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    Indictment Empty Indictment

    Post by Myztyrio Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:17 pm

    Does indicting a player only indict that particular character, or does it move the player's rank in the book of the guilty up as a whole? Like, could I invade with several different characters and rack up indictments, or does it have to be with just one?

    I've been getting indicted a lot with this dexmage that I'm planning on deleting later today after I give all of his items to my friend. It seems a shame to lose my placing in the book of the guilty, but I've just lost interest in sorceries. It's mostly all about melee now. So how does it work?
    The Letter X
    The Letter X

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    Indictment Empty Re: Indictment

    Post by The Letter X Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:26 pm

    It only affects one character sadly.

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    Indictment Empty Re: Indictment

    Post by Myztyrio Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:37 pm

    That really kinda sucks. I hope they make it username based in DkS2. Then I'll make the top! big grin

    I'd get tired of constantly using the same character, unless somehow I could consistently invade all levels with someone who can wield just about anything.
    The Letter X
    The Letter X

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    Location : Southern US

    Indictment Empty Re: Indictment

    Post by The Letter X Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:38 pm

    It does suck. I'd probably be more motivated to invade more often, but others would as well so I can't really say I'd be able to move up anymore.

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    Indictment Empty Re: Indictment

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