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    PC players, the Gremlins welcome all gaming methods..

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    PC players, the Gremlins welcome all gaming methods.. Empty PC players, the Gremlins welcome all gaming methods..

    Post by Serious_Much Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:41 pm

    That's right, the gremlins are taking over.

    I come to the PC section on behalf of our Gremking, Skarekrow to bring you our 'balance', acts of sheer tomfoolery and karma to bring about what people deserve, their just deserts.

    If you be of the pranking persuasion, come one and all to the base of the Karmatic Gremlin Gang and get yourselves initiated.

    ALL consoles welcome, and we'd love some PC players to come on board to spread the havoc on the warzone that is PC modded Dark Souls. I'm sure some of you could get 'extra creative' in this too.

    We are the Gremlins, Come join the party.
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    PC players, the Gremlins welcome all gaming methods.. Empty Re: PC players, the Gremlins welcome all gaming methods..

    Post by skarekrow13 Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:59 pm

    In Gremlin we stand,
    Divided we fall

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