reasonable.
    Some male gamers I met on are insulting everyone and thinks that they harbor the absolute Truth and a few were sexist/homophobe/xenophobe.
    Some girl gamers looks down on me because my damage s*cks.
    Some male gamers are really friendly and laugh often.

    Why even bother on judging people by their gender?Male is different from female because of anatomy,feelings but globally,aren't we the same?Why judge people based on gender?
    Doesn't mean anything. A girl can kick yor @ss like a men and a men can be as delicate as a girl.
    The princess could be male and the plumber a female.


    Yeah,Ms.Mario :pale:

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    Why does the internet react wierdly to... - Page 2 Empty Re: Why does the internet react wierdly to...

    Post by CappuccinoJak Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:07 pm

    vatar5 wrote:I often see male persons who plays with a female avatar(Angelic Buster in Maplestory is a preeeety good(creepy?) Exemple)) and vice-versa.

    i do the same thing all the time since a gamertag/PSNID isn't too much to go on. i also somewhat expect people to react the same to me. i say somewhat because my GT is CappuccinoJak, so i figure people might not mistake me as a girl too often.

    i also have to agree with steveswede, more abuse happens to guys. i think it's simply because there are more guys online than girls atm. i know i've been called g@y though it's not really an insult, they might as well call me a white american male lol.
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    Why does the internet react wierdly to... - Page 2 Empty Re: Why does the internet react wierdly to...

    Post by User1 Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:21 pm

    Hell, I get a lot of abuse just for being unpopular, off my former friends. By unpopular, I mean I never bother to socialise with my old school friends anymore, simply because I am content in what I have and what I can do on my own. Whenever one of them rings me up and says something like " Hey, wanna get drunk/have a party etc tonight?" I just say "Not really, no. Last time that happened, you almost broke my TV." Which did happen, but in reality, it's because I just can't be bothered. And that is why I get abuse.
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    Why does the internet react wierdly to... - Page 2 Empty Re: Why does the internet react wierdly to...

    Post by Tolvo Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:57 pm

    Jules, I found a video of a Call of Duty occasion. Because the guy uploaded it to youtube thinking it was some sort of highlight of his game.

    Picking up online women is as easy as talking about them being violated by other men. We could all learn a thing or two about picking up E-Chicks from this video.

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    Post by Sloth9230 Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:28 pm

    Damn, dude would have gotten it in for sure. Too bad his connection timed out silly

    Clearly he's been taking notes(Skip to 2:46 to see the master at work)

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    Why does the internet react wierdly to... - Page 2 Empty Re: Why does the internet react wierdly to...

    Post by Odinbear Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:22 am

    Wait... You mean girls may be kicking my *** in online Games?

    Look Skyward


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