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    Dark Soul's 2 Suggestion's


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    Dark Soul's 2 Suggestion's Empty Dark Soul's 2 Suggestion's

    Post by TheStrangestThing Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:37 pm

    I made this thread to discuss some of my suggestion's for Dark Soul's 2.

    I am aware there are other thread's similar to this. But this one is long so i didn't feel like posting it on another thread because i'm sure almost no one would read it.


    Better Moveset For Weapon's.
    They're probably doing this anyway so...
    Get Rid Of Twinking titanite. Or just make it so not more then half of the equipment in the game need it.
    Able To Be Invaded Even After The Boss Is Defeated, This could give the game more of a paranoia feel.
    Better AI. Dark Souls AI was way to predictable and easy to get around.
    Random AI Invasion's.What i mean by this is have an AI (Or many) like Knight Kirk execpt they can invade you any time anywhere (Execpt not at Firelink Shrine or whatever the safe area is)
    Able To Summon AI's. Much like Solaire have an AI (Or several) able to be summoned at almost any boss so that player's that are offline can still have some help.
    Dual Wielding. Faster attacking or higher damge?. One problem i have with this is i don't wan't to see someone using a Spear and some sort of large weapon like a Ultra Greatsword maybe make it so heavier weapon's CANNOT be dual wielded.
    Better Magic. When i say "Better Magic" i don't mean something overpowered like Dark Magic i mean something better than a crappy Soul Arrow spell that has horrible homing capability's.
    Better Pyromancy. I think everyone can agree Pyromancy sucks its slow short range and yet it dosen't have a power stronger than Soul Spear.
    Change Miracle's. What i mean by this is get rid of every offensive spell (Except maybe force?) and make Miracle's a SUPPORT ONLY type of magic.
    Backstabbing. I'm sure i'm gonna get hate mail for this but. There are a few thing's that could make backstabbing fair. 1. Perhaps make it a stealth only thing like you can go into a sneak mode or something (Although this is kinda gimmicky) 2. Make backstabbing much harder to perform like smaller hit box or something. 3. Only Dagger's can backstab. 4. Remove backstabbing all together this would make 2vs2 pvp match's a lot more fun because not everyone is trying to backstab and also makes PVE more difficult.
    Better Environments. I always loved Demon Soul's for its personality and environment a feature sadly i did not find in Dark Soul's Good example's are Lost Izalith The Crystal Cave's The Tomb Of The Giant's even Firelink Shrine lacked a lot of personality and also ever notice how almost every location has some sort of endless pit of doom?.
    Make Humanity Rare. In Demon Soul's when you died i was very annoying because it was sometimes difficult to revive yourself and the lower health really gave you an incentive to revive(Altough even in Demon Soul's you got A LOT of revival stone thing's) in Dark Soul's in almost every one of my character's i have over 50 Humanity. An idea for this is remove the Humanity meter and make an NPC that revive's you for Soul's (And make it exspensive of course) this way people will have an incentive to help people or kill them. (Although they always have an incentive to kill someone).
    Make Summoning Easier. Maybe instead of putting some sign down you put your signature on a list?. In which someone can look at in they're inventory. And of course have a friend summon list.
    An Idea For A Covenant. I've had this idea in my head for a while which i think could be very interesting. Picture this you use some sort of item to invade someone (Yes this is a pvp Covenant) and basicly the invader become's this black cloud (Or person doesn't matter) that can possess regular enemie's and while they are possessing them they are significantly more powerfull than normal and the owner of the world has to catch the cloud (Or just run to the boss) when it comes out of possessing something and when the owner catch's this cloud the cloud turns into the invaders character and then the owner of the world has to defeat the invader but of course make it so when the invader is caught they are significantly weaker than they would normaly be. But i don't know let me know if you think so.

