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    Forum Challenges!


    Do you like the idea of Forum Challenges?

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    Forum Challenges! Empty Forum Challenges!

    Post by Lancelot Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:44 pm

    In another forum I used to visit, for another game I am a fan of, we had this sort of system called Awards.

    Now these awards were given to members for completing certain tasks, such as accomplishing tasks in-game, owning a game or DLC, and contributing to the forum.

    But I would like to refer to them as Challenges instead of Awards, as to not just completely rip-off the other forum.

    These Challenges could be viewed on the member's profile, as well as below a member's information in a post in the form of an Icon. It would look something like this:

    Forum Challenges! Cell5Je and Forum Challenges! DiCJVJC

    I created these as examples. Solaire's Challenge, which could be something like ooohh, "Your sunbro-therly love to the Warriors of Sunlight Covenant has earned you Rank 3 in the covenant. Congratulations!"
    And Quelaan's Challenge could be, "Your profound kindness towards Quelaan in the Chaos Servant Covenant has earned you Rank 3 in the Covenant!" or to be more diverse, the Challenge could be to open the shortcut to Izalith.

    Members could submit pictures of their characters completing such Challenges in a thread made for such things, and would be given the Challenge Icon.

    Of course, someone would have to create the Icons and govern over the system, and I would gladly do that. However, I'm rather novice at Pixel Art, so if there is someone else more qualified than I, they could happily take over.

    This is simply if, of course, the forum likes this idea and we move forward with it. I believe it would simply be a good way for players to stay more enthralled in Dark Souls and to come back to the forum, and also feel more accomplished while logged in.

    I think it could work, unless it couldn't, in which case "Dang."

    Thank ya for taking the time to read this.
    Duke's Archivist
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    Forum Challenges! Empty Re: Forum Challenges!

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:47 pm

    Could be fun. Depends on what the mods will say. :silent:
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    Forum Challenges! Empty Re: Forum Challenges!

    Post by GrinTwist Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:29 am

    I wouldn't mind adding this to the forum.
    The only problem I could see with this is that it might encourage members of the forum that are new to this game, to just rush through it and not enjoy everything that it has to offer.

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    Forum Challenges! Empty Re: Forum Challenges!

    Post by Lancelot Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:49 am

    GrinTwist wrote:I wouldn't mind adding this to the forum.
    The only problem I could see with this is that it might encourage members of the forum that are new to this game, to just rush through it and not enjoy everything that it has to offer.

    It could also encourage them to advance further into the game, though. Even if new players attempted to rush through the game trying to achieve these Challenges (which are only for fun on the forum, really, and to show off sorta), I'm sure they would run into great difficulty with the game just as we all did early on.

    What I'm trying to say, is: I doubt any new player would go out of their way to accomplish these Challenges and ignore the heart of the game, when the game is just going to punch them in the face if they try to outrun it.

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