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    LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build


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    LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build Empty LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build

    Post by LunarFog Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:40 pm

    This is a derivative of my "Pure perfection" build and is instead the best possible spear build(yes, that's a challenge). 40 Vit and End for a sturdy yet movable build. Dex and Strength are split to give the most damage to both the gold tracer and the spear. Grass crest shield for stamina recovery. Avelyn for runners.

    Both the spear and gold tracer work significantly better in both hands

    Gold tracer is for turtlers and bs fishers. I was having a hard time killing someone with havel's shield, so I switched to the tracer and just shred him to death. Because of the wide swing arc and fast tracking it can also dead angle and rip apart bs fishers who are sidestepping right in front of you.

    You can dead angle with a spear

    Tyler Durden
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    LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build Empty Re: LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build

    Post by RANT Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:45 pm

    I have that same build but I use the server and pike sometimes, iirc leo works only with phys damage so demon spear will not get good counter from it, use the pike instead.

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    LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build Empty Re: LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build

    Post by WyrmHero Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:03 pm

    I agree with Rant, Leo's works best with a pure physical AR weapon. The Gold Tracer doesn't get any bonuses from it so I would choose an Estoc as backup, something light and fast. The SKS will make this build OP, and fast roll or even DWGR make spearmen almost impossible to touch.

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    LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build Empty Re: LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build

    Post by LunarFog Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:32 pm

    RantFromRant wrote:I have that same build but I use the server and pike sometimes, iirc leo works only with phys damage so demon spear will not get good counter from it, use the pike instead.
    Same build? Damn. Well that's what I get for not really focusing on spears that much. Didn't think that Leo ring only accounted for physical damage. Dammit. This forum always proves me wrong.

    WyrmHero wrote:I agree with Rant, Leo's works best with a pure physical AR weapon. The Gold Tracer doesn't get any bonuses from it so I would choose an Estoc as backup, something light and fast. The SKS will make this build OP, and fast roll or even DWGR make spearmen almost impossible to touch.
    I don't need the estoc. It has the same speed and window as the spear, but with less range. The Gold tracer is only there for the bleed effect, and fast wide swings. And yea. I'm going to try out the Silver Knight spear and pike right now.

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    LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build Empty Re: LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build

    Post by WyrmHero Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:37 pm

    Yeah that was I was thinking, the Estoc is basically just a small spear. You might want to try a BSS if you get bored of the spear, it's pretty OP with Leo Ring. The R2 thrust can hit for 600 damage easily.

    Last edited by WyrmHero on Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build Empty Re: LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build

    Post by Ghadis_God Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:53 pm

    I don't know why one would want to mid roll with a spear if not to give the opponent a fair challenge. With those stats the SKS will be better with the Leo Ring.

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    LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build Empty Re: LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build

    Post by LunarFog Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:14 pm

    Mid roll - Perfect mix of maneuverability and poise/defense. I usually end up trading blows so it works for me. And I can dodge everything I want.
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    LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build Empty Re: LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:26 pm

    I don't think the Demon's Spear is very good with the Leo Ring, IIRC.

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    LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build Empty Re: LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build

    Post by Ghadis_God Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:42 pm

    Honestly, I don't think defense is worth all that much in DkS. The amount you have to sacrifice for the ability to withstand maybe one or two more hits before dying at the PvP meta is fairly worthless for me, I almost always wear light armor or go Dragon. The only real effect armor has is taking katana/spear damage down maybe 50 points a swing between light and heavy, and another 50 maybe between Dragon and light. That and nullifying elementals, which see a big difference in damage against a dragon vs full Giants. Midroll is acceptable for just dodging, but for setting up attacks and other tactics, the space control fast roll gives is important.
    The Letter X
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    LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build Empty Re: LunarFog Build: Apex Spear Build

    Post by The Letter X Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:07 pm

    If you're trading hits with a spear, you're doing it wrong. There is nothing wrong with trading hits in the first place, but why waste your advantage in range with a spear? Poke and roll with a spear is one of the most effective ways to fight; lighten up to fast roll or slap on a DWGR for maximum results.

    I also don't believe anything is wrong with mid-roll, only when using weapons like spears, katana, or curved swords.

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