    I have more idea's but i'll try and keep this from becoming an entire book


    Invasion's During A Boss Fight. Its not enough you have some gigantic Demon trying to murder you but now you have a doofus trying to back stab you? this is a bad idea.
    Stun Lock. I've actualy seen people who WANTED stun lock this is a bad idea as basicly hitting anything once may as well kill them.
    Special Invasion Item's. I saw this somewhere on this forum and i just thought how bad of an idea it was, Invader's don't have enough benefit's as it is? now you wan't special invasion item's?. No thats just silly they already have ton's of thing's that can give them an advantage they don't need more.
    Easy Mode. Really guy's easy mode?. You buy a game claiming to be very hard and you wan't an easy mode?. No. Just no. If you wan't an easy game that hold's your hand throughout the entire game go play mario or something and stop trying to ruin a great game.
    Parrying With Large Weapon's. *Sigh* really? i mean seriously?. You wan't to able to parry with a 6 foot sword or club (Not to mention weighing like 10 to 20 pound's). Right thats totaly logical and fair. If you wan't to parry get a rapier or dagger and parry away.
    Able To Invade Low Level's. Once i was a level 5 wandering walking around Undead Burg and suddenly i get invaded by a guy in havel's armour and a zweihander and then kills me in one hit while blocking. Right okay i totaly had a chance there. Maybe make it so the level of your equipment determines who you wil invade?.

    Thats all for now i'm sure i'll think of more but i don't have any time left.See ya later.

    Posts : 95
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    Age : 27

    Dark Soul's 2 Suggestion's Empty Re: Dark Soul's 2 Suggestion's

    Post by Aevun Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:07 am

    Interesting ideas that I mostly agree with. There is one idea I would like to share about backstabbing, considering that I'm strictly against the "sneak mode" gimmick.

    My idea is, to remove backstabbing and riposting as it exists now. Instead, include a "grab-and-stab" mechanic. Basically, you slowly grab your opponent (kinda like the dark hand) and then your other hand performs a critical. Parrying an opponent stuns them for long enough so you can grab them, so riposting would still exist in that sense.

    Backstabbing becomes kind of a sneaky thing (might not be that viable for pvp) where the enemy has to be either very slow or unaware of your presence so you can grab them from the back and backstab. This would effectively remove the roll-bs and all of those other high-speed bs-techniques. The grab animation could be sped up so that a careless strong attack from a straight sword could leave you open to a grabstab, making it probably more viable in pvp. The grabstab could also be made so that it can only be performed on a non-moving target. Just my idea, to counter your sneak mode suggestion silly

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    Dark Soul's 2 Suggestion's Empty Re: Dark Soul's 2 Suggestion's

    Post by TheStrangestThing Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:41 pm

    Aevun wrote:Interesting ideas that I mostly agree with. There is one idea I would like to share about backstabbing, considering that I'm strictly against the "sneak mode" gimmick.

    My idea is, to remove backstabbing and riposting as it exists now. Instead, include a "grab-and-stab" mechanic. Basically, you slowly grab your opponent (kinda like the dark hand) and then your other hand performs a critical. Parrying an opponent stuns them for long enough so you can grab them, so riposting would still exist in that sense.

    Backstabbing becomes kind of a sneaky thing (might not be that viable for pvp) where the enemy has to be either very slow or unaware of your presence so you can grab them from the back and backstab. This would effectively remove the roll-bs and all of those other high-speed bs-techniques. The grab animation could be sped up so that a careless strong attack from a straight sword could leave you open to a grabstab, making it probably more viable in pvp. The grabstab could also be made so that it can only be performed on a non-moving target. Just my idea, to counter your sneak mode suggestion silly

    Thats a pretty good idea but there's a few thing's i'm afraid of.

    1. This could make PVE really easy (Assuming the AI is just as bad as before).
    2. I'm afraid that the Grap Parry thing could be easily glitched with and make PVP annoying.
    3. I don't see how this could be performed with a large weapon (Unless large weapon's can't do this)

    Other than that though i like this idea.

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    Dark Soul's 2 Suggestion's Empty Re: Dark Soul's 2 Suggestion's

    Post by WandererReece Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:49 pm

    TheStrangestThing wrote:An Idea For A Covenant. I've had this idea in my head for a while which i think could be very interesting. Picture this you use some sort of item to invade someone (Yes this is a pvp Covenant) and basicly the invader become's this black cloud (Or person doesn't matter) that can possess regular enemie's and while they are possessing them they are significantly more powerfull than normal and the owner of the world has to catch the cloud (Or just run to the boss) when it comes out of possessing something and when the owner catch's this cloud the cloud turns into the invaders character and then the owner of the world has to defeat the invader but of course make it so when the invader is caught they are significantly weaker than they would normaly be. But i don't know let me know if you think so.


    Special Invasion Items. I saw this somewhere on this forum and i just thought how bad of an idea it was, Invader's don't have enough benefit's as it is? now you wan't special invasion item's?. No thats just silly they already have ton's of thing's that can give them an advantage they don't need more.

    Dark Soul's 2 Suggestion's 3596227959


    Invasion's During A Boss Fight.

