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    Wealthy Benefactors and Admirable Aid Givers, the Gremlins want YOU!

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    Wealthy Benefactors and Admirable Aid Givers, the Gremlins want YOU! Empty Wealthy Benefactors and Admirable Aid Givers, the Gremlins want YOU!

    Post by Serious_Much Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:43 am

    That's right, the gremlins are taking over.

    I come to the Trade'n'help section on behalf of our Gremking, Skarekrow to bring you our 'balance', acts of sheer tomfoolery and karma to bring about what people deserve, their just deserts.

    If you be of the pranking persuasion, come one and all to the base of the Karmatic Gremlin Gang and get yourselves initiated.

    Take a break from your usual exploits and come prank some unsuspecting buggers with us. Hoarders very welcome also to help kit our first legion of gremlins out!

    We are the Gremlins, Come join the party.
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    Wealthy Benefactors and Admirable Aid Givers, the Gremlins want YOU! Empty Re: Wealthy Benefactors and Admirable Aid Givers, the Gremlins want YOU!

    Post by Sentiel Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:46 am

    Wealthy Benefactors and Admirable Aid Givers, the Gremlins want YOU! Nothing-to-do-here-template.jpg.scaled500
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    Wealthy Benefactors and Admirable Aid Givers, the Gremlins want YOU! Empty Re: Wealthy Benefactors and Admirable Aid Givers, the Gremlins want YOU!

    Post by skarekrow13 Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:57 am

    Help us to help you help us

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    Wealthy Benefactors and Admirable Aid Givers, the Gremlins want YOU! Empty Re: Wealthy Benefactors and Admirable Aid Givers, the Gremlins want YOU!

    Post by Bloodpact91 Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:12 pm

    Damn , i can't remember the last time i saw that video :O
    Lord of Ash
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    Wealthy Benefactors and Admirable Aid Givers, the Gremlins want YOU! Empty Re: Wealthy Benefactors and Admirable Aid Givers, the Gremlins want YOU!

    Post by Lord of Ash Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:25 pm

    What do you want from me personaly
    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer

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    Wealthy Benefactors and Admirable Aid Givers, the Gremlins want YOU! Empty Re: Wealthy Benefactors and Admirable Aid Givers, the Gremlins want YOU!

    Post by Demon Slayer Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:32 pm

    Yea.. What do you need of us...

    Trading Ain't easy 8)

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    Wealthy Benefactors and Admirable Aid Givers, the Gremlins want YOU! Empty Re: Wealthy Benefactors and Admirable Aid Givers, the Gremlins want YOU!

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