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    The reason why gankers hate me.


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    The reason why gankers hate me. Empty The reason why gankers hate me.

    Post by KrazykevS10 Mon Feb 18, 2013 5:07 am

    I figure this has been done before but I thought I'd post it anyway because it is a BEAST.I'm being called a hacker for destroying gank squads with it.

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    The reason why gankers hate me. Empty Re: The reason why gankers hate me.

    Post by lalliman Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:37 am

    Mothergiant *shiver*
    Only thing i'd disagree with is the crestshield, kinda low stability.
    Might wanna replace it with silver knight shield, you'll lose some magic protection, but will gain fire and lightning protection and stability. + it fits perfectly, since right now you have 2.5 unused weight and SKS weighs 2 more than crest shield.
    edit: dammit you'll need one more str for that (.__.)

    Also i think gankers hate everyone who doesn't just stand there and dies tongue

    Last edited by lalliman on Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:42 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : waffles)

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    The reason why gankers hate me. Empty Re: The reason why gankers hate me.

    Post by KrazykevS10 Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:53 am

    Haha,I know.I still feel like letting them kill me would still lead to them calling me a noob though.One guy started arguing with me over how I'm so evil for BSing while he popped estus like they were tic tacs. The reason why gankers hate me. 2707236321

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    The reason why gankers hate me. Empty Re: The reason why gankers hate me.

    Post by lalliman Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:44 am

    Yeah they love making excuses. I always imagine a gankers mind works like that of a cat, they think they're the king of the world tongue
    If you'd fight naked with a broken straight sword and killed them, they'd send hatemail saying that broken straightsword is op.

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    The reason why gankers hate me. Empty Re: The reason why gankers hate me.

    Post by KrazykevS10 Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:22 pm

    You may be right,the guy got mad and healed because I rapier stabbed him like 6 times in a row.I didn't even have my shield up.I should just stand at my spawn and wave until I'm backstabbed to death...

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    The reason why gankers hate me. Empty Re: The reason why gankers hate me.

    Post by Somayoshi Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:17 am

    Holy-thats a lot of health.

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    The reason why gankers hate me. Empty Re: The reason why gankers hate me.

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