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    Obsidian Greatsword SL 100 (PC)


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    Obsidian Greatsword SL 100 (PC) Empty Obsidian Greatsword SL 100 (PC)

    Post by bajan2k6 Thu Feb 28, 2013 6:30 pm

    Would like one of these on PC if anyone has one for trade or if anyone would like to assist me in getting one. Gametag is Bajan2k6

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    Obsidian Greatsword SL 100 (PC) Empty Re: Obsidian Greatsword SL 100 (PC)

    Post by bajan2k6 Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:15 pm

    Still need this or if anyone is willing to help me cut off his tail I'd be grateful.
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    Obsidian Greatsword SL 100 (PC) Empty Re: Obsidian Greatsword SL 100 (PC)

    Post by User1 Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:42 pm

    I would help, but I don't have this on PC. A suggestion off me is to wait for Kalameet's charge attack, and roll under his legs. His tail will be on the ground for a short period of time. This is your cue to hit as hard as you can. You can do this repeatedly until you get it.

    Posts : 6
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    Join date : 2013-02-16

    Obsidian Greatsword SL 100 (PC) Empty Re: Obsidian Greatsword SL 100 (PC)

    Post by bajan2k6 Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:59 pm

    RenegadeCop wrote:I would help, but I don't have this on PC. A suggestion off me is to wait for Kalameet's charge attack, and roll under his legs. His tail will be on the ground for a short period of time. This is your cue to hit as hard as you can. You can do this repeatedly until you get it.

    K will try that

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    Obsidian Greatsword SL 100 (PC) Empty Re: Obsidian Greatsword SL 100 (PC)

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