    I doubt From would even consider this.

    Easy Mode.

    They already said it won't be added.

    Posts : 278
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    Location : the land of the livid dead

    Dark Soul's 2 Suggestion's Empty Re: Dark Soul's 2 Suggestion's

    Post by samster628 Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:07 pm

    TheStrangestThing wrote:I made this thread to discuss some of my suggestion's for Dark Soul's 2.

    I am aware there are other thread's similar to this. But this one is long so i didn't feel like posting it on another thread because i'm sure almost no one would read it.


    Better Moveset For Weapon's.
    They're probably doing this anyway so...
    Get Rid Of Twinking titanite. Or just make it so not more then half of the equipment in the game need it.
    Able To Be Invaded Even After The Boss Is Defeated, This could give the game more of a paranoia feel.
    Better AI. Dark Souls AI was way to predictable and easy to get around.
    Random AI Invasion's.What i mean by this is have an AI (Or many) like Knight Kirk execpt they can invade you any time anywhere (Execpt not at Firelink Shrine or whatever the safe area is)
    Able To Summon AI's. Much like Solaire have an AI (Or several) able to be summoned at almost any boss so that player's that are offline can still have some help.
    Dual Wielding. Faster attacking or higher damge?. One problem i have with this is i don't wan't to see someone using a Spear and some sort of large weapon like a Ultra Greatsword maybe make it so heavier weapon's CANNOT be dual wielded.
    Better Magic. When i say "Better Magic" i don't mean something overpowered like Dark Magic i mean something better than a crappy Soul Arrow spell that has horrible homing capability's.
    Better Pyromancy. I think everyone can agree Pyromancy sucks its slow short range and yet it dosen't have a power stronger than Soul Spear.
    Change Miracle's. What i mean by this is get rid of every offensive spell (Except maybe force?) and make Miracle's a SUPPORT ONLY type of magic.
    Backstabbing. I'm sure i'm gonna get hate mail for this but. There are a few thing's that could make backstabbing fair. 1. Perhaps make it a stealth only thing like you can go into a sneak mode or something (Although this is kinda gimmicky) 2. Make backstabbing much harder to perform like smaller hit box or something. 3. Only Dagger's can backstab. 4. Remove backstabbing all together this would make 2vs2 pvp match's a lot more fun because not everyone is trying to backstab and also makes PVE more difficult.
    Better Environments. I always loved Demon Soul's for its personality and environment a feature sadly i did not find in Dark Soul's Good example's are Lost Izalith The Crystal Cave's The Tomb Of The Giant's even Firelink Shrine lacked a lot of personality and also ever notice how almost every location has some sort of endless pit of doom?.
    Make Humanity Rare. In Demon Soul's when you died i was very annoying because it was sometimes difficult to revive yourself and the lower health really gave you an incentive to revive(Altough even in Demon Soul's you got A LOT of revival stone thing's) in Dark Soul's in almost every one of my character's i have over 50 Humanity. An idea for this is remove the Humanity meter and make an NPC that revive's you for Soul's (And make it exspensive of course) this way people will have an incentive to help people or kill them. (Although they always have an incentive to kill someone).
    Make Summoning Easier. Maybe instead of putting some sign down you put your signature on a list?. In which someone can look at in they're inventory. And of course have a friend summon list.
    An Idea For A Covenant. I've had this idea in my head for a while which i think could be very interesting. Picture this you use some sort of item to invade someone (Yes this is a pvp Covenant) and basicly the invader become's this black cloud (Or person doesn't matter) that can possess regular enemie's and while they are possessing them they are significantly more powerfull than normal and the owner of the world has to catch the cloud (Or just run to the boss) when it comes out of possessing something and when the owner catch's this cloud the cloud turns into the invaders character and then the owner of the world has to defeat the invader but of course make it so when the invader is caught they are significantly weaker than they would normaly be. But i don't know let me know if you think so.

    I have more idea's but i'll try and keep this from becoming an entire book
    i agree with all this bar pyromancys don't need to be improved. they have small range true but often have a large AoE (eg fire tempest) or are very fast to cast (eg combustion).
    Also if humanities were rare that would reduce the amount of online that could be played therefore reducing the enjoyment of the game (but their healing effect should be reduced)
    Finally if you always had backup summons that would take away the fun of being a lone hero type person.

    While i think most miricle attacks should be dropped i think some should be kept (like lightning spear) and in exchange you could have some minor healing spells for pyromancers and sorcerers.

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